saijinto (10/16/06)
Your a really good artist.I like your artwork its really good.Looks like you already are a great artist, so you don't have a goal anymore^^anyway i hope to see ya around,later^_^
chikki (10/16/06)
I'm just here to tell you that I love your art, especially the ones that aren't just made on computer, photoshop or whatever it was that you use. You have a lot of fine detail in your art and beautiful characters. Keep it up! You are an inspiration for all the rest of us ^__^
rano30 (10/16/06)
i like how u draw it super good =] lol! so how r u? hopefully my scanner will be fixed soon =]
Animatious (10/14/06)
I love the way u draw! y does every1 have a Adobe paintshop thingy?! >.< I g2g get one now for sure! anywho I love the way u draw and I hate the way I do... ^-^ XD (die bad horrible drawing skills! either that or get better! *ok! :'(*) >.< adding u as a friend!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cute...
Bio2Hazardous (10/13/06)
Sheesh! your art kicks A$$! I'm hoping to post some more Recent stuff on my site, but it's a lack of scanner/DigiCam thats putting a stopper in my pregress...but anyhoo, Lovely site and thanks for the feedback! Keep Rockin
emily-chan (10/13/06)
*sheepish* I love your art, but I know thats not saying anything new. i just admire it greatly. you're awesome!
FelixDeKat (10/09/06)
*drools* wonderful art, dear! :D
do u mind if i add u as a friend?
Fire Fox Sakurie (10/09/06)
Konichiwa! Wow! You already have 60 something votes and you have like what? Under 10 pictures? Awsome job! I'm gonna add you to my friend list. Hope you do the same! Sayonara!
silenc3r (10/09/06)
hey i really liked all your drawings and i wanted to add you so plz respond and i guess ill cya! have a g'day!
darkwood (10/09/06)
Hey there just dropping by to say that i think your artwork is fantastic. i love your style of drawing and i hope to see more of your pieces soon. i added you as a frnd, hope you dont mind. well cya around :)