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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Well my weekends been great. I took the PSAT on saturday. the math was really easy but the words on it were really hard for the most part. Well i gtg so ill c u guys later byeya^-^
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Today my birthday! Im turnin 16. Now all i have to do is get my parents to decide which one of them is goin to teach me to drive.
Well anyway i hope everyone has had a good day. Since today is thursday we only have one more day of school then we have off for the weekend. I cant wait. Ive made plans with my friend to get together since we havent been able to in a while. im also takin the PSAT's this saturday. they say itll take 3 hours but that doesnt really bother me. Well ill c u guys around bye!! 
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
I finally had time to work on my fic. Hope everyones had a good day. My weeks been goin pretty good not much homework. Well i gtg so hope you enjoy.
The demons weren’t anything special, just the normal lower class. The demons of course wasted no time. They came rushing at them claws extended, ready to kill. “Do they want to die?” “Just think of it as they’re making our job easier by coming to us.” It was Sanzo and Goyjo. Shiro could tell that the demons didn’t scare them a bit. “Well I guess we’re gonna have to shut them up now or we won’t be able to rest.” The guys faced the crowd of demons. Then all hell broke loose. Sanzo blew a hole in the nearest demon and turned to the next willing to challenge him. The guys were so involved with their own fights that it was only when a few demons got past Hakkai that he remembered Shiro was with them. “Hey do any of you guys see Shiro?” “No.” “Nope.” “Sorry man, don’t see her.” This made them work harder and they finished off the demons in a matter of seconds. They had traveled into the small amount of overgrowth that surrounded the pool in the center of the oasis. Slowly they worked back to the jeep expecting the worst, but when they got there they found nothing. “Hakaryuu where did Shiro go?” Squeak Squeak “What did he say?” “He said she went into the center of the oasis.” “Let’s go then.” They quickly moved back to the pool. “SHIRO” When they broke into the clearing they saw something they didn’t expect. They found her sleeping on the beach. There weren’t even any demons there either. Goku couldn’t take it, he ran up to her and woke her up. “Hey Goku what wrong?” “You were sleeping. Weren’t you afraid of the demons and what they might do to you?” “You guys looked like you were able to handle it so I came here to take a nap since I was tired.” This resulted in a few moments of silence. Hakkai new she was lying about depending on them to keep her safe, but he didn’t know how he knew it.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Im fellin a wholelot better today. As it turned out we had shortened periods because of an induction mass. And in case ur wonderin its a catholic school.
Well i was just lookin round for some pics when i found these. They are soooo cute! 
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Today was terrible!
Sorry i havent posted in a while ive had a lot of stuff to do and a lot of tests to take. one of the tests was a bio test and some of the stuff on it she just assumed we learned last year.
On saturday i met one of my friends at the mall and we got our homecoming dresses. So that was really fun in comparrison to today.
Today i participated in a horse show. I rode an applelusa named Walter. Normally hes a really good horse to ride but today he didnt like the trailer the judge was sitting in. So everytime i came near the judge he wouldnt go in a straight line, pick up the trot or canter, or make the correct turn. All of these things cost major points and mine was the only horse that was doing anything like this so i ended up last in both of the trials i was in. I realize i shouldnt b mad because it wasnt my fault. it was just soooo frustrating.
Well i belive thats all for my rant. I promise ill post more of my story soon. Well i gtg bye.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
hey just got back from my grandmas. we had to go there cause my mom had her high school reunion. im gonna b workin on more of my story so i should b able to post more of it soon. Oh and i got my super tough bio test back on friday. i passed with a 79! even though this looks like a bad grade it was actually one of the better grades. Well anyway ive been readin a manga series called FAKE if anyones read it what did u think of it? Well heres a really cute pic of Hatori and Momiji. Hatori is so cute. 
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Sorry this bit is so small but im goin to a friends house and they should be here any minuite so i only have a limited amount of time to be on here. i hope u guys like the background music its the ending theme to fruits basket. Well i hope u guys all had a good week i should hopefully b on tomorrow or sunday.
They had been driving quite a while when Goku started to ask questions about Shiro. “Hey where do you come from?” “I’m from back east near the ocean.” “WOW the ocean!...... but then why are you out here so far west?” “Oh I just like to travel.” Something must have been bothering her because her answer wasn’t as light as she was trying to make it seem. Hakkai and Sanzo both noticed this so Hakkai jumped in with a question of his own before Goku could ask anymore wrong questions. “So how come you decided to take my offer and come with us?” “Hmm… I thought that would be easy enough for you to figure out. I took your offer because you seem to be the nicest guys around that town.” It was just then that they crested a sand dune and saw what was behind it. “Hey is that what I think it is or am I just seeing things.” “Yup it’s an oasis. It doesn’t look like its on the map so I don’t know how it got here.” “Hakkai did you ever think that they could have just missed it when they drew that thing.” “Nope this is a very accurate map so it should be on here.” “Well then we’ll just have to check it out.” They pulled up to the oasis. It looked innocent enough, but just as they all got out the demons appeared.
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Yeah i dont have school today! but on the other hand its not that good either. i dont have school cause of all the flooding round here. my house seems to be the only one out of my friends that hasnt gotten waterlogged. my sis had to go to school today though so i dont have to bother with her. Yeah! but of course i cant have any free time cause my mom wants me to do some cleanin. Well heres a super cute pic. hope u all have a good day. 
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
The weather is terrible but they say its gonna b sunny tomorrow. Just got back from a friend house where we watched fruits basket late into the night. Now im watchin the punisher movie. its pretty good. Well heres the cute guy of the day. 
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Not relly much time to do anything today to much homework. Well i thought this was a really cute pic hope you like it. 
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