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| moonofdarkness
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms fall
as a breeze blows through the trees
to sail through the air
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At night
the world plunges
into a deep slumber
until the light rises above
the dark
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this is the poem that i wrote for LA, so just bear with me.
During class in school I dream,
Dream of another world where I’m free,
Where I’m free from all my troubles,
Where fantasy is my reality.
Anything is possible in the other world,
In this world of mine that I’ve made.
I control everything, rule over all,
Everything before me in a cascade.
I can grow wings, if I want,
And fly over vast seas.
I can run swiftly through the land,
Run forever with limitless energy.
But today I sit and think,
In a tree by the river thinking
About the other world, the real one,
How I shouldn’t be dreaming.
But I brush the thoughts aside,
Because suddenly my vision is blinded.
A light shines in my eyes,
And calls me to awaken.
I don’t know what is happening,
Yet quite sure with certainty.
I do not want to go, but I know that it is time
Time to go back to reality.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

augh... there's been an overload of poems due in LA cuz we're 'ripping' thru it. damn LA teacher.
oh well, this has actually made me want to write poems cuz usually they pop up in my head at 12:00 am and i don't really feel like getting up and then by morning i forget it all. heh.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
2 Pianos 4 Hands part one
ha omg, yesterday our school had to go to see a play called 2 Pianos 4 Hands. i heard someone in the hallway call it 2 P****es 4 Hands. then i told Shologan and this is the conversation:
SH: what? but that's wrong, it supposed to be 4 P****es 2 Hands.
MoD: wtf? that doesn't work.
SH: it does to! there should be two per hand!
MoD: huh? that still doesn't work.
SH: yeah, but what if the p****es are small?
MoD: gah! Shologan, you pervert!
isn't she?
i'll explain the actual play in a different post.
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2 Pianos 4 Hands part two
the play was very boring, i almost fell alseep but i couldn't cuz a teacher was sitting right next to me.
we went with another school. during the play, someone from the other school threw coins at the stage. (some of them didn't make it and hit a few of my friends including midnightgirl)
they stopped the whole play and we were sitting there in full light for 20 minutes waiting for someone to confess. nobody claimed responsability so after a lecture, they continued the play.

Eyes is hot!
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well, i've haven't got much to say, except that now the homework flow has finally stopped and now i can relax a bit. but now, all he teachers are cramming in notes and making up study for our year end final exams, which i never study for anyways.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
i have to study for a chinese exam tomorrow, so yeah... and then next week i've got to do all the stuff that i couldn't do this week cause i was studying.
i can't think of much more to say... oh! today, i had to dig and pour compost into the hole.
it was so frickin' nasty! it was like this yellow liquid. don't ask me why it was yellow, it just was. then when you stuck your shovel in the bin, it let out this cloud-like thing. *retching* augh... it smelt bad too, but not as bad as last year though. last year, the compost was inside so it like manifested. and there was mice last year. well, this year too, but at least they were outside. anywayz, off to study...
 kyah! <3 cute, no?
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Music Videos
hey, if you love FLCL go visit Lone Tecko X. he's in the process of making a Kingdom Hearts video with a mix of l and ll. go check in on him for the KH vid later on.
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yay! happy mother's day!
yay! happy mpther's day! a shout-out to all mothers out there!
yesterday was my sis' birthday, she just turned 10. yup yup. and next week is my mom's birthday too. and i don't think she wants me telling everybody what age she is...
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