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Monday, February 20, 2006
I feel much better, thank you for all your concern! And my legs don't hurt either! All I have now is a cough and a small appetite...
Turns out I had a fever, nice huh? Good news is I never threw up ^^ So, all yesterday was pretty boring... perhaps I'll do something today...
So, how do you all like the new theme? I love Shinn <3 Can you guys hear the music up there?
Anyways, I'll go visit you all, see ya soon!
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
I'm sick now T.T I didn't fell good in school... I had a major headache and was coughing like crazy. I'm so glad there's a long weekend... I'm going to sleep it away. So, I got home and slept from 4 to 9:30 pm... Now that I'm not so tired, I'm just posting to let you guys know that I'll probably not be visiting until later this weekend. I took medicine and I'm waiting for the drowsiness to kick in.
On Monday, we had to do this 30 minute run, and my legs are still sore... I can't walk down stairs properly... T.T
Well, that's all I can think of to say... good night... zZzz
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope that whatever you do, you have fun! Whether it be going out with your girlfriend/boyfriend, stalking your crush or hanging out with friends, I hope you have fun!
And to those who don't believe in Valentine's, I hope you have a nice day ^^ I'm not doing anything special, I think my parents are going out so that means I have to babysit... i think...
Anyways, I made a little package with a lemon cookie and hershey kisses for all my friends. They're edible and that's my idea of a success! Ha ha!
Well, what has happened since I last updated... oh, summerbaby10 gave a Valentine's to a guy (via me) and he doesn't like Valentine's Day. I feel sorry for her cause he was kinda an ass about it. But she still has Polish Dude. (Polish as in Poland, not as in polish shoes, Chocobo you stupid butt)
Oh yeah, I have to finish this project I'm supposed to be doing, opps ^.^;; Well, I'll talk to you all later!
This a card I got from Shishou:

Thank you!
and one from Enigmatic Turk:
Thank you too!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I choose to be a serial killer cause the victims don't get any fame
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on lately... Lotsa stuff has happened since i last updated. My friend is leaving to another school, so we went to the cheap movie theatre last Friday that's attached to the a Chinese superstore. We went to see Chicken Little ^.^ It was funny.
Then the next day I went to Chinatown for the festival. It was much fun, i went with midnightgirl, summerbaby10, my sis and Tampon (lol, that's the nickname i'm going to use for her now. If you don't understand, see my last post, heh) Bought some stuff and ate more stuff. Lol.
Then on Sunday, it was Leonardo's 2nd birthday. They had a pinata, it was so cute seeing him hit it with his little stick ()>.<() Gwee!
Then a week of school... nothing in particular to say, except they gave us alot of projects and tests due this week, so i don't think i'll be able to do much promises
Oh, then on Friday, we went over to summerbaby10's for no particular reason. We looked up bands and squealed over the hot groom in the "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" video. If you like Fallout Boy, you should check out Panic! At The Disco. ^.^ Click here for the video. I hope it works for you so that you may see his hotness =P
Then we went to the mall and bought some of the CDs we checked out and met up with Roiben. We wanted the hot Wal-Mart Guys to be there, but they weren't T.T And i thought we had the times right... Now, i've got homework to do... Damn you, social!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Sorry (and a story!)
Hey guys, sorry i haven't been on lately. I don't really have an excuse, i just didn't feel like going online i guess. But now i'm behind on visiting people ^.^;; i'm not gonna do it today, probably on the weekend
Well, some of you might already know that it's Chinese New Year this Sunday! Yay for food and money! Chinatown is having this little festival it always has, and i'm going with my friend... but recently there have been these stabbings and gun fights and such, so her parents are a bit anxious. Hope i don't die =P
And since i brought up my friend, i just thought of a funny story. Well, maybe only the girls will find it funny...
My friend didn't know what a tampon was until about grade seven (she's a little behind on such things). She's in competitive swimming. You'd think she'd know earlier. Well, a few years later, she needs one cause... well, she does. So, she asks one of her swimming pals and she gives her one with applicant.
"Erm, do you have a smaller one?" my naive buddy says. LOL! (oblivious that there was such a thing, she used the ones you had to push yourself! >.< Ewwz! I didn't know there was such a thing)
I laughed so hard, I couldn't breathe. Ha ha... she's endless entertainment.
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Fun fun
The party was fun, we did lots of things that i can't really remember right now... lemme see...
-foosball (i got over-excited for that)
-play Scene It (that too... i like shouting ^^)
-watch anime and others (but of course)
-watch Beetleguese (yay!)
-ate lotsa junk and drank pop (my tummy huwt...)
-and some other random stuff i can't remeber... lol
Well, we stayed up til 5:30 am. Someone kept farting all night *glares* It smelt soo bad... We got 3 hours of sleep, didn't feel like pulling an all-nighter =P
Then in the morning, we just watched tv for hours XD
Today is the last day of holidays T.T I have to go to school tomorrow... i don't want to go back! I have a little bit of homework still to finish up, but hey, that can wait ^.~
But not for long i guess... *sigh*
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
La De Da...
Not much going on today, got to rush my homework, cause summmerbaby10 is having a sleepover party thing cause tomorrow is Friday the 13th!! Woot! ...and my mom says that i have to finish my stuff if i wanna go T.T
Hee hee, Beauty and the Geek is on tonight! I'm so happy =P the first season was soo funny. If you haven't seen it, you should.
There are 7 beauties and 7 geeks and they pair up and make teams. It so much fun, to laugh at how nerdy the guys are and how stupid the beauties are >.<
Well, i'm just gonna do my super-fast visiting (people who commented, lol) Bye for now!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I went to visit my friend yesterday to rub in her face how i'm still off school ^.^ T'was fun
But i've still got homework that is due when i get back ot school... so, i'll only be able to visit a few people, the ones that commented on my last post and maybe a few that updated today. I'm sorry, but because i put my homework off til the last minute, i've got to do that right now...
Oh! And it snowed last night! Yay! I hope we get enough to go sledding ^.^ It's so fun
Well, off i go, bye!
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Monday, January 9, 2006
What to say... well, Roiben was locked out of her house on Friday, so she had to come over to my house. Then i had the brilliant idea that if she already had all her stuff, why not have her stay? And that's what we did ^^
I like the way that you do it like dur, like dur 
Hmm... well, today is the day that most people in my district start school, but i'm on a different track, so i have until next Monday ^^ I'm thinking of going to a friend after she's back from school and rub it in her face that i'm still off ^^ aren't i nice?
Well, that's all for me, bye for now!
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Ho Hum...
I have no idea what to talk about... I can't even remember what i've been up to since Monday...
I think Tuesday, i stayed in my PJ's all day. Then Wednesday, some of my family went to the movies. Since there were no good movies out, i just went to the Chapters nearby and stayed there and browsed through books and mangas.
And yesterday, we went with Leo's family to MacDonald's. I didn't eat much, cause i hate fast food. We went mostly cause of the PlayPlace. Leo has sooo much energy... ^.^;;
And today... i don't know, homework? Ooh, and anime tonight ^^
Oh! There's that movie coming out today, Grandma's Boy. Heh, that looks so funny, I wanna see it!
Well, that's all for now. Bye!
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