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Thursday, November 3, 2005
yeah, i'm kinda bored... i'm trying very hard to visit you all.
today was ok, but what i didn't like about today was that i had to go outside for gym... and there was snow and ice... and it was cold... not as cold as yesterday though ^.^
so's... yeah, i'm gonna volunteer and help the less fortunate. aren't you proud of me? lol
that's all for today, bye bye!
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Nya ha ha ^.^
hee hee hee, trick-or-treating was much fun. we had a group of 7 for about 5 minutes, but then we dropped off one of my friend's little brother off. and then there were 6...
mesa hyper! gwah! i went as a goth and people said i looked scary... yesh... i didn't get as much candy this year... only one pillow case full...
hyperness... fading... *gulps down more candy* tee hee hee!
yesh... i've still gots homework >.< i'll see you all later then!
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!
today is hallowe-e-en! me is very excited!! i'm going as a goth... yes... i wanted to be something more original, but i didn't put it together until the last minute... yes, i know that i should end my habit of procrastinating.
i was at midnightgirl's house for a sleepover on Saturday and we watched Anchorman ^.^ lmao, it was so funny... LOUD NOISES!!! adn before that, we went grocery shopping. grocery shopping with midnightgirl is always fun =P
midnightgirl, Roiben, Sholagan are all meeting at my house at 5:30pm... and we might be having another 3-7 people joining us...
and i've still got homework to do! GAH! so, i'm very very sorry that i can't visit any of you peoples' sites! ...again... and i will try very very hard to visit sometime this week, if not, the weekend.
mmkay, bye now! homework calls... then Halloween! Mwa ha ha!
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Happy Birthday!
yay, today is kittykatangel's birthday! which means i got cake =) but i'm also very happy it's her birthday, yes yes. and she was born on Mole Day according to FriedChocobo... yesh...
nothing much happened... oh yeah! i raked the leaves and made a huge pile. after i just laid down and almost fell alsleep =P it was such a nice day outside, there was sun and no wind at all ^.^
today is also the last day before school starts again T.T i don't wanna go back to school... *sigh* i guess i better get ready and do some last minute homework... bye
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Friday, October 21, 2005
im back!
yay, i'm finally back! it's Friday morning and i only get three days of real rest... then schol starts again. my flight landed at 9pm Wednesday but i didn't get home til 10:30... i'm not sure what we did for an hour and a half.
and thanks to the guys who noticed my new theme =)
okies, lots to talk about, so here i go!
so, i've had a lot of fun in the past week, lots of walking too. and i was complaining about how hot it was and now it's so cold! and i looked out my window this morning and it was flurrying! (which is light snowing for those of you who don't know) i should've excepted it, but after so much sun, it was so shocking.
there's so much Disney shopping to do down there ^.^ it was much fun just looking at all the stuff
Disney World is made up of four theme parks, two waterparks, and other stuff including Downtown Disney. i went to all theme parks and Downtown in five days, then went to Downtown again... so i was walking for six days in a row. my feet don't hurt any more, thankfully, lol.
there was lots of stuff to do and so little time. there were rides, parades, 3-D shows, fireworks, musicals, lazer shows, and lots of other stuff i can't remember >.<
oh! i went to a Cirque du Soleil show, call La Nouba and it's made specifically for Disney so you can't see it anywhere else. but anyways, it was amazing! the people are crazy fit, i tell you. i envy them for being able to do such mind-stunning things. the admission is a little pricey, but it's worth it!
and weird thing happened during my trip, i saw three people from my school. one stayed at the same hotel as me, but i only saw her once at breakfast. another one i saw lining up for a ride and didn't see again. the other one is in my art class, i saw him at the airport and got on the same flight as me, then i saw him at the Orlando airport and he caught the taxi right before me. and i didn't see him again until a week later when we were on the same flight out. and he sat right behind me, crazy huh? we talked for a bit, though.
and now, i love to watch the show Criss Angel Mindfreak ^^ i've watched the show before, but now i love it! it's kinda gross in some parts though... heh, my mom says that my grandma think these kind of people sell their souls to the devil =P
well, i'm so sorry that i'm not going to visit any of your guys' sites today, but i will eventually! (key word: eventually) bye guys!
well, that wasn't so long, now was it?
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
gari gari gari ^.^
internet!! yay! well, today we had to switch hotels because there's this conventions and yeah, long story that i don't want to bother you with.
so just quickie post again (my sister is urging me to get off again) to answer some of your guys' comments:
FriedChocobo- my break isn't that bad, it beats school =P
Mina- yeah, i've started school, it's just that i went to school during August and now i get my vacations spread out more evenly and stuff ^.^ i still so the exact number of days
Roiben- well, that's very nice that you made a pen pal and i have no idea why she wouldn't reply... um, which one of us is less violent? that's a toughie... i'd say you, because... i'm more prone to lashing out and chocking/ kicking people, but i'd say you're very close behind ;) and yes, i did get you something, but it's a surprise, shhh.
Serenity- i don't like the sun here, it's just so intense! i love the rain, but it only rained here one day T.T i love lightning too... i'd laugh at any screaming people, heh. it's nice to know you're not fat, lol.
Ra-Chan- i went to Orlando, Florida... yes. i wish it would rain here like that...
JungWoo- lol, nanny nanny boo boo! (although, i would've rather gone to anyplace but an amusement park...)
Angiru- um, yes it is torture. and they hypnotize you into thinking that it's 'the happiest place on earth', no joking.
so yes, i've gotta go now... bye!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hello, it's Monday night and i'm tired. there's so much that i want to share with you guys but i'm just too damn tired! so i'm just going to try to sum up and give more details later (that gives you a few days to prepare yourselves and brace for an extra long post)
um... summarizing it up... Disney World is torture in disguise. i've walked though all four theme parks in four days and i went to Downtown Disney today. i. am. so. tired. my feet hurt really badly T.T
(this next paragraph is NOT ment to offend anybody and i'm not directing this toward ANYBODY!)
i'm really surprised that there are so many overweight people here... i can't believe the obesity levels here. i mean, there are fat people in Canada but not as much as here...
there are surprisingly alot of tourist here and i hear many people with British and Scottish accents ^.^ it's October and it's still so crowded and hot, i can't imagine what it must be like in the summer season >.<
so anyways, i'll post up another update in a few days, but for now, i've gotta get off because my sister, kittykatangel is bugging me to get off so she can get on. okies, til later!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
hello, sorry i haven't visited anybody recently. i've been busy.
on Thursday, midnightgirl came over and we had much fun. we went to Arby's and this group of nerd rebels were funny =P and then we went to my house and watched House of 72 Tenants, which is this Chinese movie, but funny nonetheless. if you want a more detailed description, go to her site.
then on Friday, we had this field trip. it was fun rafting down the river, but then we had to go to the water treatment plant... which treats the sewage of the whole city and let me tell you, the crap of a million people is NOT lovely smelling.
then on Saturday, i went to GirlofDarkness' birthday party. it was much fun ^^ GirlofDarkness conked out early, i stayed up til 3 playing DDR, the 3 played til 5. let me tell you, i suck.
then on Sunday, it was my other friend's birthday and i baked her muffins, and they were yummy. then there was this huge dinner thing and i was feeling very awkward. then i stayed at her house for a sleepover.
now, today we went out shopping and i went home and i was so tired... i took a four hour nap. now it's 11pm and i'm not tired at all. i'm so wired!
yes, now i've gott go because my dad wants me off... buh bye peoples!
oh! before i forget, i'm leaving for Orlando on Wednesday, not to San Fransico anymore. yeah, and i'm coming back next Wednesday, so i won't be on for a week, sorry!
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Friday, September 30, 2005
hey, sorry that i haven't updated in over a week, it's just that... i dunno, i don't really have an excuse... oh! it's cause my sister, kittykatangel, has been on the computer alot the whole week *nod nod* yes, that is my excuse and i'm sticking to it.
so, not much has happened over the last week... actually, alot has happened, i just forget. um... i saw The Corpse Bride on Sunday, it was good, yup.
and school has been a boring blur... i'm in school right now, so i may be able to visit some of your guy's sites, but if not, the weekend.
i've been working on a website thing with midnightgirl and she came over yesterday to work. it was much fun, although we didn't get much work done, lol.
we drew pictures with crayons, fun stuff. my religion teacher said that crayons make you feel young, and i agree with her.... unless there's this chemical in there that makes you high...
and today after school, i've got to babysit summberbaby10's little sister. she has a mild case of ADD, won't that be fun?
anyways, i'm off now to see how many sites i can fit in in the remaining 30-ish mintues i have left. bye bye!
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Friday, September 23, 2005
it's finally Friday! but, the week went by really fast, except fot Monday.
So yeah, looking forward to all the anime showing tonight. And so glad that i no longer have to study for Chinese school.
i think that the dubbing for Naruto is screwed, no offence.
Corpse Bride comes out today, i'm so happy! i want to see it today, but it'll probably be packed... T.T i'm gonna see it with Roiben, Sholagan, midnightgirl and idiosyncrasy... i think on Sunday.
oh yeah, before i forget, this is for Roiben...

Nya ha ha, i love Johnny Deep. *Mwah*
OH! guess where i'm going to go in October? San Fransisco! Fwee! yesh, me is excited ^.^ not that it's anywhere important, just because it's always fun to go on trips, don't you guys think so?
anyways, i've had a lot of homework to do over the past week and haven't gotten to visit everybody, but this weekend, i swear that i will visit all of your sites, i just may not comment...
ok, over and out! *is using radio-talk for those of you who didn't know =P*
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