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LOVELY COMPLEX Favorite Drama -Hana Kimi (Japan)
Um... to someday be in the graphic design field
Hanging out and having a good time with my buddies, drawing too
Not sure if I have any...
| moonofdarkness
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Past Few Days
welp, for the past few days, i've been busy, and that's why i haven't visited many of your sites, other than the ones that updated today.
so, yeah, after i post this, i'll go visit those of you who have updated a few days ago.
i've done a lot of stuff lately.
here, i'll try to remember what i've done:
Friday: watched an episode of Pokemon, went swimming, Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged Me, ice cream!
Saturday: went to Chinatown to play on the computers, started a Nepoets account (lol), went for dinner
Sunday: dim sum, shopping, the Gardens, ice cream!
so, yeah, all in all, very fun. i think that i've had enough ice cream to last me until next summer, lol.
so, anywayz, the thing that sucks most is that i will be starting school this Friday. it's so depressing *sniff sniff*
i'm planning on getting together with some of my friends in elementary, they didn't go to the same junior high as me, so we've been outta touch until recently. hopefully we can do something.
alrighty guys, bye!
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
hee hee, in less than an hour, my mom is going to babysit Leonardo and Nicholas while their mom is at the doctor. she has heart papiltaions (sp?), which is a bad thing. so, i hope she gets better soon...
yes, so anywayz since everybody in my family wants to go, we are.
but, yay! hee hee, Leonardo is the really cute one that i put pictures up of like a week ago. (look in my archives if you want to see) *kush kush* so cute!
here are a few pictures, if you want more, go check it out.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Last Night...
lol, last night, my brother had a friend over for a sleepover.
they played video games, were loud, made a lot of noise, set up a tent, and all that other stuff.
when they went to sleep, it was midnight and by then the thunder storm was right over us. then his friend got scared and wanted to go home. he called his parents and my parents dropped him off.
but before he left, i asked him why he wanted to go home, and he said that he hadn't seen his parents in a long time and he missed them... ha, yeah right. i saw him crying.
anywayz, that gave me a laugh. thought i would share with you all.
lol, and while my parents were dropping him off, me and my other sister were watching the lightning. i love watching lightning and listening to thunder ^^
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
200th hit!
wOOt! my 200th visit! Go me, go me!
lol, thanks guys!
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The zoo!
whee! omg, the zoo was so fun! and Leonardo was as cute as always ^^
we saw so many baby animals since its summer, tee hee hee. and he knows some of the animals and the sounds they make.
like when we saw the elephants he made their noise, and when we saw the wolves, he went "Awoo!"
after we went through the noctural area, he went to sleep, since it was his nap time. he looks so peaceful when he sleeps =P
after the zoo, we dropped them off and he went straight for the sidewalk chalk. he ran after ants and attacked them with it, and after he was done, there were so many dots and strokes on the driveway, lol.
so, all in all, a fun day. but i'm so tired... zzz.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I can comment again! thanks to all of you who gave my advice, cause yeah, it was the first time it happened to me.
anywho, i'm here again in Chinatown to check my emails cause i can't check it at home.
i'm planning to go out and buy a pastry or bun or some sort. but until then, i'll visit your guys' sites ^.^
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Friday, July 15, 2005
for some reason, i can't comment on any of your guys' sites. i click comments and the window pops up and i can read other people's comment, but i can't.
i have no idea how to fix it, and i don't think i changed anything since the last time i was here.
so don't accuse me of not visiting your site's... because i did!
please, i need your help!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
well, there's this outdoor festival thing (you people who live in the same city should know) and the whole city gets into it and there are breakfasts all over.
i went to one this morning, and there was the usual: pancakes, patties, bands, petting zoo, pony rides and yeah... i've gotten kinda old for this kinda thing.
but we met up with a family that's a friend of ours. they have this ultra cute baby named Leonardo! cute, no? he's German, and his full name is Leonardo Julius Beck, hee hee hee.
anywayz, we're going to the zoo with them, either on Thursday or Friday.
perhaps i shall put up a picture of him... yes! i shall!


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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Beauty and the Geek
lmao, i love this show!
if you haven't seen it, please watch it sometime!
now, for those of you who have... i hate Richard! he annoys me so much and he's such a geek! argh! i just want to strangle his little scrawny neck!
oh, and on the recent episode, when the girls gave the guys complete makeovers, they looked so different! some of them didn't look as dorky anymore!
lol, so what's your take on this show, guys?
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
i'm so bored... today, we went to the comic store i get my mangas from (we, as in my mom and the rest of my siblings). but i didn't get out of the car because i would be embarassed to be seen with them.
then, we went to eat dim sum and i bought a little thing from a shop for my friend midnightgirl because her birthday is this Friday. wish her a happy birthday everybody!
now, i'm bored and don't have anything to do. i think we we planning to go to the zoo with Leonardo (a cute little baby), but then that never happened. and then, i was gonna go over to his house to babysit him, but then his mom didn't go to the massage place with my mom...
yeah, i'm bored...
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