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Ummm.... i don't really know....
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Real Name
Whatever those people *points to friends* decide to call me
Hmmm... an achievement... *thinks*.......... AAAAAGGGG!!!! *brain dies...again*
Anime Fan Since
A few years ago
Favorite Anime
InuYasha , Kingdom Hearts, Fruits Basket, Trigun, Escaflowne, FMA, Paradise Kiss, Death Note, Hamtaro, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Bleach, Blame!, Saiyuki Reload, Princess Mononoke, and all other Miyazaki movies
Become a professional writer, and well..... hmmmm.... stay sane for about five minutes, and maybe be happy one day
Reading, writing, sleeping, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, sleeping more, running into stuff, dropping stuff, pulling chairs out from under people (that was an accident) and generally being clumsy...
Singing, writing, and pretending to be a genius
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
yay! ^_^
We went to flea market.... again! It would have sucked, except that i got a memory upgrade for my computer so it runs faster now. yay!!!! this one thing that usually takes it 20 minutes to load only took about 60 seconds. i only wish it hadn't been so hot at the flea market. i hate being out in the sun, so my skin is kinda pale. my mom says i look like a vampire, but i don't like being in the sun, cause i'm one of those people who doesn't tan. i burn. Bad. but anyway, i'm really bored so if anyone is on here, please comment on my thing so i'll have something to do. thanx ^_^
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
back at school
this is almost funny. i've spent my first two days of summer break at school. oh, well, at least i can post from here. i'll probably be at my neighbor's house tomorrow, so i might be able to post. then i'll be at home all week. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course this happy news is overshadowed by the several weeks i will spend at my dad's work.
Ed: every happy moment in your life is overshadowed by something!
Hi, Ed. When did you get out of the river?
Ed: when you forgot it existed since it was only something you made up within that thick skull of your's!
Hmmm.... yes, i suppose i did kinda forg..... did you just call me stupid again!?
Ed: maybe.....
I'LL KILL YOU ED!!!!!!!!!
*long, bloody, boring fight scene*
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
i figured it out. i can comment now! Life isn't meaningless!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA, IN YOUR FACE ED! *gurggles from the bottom of the river in response*
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hi ^_^
hello!!!!!!!!!! I'm at the elementary school on the computer, but it won't let me comment on anything. *cries* i've tried to fix my PM's but it didn't work. so i'm here but i have no way to contact what's the point?.....
Ed: there's not a point. there's not even a point to your boring life.
Will you shut up, you stupid glowing spider! (by the wasy, the finding of my brain did not make Ed leave. he's not an insane personality. he's a glowing spider who will never go away......)
Ed: I hate you, moonshine!
And i hate you too.
Ed: i hate you more.
Do not
Ed: do too
do not
Ed: do too
Do n....Ed look, cheerleaders in pink!
Ed: where?
*Ed is pushed into the purple river full of multi-colored fish, screaming all types of unprintable profanity*
I'm so evil ^_^ ttyl
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
school is over............NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not going to get to see anyone *breaks into a fit of saddness tears* Oh, well...... at least i'll get to talk to people on here and on the phone over the summer. Someone covered the floor of the freshman hallway with... i think they said it was baby oil..... anyway it was really slippery and people were sliding all over the place. that was funny. well g2g, ttyl ^_^, oh yeah, thank you Ane-chan for finding my long looked for brain. ^_^
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Monday, May 22, 2006
hi! Just thought i'd post before leaving for school. It's almost summer....NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want it to be summer! I live so far away from everybody, i'm not going to get to see anyone! And i'll probably spend all summer at my dad's work. ggggrrrrrrrr........The only way i'll even get to talk to people over the summer is on here and on the evil phone. *sigh* oh, well.... summer's coming whether i like it or not.......
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
I changed my avatar, but i'm still seeing the old one. Can anyone see my new one?
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YAY!!!!!!!!! HATORI !!!!!!!
Even though you think Yuki is the best, Amanda, I think Hatori is soooo much cooler ^_^
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Friday, May 19, 2006
just thought i'd post since i can't sleep, because....... I'M MAD AS FRICKIN'HELL RIGHT NOW! I don't usually get really mad, but today.....ggrrrrrrrrr, oh well, it's just been a really rotten day. I'm not mad at the person who will think i'm mad at him..... i'm mad at someone else..... anyway *lets black personality take over and begins to destroy stuff for no reason*
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Personality Wars
*Before anyone reads this, it might help to know that i am crazy, and that these names are the names of my multiple personalities*
Logic: I hate you all. Look what has happened to us because you've let this idiot rule!
Gelgamar: Hey, I happen to be that idiot you are speaking of and i like ruling. It's fun. ^_^
Logic: Ruling a mind is not fun! It's a serious matter not to be taken lightly!
Gelgamar: That's why i made you my advisor.
Logic: After you cut off my head, had Shyness reattach it, and then put a chain around my neck to keep my head from rollong off!
Gelgamar: *sigh* Haven't you ever heard of forgiving and forgetting?
Eros:.....Please get me off this chain......
Gelgamar: Shut up! You make us crazier than we all ready are. You deserve to be on that chain!
Eros: but i helped you gain the throne....
Gelgamar: yes, you did. But if you were still my adivisor i might have all ready lost it!
Insanity: ....die....THEY ALL MUST DIE!!!
Logic: will you ever shut up?!
Procrastination: Perhaps we should put off this fighting for while.....
Logic & Gelgamar: NO!
Sarcasim: this arguing is REALLY helping our situation
Shyness:......may i say something........?
Everyone: NO! We hated it when you ruled! Those were some of the darkest days of our lives! can agree.....on something.......
*arguement continues, but is terribly boring*
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