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Whatever those people *points to friends* decide to call me
Hmmm... an achievement... *thinks*.......... AAAAAGGGG!!!! *brain dies...again*
Anime Fan Since
A few years ago
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InuYasha , Kingdom Hearts, Fruits Basket, Trigun, Escaflowne, FMA, Paradise Kiss, Death Note, Hamtaro, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Bleach, Blame!, Saiyuki Reload, Princess Mononoke, and all other Miyazaki movies
Become a professional writer, and well..... hmmmm.... stay sane for about five minutes, and maybe be happy one day
Reading, writing, sleeping, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, sleeping more, running into stuff, dropping stuff, pulling chairs out from under people (that was an accident) and generally being clumsy...
Singing, writing, and pretending to be a genius
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
Yay, i finally figured out how to work the photobucket site. thanx, Amanda!!!!!!!!
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hi ^_^
Just thought i'd post really fast before i go. I probably be gone all day so....SORRY! But it's either go to this festival thing or go to my brother's football scrimage. *loses her lunch just at the thought* So i'll try to get on here later, but it'll be late. ttyl ^_^
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
i think i fixed everything. if anyone's wondering what i'm talking about, i just messed up my site real bad, but i think i kinda fixed it. I moved the globe to my quiz page so it wouldn't take so long loading my home page, anywayz ttyl ^_^
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
hey, can anyone see my countdown thingy? I can't see it, but it could just be my slow computer. The code is still in the profile, but i can't see it. It should be above the electic globe thing. hmmmmm. maybe i've put too much stuff on my site. I put a lava lamp on the shadowslayer7 site. it's cool. ttyl ^_^
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Saturday, April 29, 2006 ^_^
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
i just realized something
...... why are you reading this? Oh, right, the title. You're wondering what i realized. Hmmmmmm, that's interesting.........huh? oh, yeah.... i've got to tell you what i realized. Well, as i was sitting here, drinking my bottled water and eating gummy bears from Easter (no, i have not kept them that long. my mom bought them today for reasons unknown to me), when it occured to me that i really have an extremely dull life.
" It had taken you this long to realize that your life sux?!"
Don't be so mean, Ed. This is a crushing blow to me. I thought that i was actaully doing something fun, when i realized that what i considered fun was what other people considered sleeping. I mean, people have all these hobbies that they do for fun, but what do I do for fun? I talk to glowing spiders.
" Hey don't make fun of me! You created me remember."
That was an accident, involving radiation and a dr. pepper (which for people who don't know, makes me crazier than i already am). I would love to have the quiet tarantula back that i once had. *sigh*
" You didn't sigh cause you hate me. You sighed because..."
*SMACK! Ed goes flying into the therapist-eating shark tank. Unable to swim, yet unable to drown, Ed is left to yell a nasty string of profanity at poor moonshine, which she cannot hear because he's underwater* ^_^
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
hi much stuff to do...... i just spent an hour printing off information for my science report, and i've got all this other stuff to work on this weekend. no rest for me.
" Well, if you hadn't rested all week, maybe you would actually get to sleep more over the weekends!"
I hate it when you're right, Ed.......Oh, yeah, by the way, to the person i was supposed to call yesterday..... I'm REALLY sorry. My parents said that we were going to go eat somewhere and i was out-voted. So, we didn't get home until about 6:30 and i had a really bad headache. So i went to sleep. I know; i'm lame, but my head really hurt. Anyway, i'm really, really, really sorry.
Ed: *mumbles*
What was that, Ed?
"i didn't say anything, moonshine"
I swear you said something. it sounded like the words "spineless" and "giggle"
"You're just hearing things"
Ed: *evil spider smile*
..................maybe i should tell the story about you and that black widow spider living in the barn..........
"No, Moonshine! Please don't!"
I will, if you don't.........
*long boring arguement*
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
just thought i'd post since i'm at the library and really really bored. we listened to this tape of romeo and juliet in 2nd period and it was sooooooo boring. Ed ran away yesterday after the library/squirt gun agrument. he saw a troop of pink-wearing cheerleaders and i haven't seen him since. *smiles* i can still hear their screams. those people sure hate spiders. well, i g2g. so ttyl. ^_^
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Monday, April 10, 2006
at that place in school where all the books and computers are
hey, just posting from the....well......where exactly are we, Ed?
We're in the library, you forgetful idiot!
Oh, yeah. that was what it was called. i forgot.....hey! you just called me an idiot!
No duh.
*mumbles about the stupid glowing spider*
*sigh* Anywayz,...... i just thought i'd write something since i have nothing better to do. i'm supposed to be working on my report, but i just got a few websites and then got bored. *ssshhhhhh. don't tell my parents* i'll print off the information at home where it doesn't cost ME anything. Then, after several weeks of procrastinating, i will finally write the report and type it.
That's your plan?! That's pathetic! You should be organized or something like that!
o.k. then. since you can type faster than me, i'll make you type it, Mr. Smart Spider.
I would never use my special spider- typing powers to type an evil report!
not willingly. ^_^
*long argument over the effects of high-powered squirt guns and their effects on unnatural glowing spiders*
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
omg! My family and i got in a series of troublesome incidents yesterday. We went to the Frist Center in Nashville cause my parents wanted to see some art exhibit. Anyway, as soon as we entered the exhibit, we were stopped by security because we didn't have our sticker things that said we had paid. I told my dad we needed those sticker things. That was the first time i had every been stopped by security. Then, several minutes later, we accidentally went through a door we weren't supposed to go through, and triggered a very loud alarm. That was embarassing. then when we went to Target.....i know my mother dragged me off to shop AGAIN! my brother nearly knocked my mom into a candy rack. The thing almost fell! Gosh we were having an unfortunate day.......... ED, DON'T TOUCH THAT!
*very large explosion*
"I'm sorry, moonshine. I didn't know it would do that..."
"You're right." *muffled spider laughter*
*deep calming breath* "Just don't do that again."
"You know i will."
"ED NO!"
*another larger explosion. computer line goes dead."
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