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Ummm.... i don't really know....
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Whatever those people *points to friends* decide to call me
Hmmm... an achievement... *thinks*.......... AAAAAGGGG!!!! *brain dies...again*
Anime Fan Since
A few years ago
Favorite Anime
InuYasha , Kingdom Hearts, Fruits Basket, Trigun, Escaflowne, FMA, Paradise Kiss, Death Note, Hamtaro, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Bleach, Blame!, Saiyuki Reload, Princess Mononoke, and all other Miyazaki movies
Become a professional writer, and well..... hmmmm.... stay sane for about five minutes, and maybe be happy one day
Reading, writing, sleeping, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, sleeping more, running into stuff, dropping stuff, pulling chairs out from under people (that was an accident) and generally being clumsy...
Singing, writing, and pretending to be a genius
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
Yawn...... I'm tired. I slept in till about 9:00, but I'm still tired. Amanda and I went skating yesterday. It was fun. If I could skate better, it would have been more fun, but well..... I learned a little bit. *yawn* It was late when we got home. I dropped asleep as soon as I got inside. At least I didn't fall. Amanda did though *hugs Amanda* ^_^ Well, ttyl
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Yay! I'm still insane!!!!!!! but you knew that. I'm still bored, but the weekend helped me catch up on my sleep. My mom made me go to this mall in Columbia to get shoes. By the way, I don't think I've said this before, but I HATE shopping. Anywayz, now that you know that, after hours of wandering around aimlessly, I was in a pretty bad mood. I found my shoes first thing, but then my mom wanted to walk around and look at the "sales." WHY!!!!!!!?!!!!! What's the point?! That's it. There's not a point. It's an insane piece of sanity! I really did kinda need new shoes (my old ones had holes in them and duck tape around the holes), but I don't see the fun in walking around stores looking at clothes. FOR HOURS!!!!! *deep breath* I need to go calm down. I shouldn't get that mad about pointless things. ttyl *beats a telephone with an axe. After all, it is its fault*
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
bordem kills
Sleep deprived!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo bored! It seems like I spend all day staring at walls for no reason. I swear this is making me sane. No! That can't happen! I can't become sane again! Being sane is more boring than staring at walls! Insanity is wonderful compared to sanity. Normal people are evil! That's been added to my list of evils. *hehe* Oh, yeah, before I go.... the phone IS evil, grave13!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I just have one thing to say to all you rose recieving, balloon bouncing, love sick, crazy peoples out there. Guess what? Valentine's day SUX. I mean that in the meanest possible way. It's awful and I HATE it! Well, this should let you know that I've had a bad day. So....whatever. Cya. *angrily throws computer out a window then takes aim at a balloon heart*
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Friday, February 10, 2006
It's going to snow over the weekend! Why can't it snow during the week so we can get out of school? Maybe they'll let us out early, if the snow gets here soon enough. I finally finshed my report. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just gotta type it and set up some kinda visual aid. Guess I'm not as close to being done as I thought I was. Well....Cya.
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
New member!!!!!
Hey, I've got a new friend on this site. Her name is casceta. Please make her feel welcome.Thanx.
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Hi peoples.
I finished watching the third InuYasha movie. It was great! Unicornrain had been loaning them to me. A big thanx to her. Just thought I'd post since I have no life and am forced to confront the lack of anything better to do. Grrrr.... I've got to work on a report for physical science. I haven't started yet. Well, gotta got work on that problem plagueing my pathetic life. Talk later.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Hi, peoples. Today was not as good as Friday the thirteenth. I didn't run into anything though, so I guess that was a good thing. No one cares, though. It's not really important anyway. Especially since the world has been condemned and we're all going to burn in a fiery inferno. Why, you might ask? Because of the idiots who will eventually grow into larger idiots. *sigh* I am misunderstood. I came up with all that in English class. Pleasant, huh? The fiery inferno was inspired by the scorching temperature that the room had been set to. I should probably go work on hw. *attempts to disappear, instead crashes in to a wall*
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