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timeflies090 (i don't use it too often, but i might be on sometimes)
umm, here? Bunz: no stalkers eh! We too young for dat!
Member Since
Mousy-chan:Lulu's personal advisor, manga-ka, Lucifer: creator....Okami: story weaver...Bunz: FANGIRL!!!
Real Name
Bunz, Okami, Lucifer, and Mousy-chan
Okami: I've lived through 15 years of my life so far...Bunz: Went to Otakon last Summer and saw lots of Kaa-Sans(Kakashi) Lucifer: ihave none!...[sobs]
Anime Fan Since
^^ childhood (grew up watching anime) Bunz: me too, but ever since we met...Kio (another perv from Loveless) we've really gotten into it.
Favorite Anime
*chuckle* where do you want us to start? Bunz: you'll find I actually answer questions sometimes...I love D N Angel, Hellsing, Shaman King, One Piece, Naruto, Full Metal, Tenchi in Tokyo, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, Trinity Blood, Loveless, Avatar
*heh* Goals? We were supposed to make goals? Bunz: MEET DARREN SHAN MY VAMPIRE PRINCE!!!!! Geez, I hope he isn't reading this...I'll look like a nerd!
writing, drawing, reading, friends Bunz: listening to music fool and watching anime! God! How could you forget!?
Lucifer: dancing, writing, drawing (Okami) ........writing......Bunz:....well we do come up with a lot of nicknames, like Bunz and such...ummm..we're losers arn't we...?
| MoonshineDancer
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
More on BunZ's contest
yeah, since Okami puts up so many posts, mine will eventually be sent to the archives, so I better write down the rules quick!
Okay. It has to be one of the characters that I Roy Mustang (>//<). And they can be doing anything...but in the picture it has to say "Happy Birthday Bunny!" Um...a due about...July 7th (I don't know why I chose that date, but w/e). It doesn't have to be colored, but if you want to, go for it. me if you have a picture, that way I can look at it. Is there anything else? Um, this is my first contest declaration so if you have any more me! Um...okay. ^_^ I look forward to y'alls pictures.
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i am feeling and emotion close to happiness...
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. dude. i now have an account on it is freakin' awesome like hardcore cool. i have an avatar anad everything! yaynes! blondie koontez: "dear diary...mood; apathy. my life is falling into a downward spiral. i don't know. sometimes i think youre the only one who gets me."
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
EASY LISTENING: Walk Away by Kelly CLarkson
So my sister graduates this Saturday and I am out of school next Thurday...
Not much to post today, since nothing has really happened this week. The senior "prank" wasn't all that creative. All they did was write "Seniors Rock" on the ground floor windows in window marker. Not much of a prank...
I heard that one graduating class forked the lawn once because plastic knives were being taken out of school. Besides that, I don't know what the other senior classes of past have done.
Finals next week:
Monday = Mods 1A and 3A
Tuesday = Mods 1B and 3B
Wednesday = Mods 2A and 4A (half day)
Thrusday = Mods 2B and 4B (half day)
Thursday is our last day..........
RANDOM QUOTE: "It's my turn, right?"
BunZ' Happy Valentine's Day altered version, where this quote just made me crack up during lunch. She told me not to say too much about it, but if you PM me, I can probably fill you in...
tita! have a great day!
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Finished Manson's Contest!!!
this is my finished-submitted drawing for Charlie Manson's contest:
 Peace And Quiet Hosted By
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EASY LISTENING: What Girl's Dreams are Made of (i think that's the title) by Taking Back Sunday
I can't believe that school is almost over. I'm already stressing about grades (my dumb-a$$ laziness...) and such, but it all seems so...detached...
I can't wait for summer. I'll be able to work on my drawings and writings and such (gotta do something about this scanner also...might have to call up tech-support...or Paul!) Freedom is what I miss most...
Oooo! I can get my permit next January, so that will be the next countdown!
Today was the last day of Art Club for this year...
We might not even get our yearbooks until next week! I can't wait to see them. I heard they have a gold-colored cover...
RANDOM MOMENT IN ART: (instead of a quote today)
Chris broke a ruler in art today. He was playing with it and suddenly you hear this CRACK! He looks up at me as I look at him and Hey is laughing really hard by now. He jumps up and acts as if nothing happened as he goes to throw it away. Brandon (Blondie) watched him go with a huge smile on his face. When Chris got back, I just looked at him and said "Smooth..."
have a great day!
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BunZ Contest
Hey! BunZ is hosting a contest (see below). She said she missed a few things, like a deadline and prizes. Don't worry, she will have those up as soon as possible!
Mousy-chan has joined us in this MoonshineDancer family.
now off to have a pizza party with the art club
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
yup, see the smiley? That's what Okami looked like, just minus the glasses.
Yup. Okami was sunburned, and she did look like a drunk. This is my b-day month! And, if I could be so bold, can I request a "Happy Birthday" picture contest? I think that would be really cool. Okami participated in a "kill the scanner" contest on theotaku, so I thought, why can't I get people to draw some stuff in a contest for me?
Draw a cool picture of (a) character(s) from either one of the following.
Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, D N Angel, Loveless, or any of the others that I said I liked from the main site. Please Draw!!! I want this to work!!!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Hey Hey Hey It's FRIDAY!!!!
EASY LISTENING: Love Song by Korn
^^ since it's the first of the month, I'm going to go change my avii...
Now I just have to find/make a satan avii for Lucifer and we're set for the next two months....I have more wolf ones from Iconator, but it's getting harder for me to get stuff off of there because of all the things that's happening to iconator...might have to look for more stuff or work with the crap I have...which is a lotta crap XD
whoa! busy weekend "planned"
Lucifer wants to steal me for Saturday and so does Amy...
Saturday night and Sunday morning I'm off to my step-mom's and sensei's .... nothing else really
Ah..........the blissful days of summer where I can get a job and draw and write and SLEEP IN! woooo!
Mousy-chan and I were "fighting" in art class across the room. I stuck out my tongue at her, she did the same and then picked up her 12-inch ruler and licked it. I licked my long meter-stick-like ruler and she sighed and said the quote...this is turning into a "quote of the day" thing...XD
have a great weekend!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
the stress is gone and I am feeling serene...
EASY LISTENING: See You On the Other Side (the CD)
ahhhhh. The video project is done (as good as we're going to get it I believe) and the stress from that is gone. No longer to I feel all stressed and tightly-wound. Maybe I'll be able to bring up my grade after all!
Yay! only a few more weeks left!
Already I have a busy summer planned! Job, OC, Otakon, grandma's, friends, bf....ah, the blessed days of summer! I can SLEEP IN!
If you haven't noticed...sleep is VERY IMPORTANT to me, since it's my little "nothing is bad" time (or something...w/e)
^^ That little moment of peace in life--sleep
Not much else to say...
RANDOM QUOTE: "You look like you're drunk..."
I have a sunburn that is only REALLY red around the tops of my cheeks and across my nose, so it looks like I'm drunk...or so Mousy-chan says. ^^ just another inside joke that started today.
have a great day!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
no car = no way to get anything done
EASY LISTENING: I Am the Highway by Audioslave we still need to finish our frickin' HELLth project by tomorrow. Currently, we still need to get a few more current event things in it and work out some chamercials and such. Personally, I think I might have to take HELLth during the long as it isn't with the guy I am with now...
Tomorrow I am going to guidance and asking if I can talk with them. I don't know how much more things the man is going to collect/grade, and I have no clue...if we don't get this done, I will fail the class MISERABLY! and I will definitely be taking it over during the summer. I REFUSE to have to retake it next year with the same man...
The reason why I bring this up again is that I can't make it over to Maddi's because I have no ride. Doesn't that suck? No ride until about 7pm, and by then, Maddi would probably have already gone off and done something else...
damn you, time/age-limit/MVA(or is it DMV....DAMN IT ANYWAY! XD)
wow....yet another rant...sorry
RANDOM QUOTE: "Craptasitc!"
this is self-explanitory
have a great day, and hope your head doesn't explode like mine will.......
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