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myOtaku.com: MoonshineDancer

Thursday, October 4, 2007

   Three Day Weekend, Good for my Mental Health
EASY LISTENING: "Lucky 4 You (Tonight I'm Just Me)" by Shedaisy

Spirit Week starts next week:
Monday - Formal Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Hat Day
Thursday - Spy/Detective Day (007 is our theme, but it's 007 without the 007. As in, no sex, drugs, gambling, nudity, ect.)
Friday - Pep Rally with Class Colors (Sophmores have White...better than Gold...I feel bad for the freshmen...)

Well, it just adds more to my spastic schedule. Luckily, I was dropped in Crew, so I don't have to do that anymore (too many people signed up, and they're doing a very small production, so they only need about three or four people), which is one less thing to stress about. AND I can join comic book club again! I can wait until the spring for Crew (BIG production, The Music Man) when they need more people.

Ah, so I have to draw tomorrow, then give BunZ back her book. AND I have to go to the library tomorrow (holds came in, I need new books, ect). This weekend is going to be relaxing to me, if I get my homework done early =D

I have Formal Day all set up. I'm going in a suit (one of my friends said that wasn't girly, so I told him I don't care) since I asked my dad for a black tie and a white button-shirt, so he lent me a jacket as well.

AH! Drama class was so much fun! We started improv, and with my class, that is going to be interesting. Already we improvized a nursing home, where I got killed by the homicidal lunchman (Dan) and dragged away by my feet like a dead body. Oh the fun we will have!

*hugs for everyone*

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