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Monday, January 9, 2006
one more week of freedom =-.-=
Hay its everyones favorite evil person me =^.^= I only have one more week of freedom untill i have to go back to collage =-.-= I'm sad and yet I can't wait to go back because well I don't know what to do with my self XD. I joined deviant art and started to post my work and some new work. I'm still going to put my stuff up on my site with my sis so don't worry. I still have to upload the first chapter of the comic too =@.@= I know I'm takeing very long but trust me its worth it. BUT if I take toooooooooooo long I'll just post up the comic story so tthat way you know whats going on and then put up the comic when I can =@.@=. All my art work is on my floor and desk I really have to clean my room =@.@= OMG I'm typeing toooooooooo much *el gaspo* =0.0= well I'm off to try and clean or end up drawing XD
well sayonara =^.^=

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Saturday, January 7, 2006
to early =@.@=
OMG its early =-.-= Well I'm up cause I have to go yet again to get my photo ID. Me and my friend tried 3 times but we kept on forgetting our stuff at home. So we have to go again. I'm going to hang out with some of my friends later cause some of them have to go back to college soon. =>.<= I dont want them to go but it happens. Well I'm off to the gay ass DMV again. sayonara

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Thursday, January 5, 2006
the only thing that takes away sadness is the warmth of love =^.^=
I'm so happy =^.^= I spent most of my time with my hubby. I love him so much. We have been both down lately and yelling at each. But now we are making things better for our selves =^.^=. My mom came over too and yelled at me to fold my clothes =-.-= THEN she had my hubby do it to! =>.<= damn them when they are together! Oh well as life goes on. I started to watch bleach today too. Its a good anime I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT! XD soooooooooooooo GO GET THE MANGA OR ANIME! lol I'm sorry I'm just really happy right now. Well I'm off *runs off with flameing katana*

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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
When my tears fall I wish to die even more
Hi everyone I hope you all have a nice day. I'm starting out bad it started last night but I'm not one to tell you all my problems. well any way I hope you like my new theme I made the post bg and the wallpaper bg I have to put the wallpaper up on my sis and y site. I hate the world today =^.^= *fake smile* my cuz is here with the baby and now the baby is crying =-.-= I better go. bye.

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Monday, January 2, 2006
I'm so tired =@.@= My grandma is making me eat pancakes and I'm trying not to sleep on them. Well My new year was GREAT! My hubby stayed the night well untill 4:30 at least cause he had to work at 5am. Poor hubby. Well any ways I hope all of ur new years was ok. I know lots of ppl have to go back to school soon. I dont have to go untill the 17th. =@.@= I dont know what to do with my self untill then =@.@=. Well I'm off to draw and stuff like that. SAYONARA!

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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Its NEW YEARS EVE *el gaspo*
First thing thanks for the happy birth day wishes all of u =^.^= I made this banner for u all!

Well I hope you all have a great new years eve and day. I'm gonna spend it with my hubby Reese. =^.^= Well I'm off to visit u all and do stuff you know evil stuff =^.^= Well have fun sayonara!

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Friday, December 30, 2005
Yep the evil one is 19 right now =-.-= I'm getting old BUT I still look and act 14 XD Well no one in my family has notice its my B-day they still think its like 2marrow =-.-= They never know when I'm really born. I never get gifst on my B-day either caue no one cares they just make my christmas gift my B-day gift too. =-.-= Oh well thats my life. So have a great evil day all oh and
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
She took off the anti-mooshu club *tears* ohe well.
Any way in other news I JUST WOKE UP! My sis Ali made me get up to talk to her on the com XD. I was planning on sleeping longer but it didn't work lol. Well I'm off to do evil things and stuff like that. =^.^= see ya
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I just found out today from my sis that there is an ANTI-MOOSHU CLUB! XD I think its hella funny all because I love kenshin and Gaara. The funny thing is I want to join the anti-mooshu club too =<.<=. I'm suprised that anyone would even make one about me XD. Think about it I'm a no body and no one cares about me so y make a anti-mooshu club? XD Its just to funny. Any way I'm still trying to make myself upload my comic to show all u great ppl! I know I know I'm hella lazy =@.@= but It shall be up soon XD. I'm gonna be 19 soon =^.^= my B-DAY is on the 30 of december. =-.-'= I'm getting old I know. OH WELL I'LL go check out ur sites now =^.^= See ya all u evil ppl! XD I WANT TO JOIN THE ANTI-MOOSHU CLUB TOO PLZ!!!!!!! LOL I just had to add that in. =^.^=
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
OMG I'M GLAD ALL MY CLASSES ARE OVER =@.@= Oh and I got this cute banner today too =^.^=. Sorry I havent been on I just have been busy with last minute stuff Oh and the comic is done now I just have to scann it and put it up on my site =@.@=. That should be done soon but right now I just want to relax =>.>= HOPE U ALL HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!!!!!!!

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