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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
I'm so mad right now both Gaia and Ragnorok is not working for me right now =>.<= THAT and my fuckin foot hurts like hell. -_- I guess its just a shitty day for me. I would play my alice game but I wanted to get my level up on RO and get more clothes for my person on Gaia =>.<= THE WORLD HETS ME SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!! Damn u world *shoots the world*
World: Oh no u didn't
Me: =O.O= oh shit
World: Now I'm gonna kick ur ass
Me: Fuck =-.-=
*world kicks my ass and leaves me to die*
Damn that world kicked my ass =@.@=
well besides all that I guess my day was ok and I got my 3D project done =^.^= and may I say I love it. My damn comic is still not done cause its the last 2 weeks of school and that means FINALS! =-.-= Damn that word. DAMN IT TO HELL!!!!! OH well Girtit. I'm off to try and find something ellse to do so bye bye for now.
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
OMG =>.<= ITS ABOUT TIME MY OTAKU WORKED FOR ME! I was trying to get on the other day but the site kept on messing up on me =>.<= It was really pissing me off. Well any way I'm in my gay ass writeing class right now and my teacher just walked out. I couldn't find my USB drive so now I have to retype my paper -_- It sux. Lucky I printed it out to see what corection I had to make =^.^=
I had to sleep on the floor last night =@.@= cause someone stole my bed! JK JK My mom had to take down my bunk bed cause I'm getting the reall bed today =@.@= It was weird sleeping on the floor cause I haven't slept on floor of my room in a long time. Well I better get back to typeing this gay ass paper. Oh my comic is almost done and I'll be able to put it up this weekend. Hopefully saturday when I come back from the wedding =@.@= I'm going to wear a black dress with my crimson hooded cape XD AWSOME NO?! Well I'm off to see the gay as wizard of the wonderfull gay ass writing class of OZ!!! lol
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Monday, November 28, 2005
GIRTIT! =O.O= Oh hi
Wow I haven't been on for a while =@.@= Sorry its just that between the website and comic and school I had no time to update =@.@= I hope you all had a great holiday =^.^= I sorta did but the break was to short for me. Oh the comic is almost done as well as the site too. If you want to see the site now just go to
you'll see 2 banners =@.@= mine is tigerbrat and my sis is Bakuras angel Suntetsu. She still doesn't have alot on yet but All my pages a pretty much done All I have to do is put up the comic and more funny cute anime stuff =^.^= OH I also I have to start typeing on the rant page =@.@= ya lots to do in so littel time. OH if anyone comes here and is my sis's friend I MADE THE LAYOUTS NOT HER! =>.<= I'm sorry it just got me angry when everyone thought she made her layout. If you look at the bottom where the copyright is it says Tigerbrat not suntetsu. I worked my ass off makeing thoes sites and it hurst my fellings that ppl thought she made hers -_- I was up for like 2 days doing it. Well any way if you want to check it out then go have fun and look at it but The comic wont be up untill like next week sorry =>.<= Its just that when I do comics I really make it look like a comic =@.@= and comics dont take just one day you know. Well have a great day and I'll visit you all when I get home k cause I'm in class right now =@.@=.
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Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm so damn tired right now its not funny. I was up since 8 yeastarday makeing two layouts for me and my sis Ali. We combined out freewebs to one so you can visit both of us =@.@= my side is close to done but she has to work on hers putting stuff up. I also have to finish my comic to post on my site =@.@= so much to do and so much time to do it for th break. =@.@= if you all haven't notice I answered ur post like this ------> =@.@=. Dont worry I read them its just I'm soooooooooooo tired. =>.<= my sis better like her site layout I WORKED HARD ON IT! =>.<= =@.@= need sleep its my friend. Sleep good for mooshu yes yes it is *nods off* NO MUST SAT AWAKE BECAUSE I'M IN CLASS =@.@=. Class evil like me and sleep is needed for the evil =@.@=. I forgot to do my homework for my next class. =@.@= my teacher is going to kill me. Oh well =@.@= ok I better go back to work or my teacher with paper cut me. Stupid writing class keeping me from my sleep =@.@=
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
I finally finished my cover and now I'm working on the layout for my site so I can put it up for you all can read. Sad to say the comic wont be done untill next week because I have alot of fight sences to ink out. =@.@= so much inking. Me and my sis Ali put our sites together lol so when its done u can chose who u want to see. Or if you want to see us both =@.@= and stuff. I worked hard on the layout so when its done tell what u guys think. Oh and I made both mine and my sis's layout =@.@=
Yes I work hard on to much stuff. Well I hope u all like the cover and I hope u all have a great holiday and stuff. =^.^=

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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I'm still here breathing

(Gaara happy)
Hi I think I'm feeling a littel better today. Even if I still think I should just drawn in darkness. Well any way I finished sketching the cover to my comic I'm making. It looks good at least I think it does. I have to scan it and stuff. Then I have to photoshop it too. Well I hope all of you are doing fine at least better than I have been. I just don't know what the hell is wrong with me anymore. *looks away* Well see ya and I visited u guys today sorry for not stopping by the other days I just wasn't in my right mind thats all.

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Friday, November 18, 2005
I'm getting worst
I just want it all to end...
the stress...
the pain
and the will to live...
I want them all to vanish so I can finally feel the cold hand of death...
of nothing..
I'm tired of it all now.
I want it to all end so no one can worry or care for me anymore...
Why do I feel this way?
Why do I have to feel so lonely when I have many who love me?
I wish I knew why I feel this way...
But I don't so I have no answers for these questions.
The demon inside me laughs.
She just loves to see me suffer as many others do.
I am just a puppet to this world.
I can't wait untill the day the world cuts my strings....
So I can vanish and for everyone to forget me...
No this is not a poem but how I feel right now. I'm sorry if this made u sad but I doubt anyone will even read this. If you do I'm sorry for this. I just dont have the will to live anymore. I hope you all are doing well.
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
I wish I had a better day -_-
Hi sorry I didn't visit anyone I'll visit today. I had a bad day I'm so depressed and I was crying all day for no reason. Well I wont bother you all with my problems so I'll just stop here.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I have to pull a all nighter =@.@=
HI EVERYONE! I have to pull an all nighter cause i didn't feel like doing my drawing homework early and my animation homework. =<.<= I'm cutting my animation class so I can work on it at home =^.^=. Its bad I know but my teacher was gone for like 4 days so I can miss one en=ven though I'm paying for it. =<.<= I'm still working on my comic. so far I have the first chapter writen so now I'm drawing it =@.@=. I have the chapter one page drawn and I still have to finish the cover. Its a private comic for me and my friends but I'll share it with u all if u want. The character in it are ME =^.^=! Kenshin and the naruto character for now. Its weird I know but its funny and cool so far XD. well I'm off to pull my all nighter oh and here is what I have done with the chapter1 page. I might be to lazy to put more on it but who knows. =@.@=

(making new banner to put here too)
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Another day another change for my evil site mwahahahahhaha =O.O=. I was working on sketches for my comic I'm going to make =^.^= Its going to be evil cute cool =@.@= I found these on a site and I thought they were hella funny XD. =<.<= I have plaster homework to work on but I want to work on my comic first Oh well school comes first I guess. Well have funn with the fan comic art I put up. I think they are cute =^.^=

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