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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Om me Oh my I'm back again =O.O=
YAY MY SUPER COOL TIO FIXED MY LAPPY! =^.^= (Tio = un K I L L) lol ya thats how I say it unkill and not uncel *think i spelled it wrong oh well* WELL ANY WAY i HAVE MY LAPPY FIXED NOW AND MY DRAFTING TABLE FINALLY CAME! =^.^= and I went to china town and got some cool new anime stuff too =@.@=
I'm planning on making a manga for my freewebs site. =@.@= ya and stuff like that well I have to go and put my table together well see ya all
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
my lappy is GAY!
Hi sorry if I'm not on for a while my laptop has a worm and my uncel is going to fix it later. Sya and stuff. =>.<= I HATE ALI'S DAD. Hes taking her away from everything and everyone she knows. Must fight urge to kill.
Well ya and stuff bye all untill i can fix my lappy.
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Stupid school
I had class today -_- I should have just stayed home cause all we did was paint different shades of grey all day. =>.<= IT WAS STUPID!Well any way I hope all ur days off are good. I'm taking some of my friends from collage to china town 2marrow. Non of them were from philly so I'm showing them the city =@.@=. I cant wait to go to the anime store 2marrow either =^.^=. I still have money from my cheap ass check. I hate work study jobs u get payed less. I should have stayed at the kennel job at the animal hospital. I was getting payed 8 bucks an hour for taking care of dogs and cats and other animals =@.@=. Well I'm off to paint my project so see ya later.
Oh I'm sorry if I dont visit today my lappy is still being stupid I have to get my hubby to look at it.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
I'm bored =@.@=
Yep its thrusady and I'm in my gay writing class. -_- My teacher is so stupid, but I got an "A" on my paper =^.^= thats good no? Well I'm tired and bored and darkness is knocking a my door. Shall I answer? =o.O= I don't know either way it will find its way in to my life for nother season. =@.@= Sorry about that I got all artsy with my words. DAMN ART COLLEGE AND ITS COOL FUN ARTYS WAYS! XD I'm still working on my banners for my pirate club. I cant seem to find really good pics for it. If anyone knows plz PM me to tell me were to find some. It can be anime or real it don't mattter to me. I hope u all like my new teme in vid XD. FLCL is one of my fave animes =^.^= All my firends say I act like Haruko san =@.@= Its true I'm weird like her and I can turn evil like her too! =^.^= I get my check today I think XD I CAN GET ANIME TODAY MAYBE! =<.<= I know I'm not going to get alot on my other check cause I had to miss work for 2 days this week -_- I had my reasons really I did. OMG I'M TYPEING ALOT TODAY! =@.@= Oh thank u to all u ppl who joined my clubs =^.^= They are all still open is anyone ellse wants to join. =^.^= If u want the names y can pm me or look at the banners scroll by up above. Mine are the ones founded by "Mooshu/gaaralover18" =@.@= well I better look like I'm working cause my gay teacher just walked in.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Hay all u evil ppl =^.^=
OMG my lappy is being gay =>.<= I think someone is trying to hack it or something is trying to get threw =>.<= Its pissing me off.
Well any ways I went to school and it was ok I guess. My drawing teacher was angry cause alot of us forgot to do our homework XD. So we have to get it done next week. My plaster project looks cool =@.@= but my 3D teacher is all like it could be better if u do this and that =>.<= but it would brake if I did what he said. -_- I didn't go to animation. I forgot my video tape at home and my paper so there was no way for me to work in class =>.<= HOW STUPID COULD I BE! Well I'm off to see waht the hell is wrong with my lappy =>.>= TAKE CARE ALL U EVIL PPL!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
HI =O.O=
Sorry about not posting the last 2 days I think =@.@=. My cuz came over and she needed a place to stay cause her family didn't want her any more cause of reasons. I'm tired I got up 5 this morning just to kick her out the house XD. I'm kiding I love my cuz. I still have to clean my room its still crazy. =>.<= damn cleaning to hell. Well thats all have for u all today. I have school and work to go to soon so bye all u eveil ppl =^.^=
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
Ok my Naruto Kult club is open now and u can check out the banners soon. If u want to join u know just PM me and I'll give u the codes =@.@=. Well I have my new bed in my room but I have to finish cleaning cause my cuz is coming over to stay the night. I'll visit u all soon I have lots of crap to do and stuff. Lucky for me I have no first class 2marrow =^.^= so I can sleep in late but I have to work -_-. Well blah blah blah and GIRTIT!
Here are the banners just PM me if u want to join k =^.^=

Luv ya all =^.^=
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Ok the banners for my kenshin club are done now. If U want to join then just pm me and I'll send u the codes to the banners.I'm working on the NARUTO KULT now so if u want to join that it should be done 2marrow =^.^=. I just like making banners so I wanted to make clubs if ur wandering. My other site has no success lol. I think are just checking it out cause of the vid on it. I'm still kepping it for the dark side of me =^.^=. well here are the Kenshin banners so check them out and PM me if u want to join k.

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Friday, November 4, 2005
kill me now or die trying
sorry about the post name for somereason I'm so dpressed and stuff today. I walk around with a smile but inside I'm like get away from me. Well my other site is done so u can go check out gaaralover18 on myOtaku if u want you dont have to. Oh My Gaara Lovers club is now open. If u want to join just pm me for the links these are the banners I have so far.

I think I kicked ass on the first 2 the last one is ok I should have done it cooler I think. Well I'm working on my Naruto banners and Kenshin banners and other club banners too. I'll let u all know when they are done. So I'm making 4 clubs I think. GAARA LOVERS, KENSHIN WORSHPERS, NARUTO KULT (with a k not a c cause of reasons u know) and PIRATES CREW. Ya I hope ppl will join at least one club. Well I'm off to do stuff.
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
I hate the bus
I hate SEPTA so much right now. They went on strike so now I have to find a ride to school. I can't walk cause I would have to get up extra early to get there on time and plus I have a lot of crap to carry. So I'm missing my class again. =^.^= but its my gay ass writing class thats the best and funny part. =<.<= so its good and yet bad for me cause I'm loseing points in class I think if I dont come enough, but its like only my 4th time I think I have to be careful if its my 5th. Well I'm off to type up more of my gay ass paper to e-mail it to my teacher.
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