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perfessional cupcake taster
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im kinda weird....but people still think im cool..ish :D
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i don't really remember.
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i like lots of anime and im too lazy to write them all down.
to go to paris and not die old and alone :D
drawing and music and stuff
im pro at tripping over drift wood when im flying a kite <--has no real talents
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
oh joy
im going on a family roadtrip to the tri cities. im gonna spend like 4 hours in the car with my parents and brother. so its pretty inevitable that my dad and my brother will end up fighting. so besides that some guy stood me up yesterday. i was mad. i wasted like an hour waiting for him. then he fnally called and said that he couldnt come. i walked to titlow park for nothing. its like a mile away from my house but its all uphill. i dont like hills. then today my mom took me out to go get breakfast. and my dad came but that made it a little less fun honestly. then we went and got a light for my grandpa's house and we came home and ive been talking to people online ever since i got home. its like 4 right now. well theres not much for me to talk about so im gonna go. bye. =D
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Friday, August 10, 2007
i went to go see about getting braces today. it turns out that im going to get them on October 2. hooray. the appointment for this dentist appointment was 8am again. and the next one is August 22 and is at 8am too. its better than the one they wanted me to go to though. they wanted me to go in at like 7am but i was like "nooooooo" then my mom and dad took me to a carpet store. i didnt want to go. i wanted to be at home sleeping. so when i eventually got home again it was 12n noon and i knew that i wasnt going back to sleep. so then i played Civilization 3 for hours and im no where near winning my game. god that game is long. but then after working on my game for like 4 hours i went to the bathroom and my dad came and turned it off. all of what i did for the 4 hours was gone. im not addicted to videogames or anything i just wanted to see how far i could get in one sitting. and my mom just came home and she brought chocolate milkshakes home but im on a diet and she just wants me to give in and pig out with the milkshake. well i will continue to fight the want for the milkshake and i will leave. goodbye. =]
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Monday, August 6, 2007
oh boy
do you people remember Bryan from my other posts? yeah he just got arrested. he was in court too much because he did too many different things. most of them were driving without a license. hes not a bad guy. he just has NO common sense and hes stupid. but hes happy go lucky and nice. hes not the kind of guy that would get put in jail for hurting someone or any type of violence. hes like a stupid older brother that isnt really related to me. hes been around since before i was born. well anyways theres not much going on right now besides that. ummm home by myself. i dont get bored very often when im by myself. in fact i like being by myself. its nice. well im goona go now. byeeeee!
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Friday, August 3, 2007
im bored. theres nothing to do at my house. my brother isnt here because he just got a job.(something i didnt think he would ever do). i would have a job if i was old enough to get one. its better than being bored all day. ive already cleaned the house and i gave my dog a bath. i also started a diet today. hooray *sarcasm* and now im downloading music and listening to it. theres not much to talk about lately. i saw a cute kitty at the pet store. and now im just rambling so im gonna go. byes =] *waves*
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Monday, July 30, 2007
im bored. today was an alright day i guess. i got up and couldnt find the spider. im kinda happy about that. then i came upstairs and my brother was here. he was in a bad mood. so i kinda sat there while he yelled at me about other stuff he was mad about. then he left and i was happy. so then i played FF:XII. and it was fun. then i listened to music. music is my favorite thing in the ENTIRE world. then my mom brought home some KFC. it was tastey. and now im on the computer. tomorrow im gonna go to work with my mom. she works in the basement of mental hospital. its called Western State Hospital. and we are locked in a room all day. its a cozy room because my mm stays in it though. so that will be fun i guess. well bye.
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today was slow
today i woke up at 10:00 and i saw my friend the spider on the bed with me. he was on the headboard. i screamed and made a complete idiot of myself. spiders scare me im sorry. yeah...then i went out of my room and came up stairs(my room is the basement. its a cool room). when i came up stairs my mom and dad told me that we were going to go work at my grandpa's house. YAY *sarcasm*. so we went out with my aunt and uncle and their mom and dad and we started working at noon and stopped working at like 7:00. i was sooo tired. we had to throw away stuff and move stuff out because the people that are comming to fix the hole that the tree made are comming tomorrow. then we all went to dinner and then we went to cold stone. mmmmm i love ice cream. then we came home and i watched Scarred and listened to music. i swear everytime i see scarred im just like "eeek!" its painfull to watch it. now im on the computer and listening to The Bird and The Worm. its a good song. sooooo my day wasnt very eventful. and the spider is still im my room. =/
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
im in a good mood
right after the last post i put up when i said that i had all of coffee i ended up chugging a Sobe Adrenaline Rush energy drink. it was good. my brother thought that it was really funny. i chugged the whole thing. today i saw a spider on my wall. it was big so i ened up throwing a shoe at it. the shoe didnt hit the spider but it did hit a picture that was hanging on my wall and the spider ran away. it was a big spider too. i hate wolf spiders. right now im listening to Writing on the Walls by Underoath. allot of my friends dont listen to Underoath. its a nice sunny day here. and im gonna go be outside in a while. hmmmm......i submited my cat to its like the best site in the world. and i got a new email adress. its yeah. with spaces it says "oh so this is the longest name i can have." i got bored so i wanted a new one. well hahahaha i know that this pic is old but its still funny. byes

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Thursday, July 26, 2007
ive been so busy. my grandma died like a week ago. and today was her funeral. i was so sad. im still sad but itll be fine in a little while....a pillow just fell on me. im sitting on the floor infront of a couch with my sister's laptop. im really tired because the funeral was really eary this morning and i couldnt get to sleep last night untill like 2 in the morning and and i had to get up at 7am. so i had 5 hours of sleep. then when i was asleep i had a dream that my grandma got better and we were all happy then i woke up and i was like "oh....shes dead." it made me really sad. so now im at my sister's house and i wanna go sleep but i cant. i met some of my family. i met this guy named Mike and hes like my cousin and he was funny. then my cousins Megan and Geremy came over with my uncle Marty but everyone was mad at Marty because my grandma was his mom but he didnt come to see her while she was sick or anything. ive just had my 5th cup of coffee and im wired. and my mom has been drinking a lemon drop martini. hahahaha i want to laugh. shes had half of it and shes already tipsy. its funny. well bye now.
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
sad day
yeah i havent updated in a while because ive been busy. my grandma is dying and my mom has been spending allot of time with her at the Hospice so ive either been with my mom or doing house stuff. my grandma had to do dialysis for like 7 years after her kidneys failed becuase of diabetes. so then they gave her a new kidney and it worked for like 8 years and now its failing. and becuase of the dialysis all of her veins and stuff are collapsing and shes a vegitable and they say that shes only gonna live for like 6 more days. im sad. and i was reading this "greif managment" thing today at the Hospice(a place where people go to die). and it said that you should always remeber how kind and sweet your grandparents were. but my grandma was ornery and sarcatsic. but thats how i want to remeber her becuase it was so funny. we used to sit in the mall together and she would make the meanest comments about people but they were so funny. she was very opinionated about everything. and then i remeber when she was telling me about living on a farm.(she was a city girl). and all of the stuff that happened to her and her sister. it was so funny. now i need to stop feeling sorry for myself and help my mom who is a miserable wreck. well bye bye. next time i promise that i will have happy things to say. i might not update for a while though.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
it was soooo much fun. like brian, courtney, susana, branden and a lot of other people showed up. it was fun. oh and my sister's friend mike showed up. my sister was like "mom! dad! this can be your first picture with a gay guy!" it was funny. mike is cool. and jamie came over with her boyfriend Beau. the airshow was way cool. they had jets and stuff. there was a USMC - AV-8 Harrier demonstration thingie. or thats what brian said it was anyways. then after the airshow brian found the megaphone. oh god. all of us ended up trying to take it away. then brain started bugging courtney. they are ex's but it funny. then brain started drinking at like 3:30 so by like 5:00 he was passed out on the couch. after he woke up my sister was like "brian's finally awake after his two hour nap." then i was like "no he was passed out for two hours." so then before the fireworks (at like 10:10) my sister went inside because she doesnt like fireworks because they're loud. then mike was like "oh are you afraid? DO YOU WANT TO BE PROTECTED IN MY STRONG MMAANN ARMS!!!???" it was really funny because hes really really gay. so yeah i skipped allot of funny stuff because im too lazy to write it. bye bye!
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