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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
so i belonge to PanicluvsEd. im happy. the only other person that responded was totally confused.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
hah today was good.
i went to school and was really tired. then when i went to ISS i learned that today was my last day and that i only had it for 2nd period. i was so happy. then after seconed period i went to band and i learned that our band is going to play in the Jr. Daffodil parade...yay! then we had a sub in math. he was cool. so then i went to 5th period. we had to play basket ball that part sucked a little. but it was over early so it was all good. so after school i went to my friends house. nick was there. he wanted to see what would happen if he ate mentos really fast then drank allot of diet coke right after. he ended up throwing up in the middle of the street. it was funny. then i came hom and i decided that this weekend i will dye my hair. so i will put up a pic of me with cool hair in a while. well......oh and i talked to one of my friends on myspace that i ahdn't talked to since 5th grade. i was so happy. its been like 2 years. oh and i finally found a movie that scared me. its Faces of Death. like some of the stuff in that movie is true. it creeped me out soooooo bad. then i rewatched it and i deciced that most of it was fake. well.....okay now im done. bye bye!!!!!
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
today was....i dunno kind of slow. im bored. i stayed home all day becuase its raining harder than usually. the only thing that im not to fond of in washington state is the rain. i live in a city close to Seattle. well tomorrow i get to go to school which means more ISS but its my last day...i think. i just saw the main villain of Final Fantasy IX (my new game) i thiught that he was a girl. then i went to a site that the game had on its box and i said that he was a guy. i was like "" so yeah.......Nathan sent me a pic of him in his under wear. it was funny. so...yeah im rambling....ill stop. BBBYYYEEE!!!
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
okay. today was better. =]
so this morning i went to breakfadt. i didn't eat anything though. my sister was there. so then i went to her house with her and we hung out for a while. she showed me the puppy that shes going to get. it is sooooooo cute! then we watched Saw III i didn't think that it was that scary though. ive never seen a movie that has really freaked me out. like The Hills Have Eyes was kind of creepy but not that much. does anyone have a suggestion about any scary movies that i could watch? please tell me if you have any. well..........oh i found out that if you do the in game reset on my game when it freezes it wont restart but it will unfreeze it. well...thats about it. bye =]
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Friday, March 9, 2007
today sucked! first off this girl named Julia told the office that my friend Alexia was doing drugs at school but instead of asking for her opinion they called her parents. Alexia doesn't do drugs! god dammit! then i had to do a playtest with my clarinet today and i completely failed. it was humiliating. then after school i had to walk like 2 miles in teh rain and i got stood up by the person that was supposed to meet me. and Nick is being a fucking ass hole again. what is the fucking deal!? sorry im pissed let me calm down and reflect on the good things that happened today................................................................................ ummm..................yeah.....................oh i got a video game that freezes alot. oh well atleast i have it now. well sorry about ranting so much. bye bye.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
today was fun. =] i got to talk to Nick. but that wasn't what made my day good. today was my first day of ISS. the old cool teacher left so i thought it was gonna suck. but this time they just put me in a little room all by myself. i ended up starring into space for like an hour. then i fell asleep =p soooo......i woke up and becuase they said that i was being good becuase i was quiet they let me go to recess. Alexia didn't want to go to class so i carried her into teh building before Mr. Right saw us. i was holding onto Alexia's arms and Brian was holding onto her legs. it was funny. the only bad part of today was that my arm hurt today. my friend bit my arm really hard. it started bleeding. so then i walked home. that part wasn't fun becuase its cold and rainy though. and i have to walk like 3 miles. Garrett was wearing his Slipknot shirt. i love that shirt too.
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i'm for sale
who wants to own me? common i know that you want to. my last post is my real one. haha im a whore
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
today was good. my friend Gerrett wanted me to rub his tummy. -_-''' i kind of backed away when he told me to. then he saw that i was wearing a tank top that went to my butt. he said "i have a tank top to. it shows off my tummy and whenever i go to the gym i say will any of you like to rub my tummy?!" he was trying not to laugh the whole time. then he stared quoting Charlie the Unicorn to the teacher. he was was like "were on a bridge charlie of joy and wonder!" he was laughing so we couldn't understand it very well but it was funny. so then after school i saw him again. but this time he was in his Disturbed shirt. i <3 that band! his shirt was sexy. yayness for a good day! oh and have you ever heard Disturbed's music? if you have do you like it. i like "Land of Confusion" by them the best. =D nick is sexy.
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im not mad at nick anymore! plz read my last post. thats the real one for today. this is nick. hes emo. he is also called Limpy.

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Monday, March 5, 2007
im mad at Nick. he's poo head. oh well. emo bays are hot. im happy becuase i get to hug like 3 of them every day. i got sent to the councelors office today becuase i told a teacher to fuck off..and called her a whore. i haven't talked to Nick in a while but he still pissed me off today. i finally got to talking to him on myspace and he was being a big poo poo face. oh well. i got some new fishnet glove thingies. yay. heheheh i put my kitty in a pillow case and carried her around like a snake. it was funny. GAWD there is this girl named Alexandra at school. i swear shes stalking me! shes so creepy. shes really fat, ugly and acts really weird. she scares the crap out of me. it was okay untill she asked me out. i never told her that i was bi. i don't know how she found out unless she asked allot of people. out of all of my friends 3 of them know that im bi and would never tell Alexandra. its creepy. *shudder* and shes trying to be goth because i like it. she overheard me tell my friend Melina that i though goth girls were hot. she died her hair brown. today she was like "im gonna steal someones make up and be goth." she doesn't get that i like goth girls for more than just being hot. i think that they are really nice and i get along with them better than most people. she asked me out even though i have a girl friend. shes my gothy honey. yeah im going out with a bi goth girl. shes says that shes not goth though. i told Alexandra that i was with someone too. i don't like her. and shes in my 5th period class. im like the most not emo or goth peorson that i hang out with. but i still manage to get with the emo and goth people its weird. and most of them are older than me. they say that i have an intersting personality...meh omg this is so sad ='[ to me anyways
A girl and a boy,
the best of friends.
From elementary to high school from beginning to end.
Through all those years
their friendship grew.
They both felt the same, but neither knew.
Each waking moment since the day they met.
They both loved each other sunrise to sunset.
He was all she had in her terrible life.
He was the one who kept her from her knife.
She was his angel,
she made him smile.
Though life threw him curves, she made it all worth while.
Then one day things went terribly wrong.
The next few weeks were like a very sad song.
He made her jealous
on purpose he tried.
When they asked, "Do you love her?" on purpose he lied.
He played with jealousy like it was a game.
Little did he know
Things would never be the same.
His plan was working but he had no clue.
How wrong things would go, the damage he would do.
One night she broke down,
feeling very alone.
Just her and the blade, no one else home.
She dialed his number, he answered, "Hello"
She told him she loved him and hung up the phone.
He raced to her house just a minute too late.
Found her lying in her room,
her heart had no rate.
Beside her was a note, in it her confession.
Her love for this boy, her only obsession.
As he read the note, he knelt down and cried.
Grabbed her knife, that night they both died.
She was found in his arms, both of them .
Under her note his handwriting said:
"I loved her so, she never knew. All this time I loved her too."
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