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myOtaku.com: moroxy

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

   so happy! ^ ^
Last nite me and my friend con (short for conrad) were texting each other and decide to hang out at his place. So i head over there at around 11:45ish. We hang outside for about 10 mins and then go inside. We watch tv for a little bit, and then he tells me his dad is coming home so we head to his room. Hate to say this but it's almost the dullest room i've ever seen. (Sorry con!) I sit on his bed and he grabs an Auto Trader magazine, and i know right away that this is gonna be loads of fun. haha jk, yea. lol about 15mins later, we decide to bug our friend jesse (who had introduced us) cuz he knew that jesse'd be sleeping or just getting to sleep. We start texting him and jesse's pissed, but it's freakin hilarious. I'd send jesse msgs that said "tell con i say hi" and con would send jesse msgs that said"tell sarah i say hi" and i sent him this one that said"ask con if i can have a drink of his pop" lol All the while con and i are starting to get along more. And i also start to notice how cute he is... yea...-^^- Well, anyways, later, jesse says that he's gonna go to bed cuz he has to get up at 6 in the morning (and it's about 2 in the morning when he says that). so we say bye to jesse, and con and i start talking and he's says that he thinks it would be funny to text jesse b/c he knew that jesse would be just about ready to fall asleep. As the night goes through, we're laying on his bed next to each other talking about whatever. we go outside for a quick smoke and i see one of his busted up cars(he has like 3 of them... lol). we go back inside and lay on his bed again, this time we're facing each other. I start poking his arm and he does it back and we keep poking each other and i CANNOT can this phrase out of my head"99% of poking leads to sec" lol yea.... so we lay there for a while just talking and it's time for me to go. so we go outside and he has another smoke and i stand there freezing my ass off (my butt and legs were literally shaking like hell) and then i say i gotta go home and i ask for a hug and he gives me one. i gotta tell you his hug immediatly warmed me up! it seriously did! mmmmm hug :P

song stuck in my head:Say it Right by Nelly Furtado

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