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myOtaku.com: mouse0called0cat

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well you see im actually a secret agent tring to keep a low profile so i can get in this site and send all of you to jail.*wack* no im just like you, i like anime,and love drawing and stuff like that.^^I also like to read.I love reading young wizards,its very interesting and in my opinion,better than harry potter(way better)so phbtttt to you harry!

Saturday, October 7, 2006

welp, i figured out how to upload my pictures,one problem:i dont have jpg..*goes off on a rampage*well im gonna try again later,hopr it works *nervousely looks at computer,then scanner*WORK YOU SCANNER OF CRAP!!

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Monday, October 2, 2006

my scanner
now, my pictures won't load..my life is misrable..im gonna go do it again, just to see if it'l work *goes off*
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Sunday, October 1, 2006

   first day
im so excited! today is my first day! *does dance*im trying to get my scanner to work, but no luck there.....well,later in the day ill problably actually look in the manual when im really desperate (who reads the manual anymore??)*goes off to read manga and the young wizards books*
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