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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Just Pull The Trigger And The Nightmare Ends...
Kannazuki No Miko...Why, God? Why?
I ALMOST made me cry.
I'm such a sucker for sad endings.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It was a "happy ending". NO IT WASN'T!
*Spoiler Coming*
Why did they have to forget about eachother. Why!? It was sooo sad, what with the shrine doors slamming shut 'n all. Bah. Oh well. Moving on...
*Spoiler End*
So now I'm about to watch Rozen Maiden. I have to knowledge about this show. All I know is that there is a very pretty doll in it. I think it has something to do with the doll being evil, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's good.
Wish me luck!
Last night I had a nightmare that my relatives came back to live with us...It was terrible.
Then I woke up and went online so it's all good.
OMFG! I can't believe I forgot to say earlier- This is the BEST day ever! First, my mom makes an ebay account and tells me she's "interested" in it. This opens up a whole lot of doors when it comes to online shopping for me! Woot! And SECOND- My mom said I could order my iPod Nano on Wednesday! Oh Wednesday, please come soon...
Well that's all to report for now.
Comment or I will chop of your limbs and watch you squirm.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
We're Eating Stir Fry For The 126586569784 Time This Month.
Watching:Kannazuki No Miko
Now I have right to rant.
So here it goes...
Well I'm only like on episode four but it's gotten me all confused. I hate love triangles. I never know which couple to go for. I mean, I admit I'm extremely into the whole 'lesbian thing', (No not because I'm a sicko!) but I DO also like her with Oogami-kun. (<---Spell his name right?) It's all just very mind boggling. I want to talk to Fuyumiko about it but she went and got a life without me so here I am...
My relatives are gone.
They are FINALLY gone.
I have the good ol' computer to myself! They went on a greyhound bus on monday. I was in Heaven. I now know that there truly is a God. And he hasn't been mad at me for a whole 3 days!
So yes. Now my OTHER relatives are here. They are only staying for the weekend and they are a bajillion times better that my ...other ones.
I just downloaded the first episode of 'To Heart-Remember My Memories'. And it only took like 2 HOURS! I'm tempted to take an episode break and watch it but then I'm nervous I'll get all caught up in it and lose track of Kannazuki No Miko.
So it will just have to wait...
a;sdklfja;lfjakl (<---Sign of stress.)
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Monday, September 5, 2005
School is what we call a bummer.
But alas, it's a four day weekend!
I feel like I'm wasting my weekend online, but I have to guard it otherwise my cousin and/or aunt will get to it.
I hate people on my computer.
I think we've established that.
I am promising to work harder at myotaku, but what, with myspace, livejournal, not to mention SCHOOL.
It's going to be hard. But I'll do it just for you.
*Points Finger At Screen*
I had a bit of an outburst with my cousin.
(Fuyumiko got to witness it secondhand XD)
Maybe if she'd realize she was staying as a guest in someone's house and stop being such a bitch we'd get along better.
But I've decided to stop being so nice. If I don't like something, I'm going to tell them. It's MY house and I don't have to compromise.
Like my OTHER cousin Jade- she covered my cat in dish soap a couple weeks ago. (You all know.) And last night she tried to pet him and I told her no
and my aunt made a snide comment like 'Just how long is she grounded from the cat?' and I said 'She gave him an ulcer and cost us 130 dollars in vet bills, so when
you can pay that back she's ungrounded. Then she just scoffed and walked away.
Like I said. I'm bringing out the asshole.
...the bigger one.
Eeep! The Torrent is at 28.2%!
*Does Dance*
Not too bad seeing as how it's only been running for like 3 or 4 hours. (It's like 12 episodes.)
I want some Fruit Loops.
Speaking of things I want, I wish I could go to suncoast.
(And have money to spend there!)
I wonder when church gets out in Mormonville Washington?
Oh well, I'll try to call her in a bit..
As you can see, I have been re-re-redoing my site. I just can't help it.
I would like your input on the situtation, but for now, I'm off to go find food...
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Bitches 'N Hoes

I can't do this for much longer...
My cousins and aunt make me want to do THIS! *Makes Stabbing Motion*
They called me a tattle tail! Me! LIES!
But annnnyways....
I'm attempting to call Fuyumiko at this point and if she doesn't answer I'll finish-
Since when does she have a life?!
...and where can I get one?
*Cough* - Moving On....
I went to Roaring Springs today. (It's a waterpark.)
It was very...action packed. It was most of my 'family's' first time there so there were a lot of Ooh's and Ahh's.
OMG! And guess what?!
We got a new PRINTER! A NEW ONE!
...And it's a LASERJET! I think I'm in love. It's on of those 'all in one' printers. Now I can fax!
.....Now I just need someone to fax to.
I'm so stressed for school. I have to go school shopping still and school starts on MONDAY! *Cries* Not to mention
that I have to still "cut" my hair and dye it. (I know it's not the most healthy thing for my hair but still- black with pink tips seems very appealing.)
My mom bought me new head phones for school. I like them. They even come with a speaker attachment just like I'd assume telemarketers own.
Not that I really have a load of people to talk to though....
My cousin just came in for the phone.. >:( <---angry face in case you can't tell.
I've just found out that my grandparents might buy me a laptop or a desktop for school.
*Performs the 'Happy Dance'*
I seriously would shit myself if I got my own computer.
I can't even think about it, I can feel myself beginning to shit already.
*Chuckles At Joke*
I have this thing where if I'm not listening to music while online I feel weird, but it's so hard to type and listen to music at the same time. I keep wanting to type the lyrics to 'Vindicated'.
'Sooooo let me slip away!'
^See, I'm doing it already^
Time to finish cleaning room.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
So yeah, my stupid 4 year old cousin decided to 'bathe' my cat Nikko yesterday and covered him head to toe with Dish Soap. He was coughing up soap and it was in his eyes and eventually they became swollen shut. I took him to the Pet Emergency Room and they said he had an Ulcer in his left eye. So now I have to but the goopy stuff in his eyes ever 8 hours!
..and I'm tired.
The conclusion is that I hate my cousin and I want her to go back to live with her father in the seventh circle of Hell.
Have I mentioned how much I love photoshop?
Well I do.
OMG- the little bitch just came in here and was all 'What are you doing?' like nothing even happened! I told her to go away and she said she wasn't leaving until I did so I went for my aunt and she ran away.
Sorry that this is such a short post but I have to go check on my kitty...
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Honest Mistake
So I was thinking- perhaps my hair is falling out because of it being over dyed.
But On a happier note, 'The Bravery' makes awesome Music Videos. what, with the dominoes falling and what not.
So yeah, some relatives moved in with us. Too many people and not enough room. PLUS my 16 year old cousin expects me to share the computer! Yeah, that's right! She comes in the office right in the middle of my web browsing and asks me to get off so she can check her EMAIL!
I need to have some words with her.
Did I ALSO mention that last night she kept telling me to get off the phone so she could call some guy in WASHINGTON! How rude is that. This is only their third day here and I'm already annoyed. My aunt doesn't annoy me, but her grandchildren do. They are so bratty. Well, mostly Jade. Don't let her glorious name fool you. She's like a rose. She's very cute, but it you touch her, the pricks will cut you. Her favorite phrase is 'You're not my boss'.
She hasn't said that since I hit her with a stick yelled at her.
So yes. I'm annoyed.
I need more Chocolate Milk.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Today's Ellen Degeneres Clip Is "Spider Bite":
Well, I've made an effort to start updating more often so-
I'm udating.
Be proud.
So yes, I'm 'SO-SO' talking to Joel again. It was kind of forced on me. But I'm still getting him back for being a bastard.
As you can see, I've started a new....segment type thing called 'Today's Ellen Clip'. For those of you who do not know who Ellen Degeneres is, you have been living a half life until now. This one is really funny. I enjoyed it. School is starting soon. *Howls in Dramitic Way* I'm not ready for summer to be over! I really wish I was home schooled. That would be so neat. Besides the lack of interaction with people my age, I think it would be a lot easier. I know some people that are homeschooled and all they have to do is complete little booklets of work and then they have the rest of the day to do whatever. (I.E: Internet)
Damn, this office is either freezing or baking hot.
There was a huge spider on my wall last night. And when I say huge, I mean it was probably about <------------this-----------> long! I kid you not. I trapped him in a cup and threw him out the window. It grossed me out. I have a motto- Anything with more than 4 legs or less than 2 scares the hell out of me. (Meaning Spiders and Snakes) Ok, well snakes SOMETIMES don't frighten me as long as their in a cage of somekind.
My dad got me all excited when he said he was making Chow Mein, but he made it with Spaghetthi Noodles and Ground Beef!
...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go barf.
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful, hate me cause I'm an asshole.
So yes, I'm updating.
As you can see my site is being remodeled as of the moment.
But annnyways...
So yes, I'm going to Seattle 'next' Friday. It shall be fun! Fun! And plus I get to go to China town for the first time. (WITH Fuyumiko, and that adds to the excitement!)
I think I've given up on Bittorrent. It was such a short lived obsession. But my first download failed, so it kind of took away from the experience. Plus the whole 'I don't know if it's REALLY legal' thing. I think I'll just stick to Doujinshi. (Unless of course I, or someone comes across a Gravitation torrent, I'm sure that'd boost up my love for torrents!)
My throat is very dry...
Have I said I love my hair today?
...well I do.
And moving on!
I feel like I've wasted my summer. School is approaching, and I haven't really done anything... Plus the fact that I have to go to school with that bastard JOEL, makes me wish summer were just starting even more.
Well, the doujinshi is waiting..
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Just For Fuyumiko

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Friday, July 29, 2005
Honey- I'm Hoooooooooooooome!
Guess what?
You know you're jealous.
It's soooo fast. I love it with a passion! I don't know how I lived without it! Fuyumiko you were SO right! I could never go back to Dial Up now.
Well today is going slow. Maybe it's because I woke up at the butt crack of dawn. And by that, I mean 9am. The damn (yet holy) cable internet man was so noisy. But anyways, I woke up and then to my horror, the cable in my bedroom was disabled. (It had to be due to the whole 'setting up' of the internet.) It was the longest 20 minutes I'd ever spent in my bedroom...
But back to the extremely interesting news that is my life-
Fuyumiko got my package today which was chalk full of _____... Did you really think I'd tell you? Bah! That is a sissy mistake! Plus, I don't know if she's waiting for me to call in order to open it? Probably not seeing as how she is a little miss antsy pants, but I don't blame her. It's her birthday gift and it's like.... 8 months late! Oops...
I know I haven't been updating a lot lately, but it's mostly due to the fact that I'm obsessed with myspace people don't comment me. So if you don't start, I'm going to march my fat ass to where ever it is that you reside and stab you with a spork! Feeear Me...Feeear Me...But mostly, fear the spork, cause it's the on that's technically gonna be causing you pain.
Mmmm...Pepsi...The withdrawls are now OVER.
So I think Joel's comming over this weekend. I don't mind. This way I can show him the 'Kyle's Mom's a Bich' song I downloaded from South Park! Muahahahaha.
...Ah, South Park, you crack me up...
..This is when you should comment!
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