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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
It's Midnight -- Make a wish.
I'm back Kiddies!
I went to a show tonight. It was cool and stuff. The bands were as following: Houston Calls, Jamison Parker, The Rocket Summer, and HelloGoodbye.
It kicked what was formally known as ass.
Need I say more?
Good, cause I'm gonna anyways.
So yes. I saw Jessica and the guy she slept with...Well, one of 'em at least. I got autographs too. And free goodies. Plus I payed only $2 for a CD! (I thought of Fuyumiko and how cheap she is as I bought it. ^.^ )
I want more pizza.
I need to start updating more, but myspace has recieved most of my spare time. I apologize.
So yes, I'm visiting Fuyumiko before summer's over, and I'm thrilled. I get to see her lunatic puppy! And I might just bring a cat up with me and it MIGHT just get left at her house. ¢¾
I need to develop some film. Well, not SOME- A LOT. And while I'm babbling randomly, I might add that I put an excessive amount of hairspray on and now I doubt a Tsunami could move my hair.
Oh yes, I got $20 for cleaning the cat box! (Yes, be jealous.)
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Nothing Much To Write/Ramble/Complain about...
So life has been boring.
Oh Poo...
Not much to say today. I'm tired and I have a bloody stupid headache. Bleh. I want some more Yoohoo but I drank it all.
I'm going to see Aquabats in concert this Thursday with Joel and my brother in law. It should be fun. We got VIP tickets. Eeek!
*Uber Excited*
Hopefully Joel doesn't doesn't do something stupid like always and piss me off. It's weird, when we're just hanging out normally (Disincluding Lengthly Amounts of Time.) he acts just fine, but when I do him a favor like get him tickets to a concert he acts all excited but then complains. Like yesterday he said "Well, I listened to Aquabats and I don't think I like their music very much." So I told him that I would happily take someone who liked them more and he was all 'Oh no, I still want to go just cause it's a concert.' Ick...
I think I've convinced my mother to drive me to Seattle to visit...someone... In August. I'm excited. Although SHE better be able to drive down to Seattle and SEE ME!
*Graps Waffle Iron*
Don't think I won't hit you!
Andyways, not much else to say today.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I'm Baaaaack!
So I'm back from Utah, and I'm alive.
Although I almost Died.'
So I still have no lip piercing.
(Yes, I'm going to Ramble about this so brace yourself.)
It's just unfair I tell you! I just found out my cousin got hers done! If my blasted father would just say yes....Uuuugh. I'll end up getting it done, I know it, but I just want it to happen NOW.
Ick. I'm getting a headache. I think it's because I woke up early. (10 am- bleh) I need to dye my hair again. I'm thinking of a Dark Red this time. I don't know though. I keep my hair color for like a week before I get bored of it. I'd really like to go black with pink tips, but my mother would NEVER go for that.
I missed warped tour and I'm pissed. Everyone had so much fun. This guy gave Cherish a box of condoms and she blew them up and drew faces on them and made little condom pets. Then she rubbed them on people she didn't know. (And yes, there was lube on them.) I'm so jealous. She also told this jackass named Tyler that she never wanted to see him again. EEEEK! I'm so proud of her.
I want some Yoohoo....
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
What has happened to my otaku?
Uugh. Look at my site...
I must renovate! Aha! I shall!
-So be prepared for some weirdness while I'm figuring out a new 'theme'.
And to the ACTUAL POST.
Well haven't updated in awhile due to lack of comments...and lack of time...lack of interest...Just take 'lack of' and put something after it and odds are thats a reason...
So I started playing 'Zelda- Majora's Mask' recently. I've also been a fan of the games, but I never played that one because I thought it looked stupid. But alas, I am now loving it. It's SO HARD! I'm supposed to be going to a Water Temple-ish thing but I'm too lazy because I heard it was hard to do. And I even got Fuyumiko started on it again. Ah, I'm such a trend setter. (ha!)
I'm craving Strawberry Milk....
Uugh..My hair is still blonde. I dyed it a long time ago and I haven't dyed it a different color yet. Just thought I'd report.
So yes, I'm going to Lagoon this weekend. It should be interesting. I hate the drive though. Oh, and Joel's going. Of Course. SOMEONE was supposed to get their mom to drive them down there but Nooo she doesn't like to drive. Eh, oh well. Hopefully I won't die on a Rollar Coaster. Or worse, have my hair get messed up while I'm on one!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
You are ALL on my shit list...
...Stop laughing Fuyumiko, the word isn't THAT funny...
Well people have been not reading my posts, and that makes me sad. WHY WON'T YOU GUYS COMMENT?!
And Moving on...
My aunt is leaving today and I'm sad. She was my ride to Seattle. *Cries* Oh well, I'll find another way, as I always do.
...And that means Fuyumiko can't go to Chinatown without me! Please don't go yet! I am on my way!...ish....
So anyways, I must now complain about my waffles really fast. They are thin and soggy and cold. It grossed me out so now there is a plate of waffles by me.
Oh and I very well might go to boondocks or roaring springs with Catherine! Yay! And I'm also redying my hair, and going to the mall....If all goes well, today will be splendid.
Besides that, it is early so there is nothing to report.
..And I'm off...
(But there IS a WHOLE other post below this one with NO COMMENTS! *Cough*Cough*)
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Updating Again..
Today has been a poop.
I've gone to the mall two days in a row and I've yet to buy ANYTHING. It sucks. This time I looked, but I couldn't decide on just one thing, so I went to go take some money from my mother and then she led me astray to places such as Hallmark and Victoria's Secret. Uugh. But she promised we could go again tomorrow. Man, this is too much mall time for such little shopping!
And I might be going to Boondocks tonight, although more than likely it will be tomorrow. Catherine shall come because she's my pimp and she also has a love for Phil and his Hair. I must see who he goes to for his hair stylings. Hmm? I wonder if he's ever had his lip pierced?! Eh, I'll find out. Oh! And Catherine is also probably bringing her digital camera so I shall post pictures of him on myotaku and make a fanclub! Eee!
I'm currently finding pictures of people with lip rings. I think it's become an obsession. Oh, and I finally found the place I want to go to get my lip done at. It's called Imperial Body Art. They are neato. I know cause they have a website. (
So I will definantly have friends come with me and take pictures. (If only SOME friends would fly their ass over here to be with me for the procedure!)
Next Subject...
'Tis my sister's birthday today. (Who Know?) And we ordered pizza and cake. Well, we didn't ORDER the cake, but you know. It looks yummy even though I am full on Breadsticks. It's an icecream cake...
(It's Mint Chocolate Chip, Fuyumiko, so stop asking yourself.) ^.^
This kid that goes to my school's brother died yesterday. It's kinda sad, even though I hated the kid. (Not the dead one, the brother.) I almost feel bad for hating him....Well, he WAS a prick. He put his shoe on my head once and then I got a 'talking to' by Mr.Kersey when I threw it and it him. Heh Heh...
Let's See Here...What to talk about..
This is way off topic (even though there really isn't Topic in the first place but..) I keep getting this iced coffee drinks that are to die for at this place in the mall called Sumatra. I get them for free sometimes too cause I know the person that works there. They are SO good it should be illegal. It's called a 'White Chocolate' something or other. But that's not as important as how good it tastes.
Well sorry that it's a short(ish) post, but I have to go eat cake now...
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Ick, I feel tired...Not the tired where your body aches, but that awful "All I want to do is crawl into bed and lay there forever" kind of tired. Oh well. I'll get over it. I really need DSL, I'm sure that would help me. Although my mother wouldn't buy that. Uuugh.
****By The Way, Expect Some Complaining To Follow This****
So yes, I think I have to get rid of the kitten. Whom, which I've named Monroe. I love that name. I think I want to name one of my children that. Even though I don't like children because they are icky and smelly and obnoxious. But hey, SOMEONE has to carry on the family business...Well, once I MAKE a family business. (And I can tell you right now it WON'T have to do with packing boxes of boxes.)
I really want a parfait. I had one last night but I couldn't finish it. I mean, there were only a couple bites left, but still. I'm very angry with myself. My god, it was delicious.
..And moving on...
I'm listening to Blink 182 right now. I just burned their "new" cd even though it's like a year old, but still, I like it and it's good. I love their song 'I Miss You' which is about 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. Speaking of things I love, I also LOVE the music video to that song as well. What's better than spooky castles and lesbians? If you can get ahold of it via the internet, (Try, I recommend you watch it.
...I've been feeling so neglected on myotaku. Nobody comments! I hate to be a stickler for comments but LEAVE THEM! Ok, well I'm going now.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Heh Heh...MCR song...
I'm feeling so neglected! Only ONE comment on my last post? Come On People! Gimme Some LOVE here! I'm...So...Cold... lol.. Sorry.
Well, I'm home alone for the weekend. My whole family went to Washington and left me here. So yes. Joel was supposed to come over at 7:30 am, (It was his only ride) so I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn and waited...and waited...and waited. I almost fall asleep like 12 times and then I finally call his house at 9:00 AM and he answers and says 'Oh, I'm sorry. I slept in'... Needless to say, this guys on my shit list for awhile.
Uuugh. I'm very tired now. It's 10:00 AM here and my office is cold. I guess it doesn't help that I am shirtless. Brrr... To quote Chandler "My Nipples Could Cut Glass". Ah, that's a great line. While I'm complaining about stuff, I might as well tell you about my horrible stuffy nose that will not leave me alone! It's horrible. I have to breathe out of my mouth and then I get a sore throat because I do. I also snore apparently because of it. Joel just LOVES to complain about it. Well, he did until I told him if he was bothered by it so much I could just have him sleep in the garage....
I know I shouldn't start drinking soda at this early in the day, but it's diet, so it doesn't matter. Now that my nephew is diabetic my mother went on the 'Diet Soda Marathon Shopping Day' I'm guessing we have about 70 cans of diet pepsi right now. Oh well. We have rootbeer and coke too. Mmmm. If I wasn't too lazy to pour the rootbeer outta the two liter bottle, I'd be drinking that right now.
I really wanted the last Chocolate Chunk Muffin....
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Damn all that is Allergies.
So yes, I'm updating again...Feel Special...
Well summer is here and I'm happy. Although, it's been oddly cold lately. Not like snow or anything, but usually it's in like the 80's or 90's this time o' year. Oh well. Mother Nature is pissed because we're polluting her earth.
I'm supposed to be getting a Roaring Springs pass sometime soon, but it's not going too well. It's pissing me off. Needless to say, this summer isn't off to the best start. Joel want's me to go out to dinner with him and his family, but I don't feel like spending the money. Plus, I'm going to Boondocks with Aubri, Marcus, and Bree tomorrow so I'll have to beg for money for that too. Plus, if all goes well I'm HOPEFULLY going to finally get my lip pierced. I think I'll film my experience and put it online for people to laugh at. Hahaha that'd be great. I still need to decide where to put it though. Left side or Right Side?! Hmmmmm...?
I'm listening to Bright Eyes. Mmmm. I love Connor Oberst to the point of insanity. Speaking of Insanity, I'm scared of my growing obsession with Myspace. If you haven't been to that sight before I'm warning you- Never go there! It sucks you in like a black hole! It's too late for me, but you can still save yourself! Uuugh. Myspace...How I love you.... (See how crazy it's made me!?)

Me Trying to Stab Joel with My Sword....
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I am SO updating...
So yes, life sucks...
My nephew is in the hospital and they found he has Type 1 Diabetes. There's no cure, so he has to have four shots a day for the rest of his life. It sucks and I feel horrible for not being able to do anything. I feel guilty whenever I feel happy. It's the world's worst graduation gift. Oh well. We'll get through it...
I have a headache and I'm afraid I'm developing a slight obsession with the song 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' by The Darkness. It's quite catchy and the main singer can get his voice higher that most girls, I'm sure. I recommend instant downloads for all of you...
Oi It's So Humid..Heh Heh. I love that song, but really, it is...
I have but 1/2 days of school left! Tomorrows the last and it's over! All we're doing is yearbook signing and I hear our yearbooks are kickass. Now Technically we're not supposed to see it until tomorrow, but my friend Anna Nelson designed it so I got to see it!
*Fangirl Scream*
It's Black and had a red guitar on it and it says Rock On. Quite Spiffy, Quite Spiffy. Then there is a collage (<---spelled right?)of concert tickets that I SO contributed to. MmmmHmmm...
Ok, well I should go because my head is about to split open...
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