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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
So Long Since Last Update....
I am so sorry about my lack of updating. Moving and School have been hectic. Which is why I chose to not go to school today (ack, even though tomorrow is my last day!) so I could update...Amongst other internet surfing...
So anyways...
I'm here at my new house which looks freakishly like Fuyumiko's old house, and I'm bored. I woke up earlier than I think I've ever voluntarily woken up today- 8:45 am! I don't know why!? I just couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well. I'm online now and all is well...
Yes, technically there are 3 days of school left, but I can't go to the last two days as "Punishment" for having 42 absences. Er, make that 43. Oh well. All I'll miss is Yearbook signing. Oh boo hoo. I'm heart broken.
And moving on...
I've been badgering my parents about letting my get my lip pierced and I've finally broken them down! ..Well, my mother at least. My father is still avidly against it, but who cares. If all goes well I'll be getting it done this weekend!
Well, I'll be sure to post tomorrow so Come back to my site and leave me those comments that I love so much!
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Well, I'm too lazy to do the blog thing, so I think I'll just post like this....
Well, I'm moving this weekend. It sucks. No one has even started packing! uugh. Well, this new house is bigger and it has a cool yard with a hot tub. Yes. That's right. A Hot Tub. I am now liable to be kickass.
I went to Washington last weekend and missed out on the concert and my friends party. Although I did get one of those drunken midnight phone calls that u always hear about. Hehehe. It was my friend Brandi, and she was WASTED. It was sooo funny. Man. I wish I could've recorded it. I was at Jack in the Box when she called. (Don't ask, sometimes I just get midnight cravings for Curly Fries)
So yes, back to moving...
This shall be a bitch I tell you. And I'm trying to get out of most of it so I can go see an undecided movie with Catherine. Yay! We SOOO have to see something good. (Given, that I can go.)
Anyways, I better go now and Pack.
When I go to Hell, Satan is going to make me Pack boxes for all eternity, I know it....
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Oh My...
Well, I've been lacking in energy to update because Fuyumiko hasn't been on. Why Fuyumiko, Why?! Please everyone- Take a second and pray for her. She has been deprived of computer for so..long... So pray to God, Buddha ,Satan, or whoever you pray to and ask to give her the strength to keep going on until her needs are fufilled....PRAY!
...Ok, anyways....
School has been sucking ass lately. I don't think I get to go to the Graduation Party because I've missed WAY more than 6 days a quarter without a doctors note and I don't think I have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, so yes, I'm screwed. I'll just have meh madre forge a not for meh. lol. Yes, she'd do that...
My family is going to Spokane this weekend (leaving tomorrow) and I want to go but my mother won't let me. So it's just gonna be me and my father for the weekend. Oh well. I'm going to a party on Friday, then I'm going to a concert on Saturday. (Tiger Army- they kick major ass!)
Ok, well that's about it for today my kiddies. Ta Ta.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Just so you know, me being a new found camera whore, there will be random pictures posted through this entry....

Today was ok...
I stayed up until like 1:00 am doing my homework for English last night. At least I got it done though. So, needless to say, I was SUPER tired this morning. We had a party in Advisory today because our class raised the most food cans. (8 cans! HAHAHAHA. I swear...) People brought TONS of food. There were like 3 dozen dounuts, BBQ Chips, Brownies, Lemon Squares, and piles and piles of candy....
I got fat. More so at least.

In PE I actually tried to participate and they ignored me! Stupid Bastards! Me and my friend Des convinced our PE teacher to split the class in two groups starting Monday- The kids that want to play, and the kids that just show up for the grade. Heh Heh. I created the second group...

SO MANY people are cutting themselves at my school! It's like a trend or something! It drives me crazy! Gosh. Stupid idiots! There are better ways to kill yourself! Jeez. LOL. Anyways, I went to the counselor and just gave her this huge list of names and told her to talk to them. Hopefully they don't hate me.
I might not be able to babysit this summer. The hours are all messed up. Oh well. I DID want the money though...No, I shall correct myself- I NEEDED the money. Heh Heh. I still might do it though. I have to figure things out first. (LIKE WHEN PEOPLE ARE VISITING DURING SUMMER- WHICH THEY WILL NO MATTER HOW CRAZY THEIR MORON - I MEAN MORMON MOTHER IS!) Hehehehe. Don't pay any attention to that....

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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sorry but this post is dedicated to pictures I

My Computer! Yay!


The Rich People across from us...

Heh Heh..My Niece wanted to take a picture and this is what she chose... (Er..In case you handicapped, it's my fireplace..)

The Windo to the Bonus Room where I spend all my time...
Yes, well, that's it. Hope you enjoyed. If you didn't, I apologize, I'm a bit of a camera whore...
...And off to call Fuyumiko...
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Am I the only one who hates Mondays?
Well today was interesting... We're on 'Block Schedule' right now so we have 4 periods a day and each one is 90 minutes. Needless to say- it blows. Today I had Health, Art, Geography, and Math. It sucked. 'Cept for Art. I made a voodoo doll. And people think I'm weird! Peh!
Oh no. Tomorrow I have 90 minutes of English. WHY GOD, WHY?!
I don't have my homework done and I'm sure as hell not in the mood to do it now. On Monday my health class is walking to Subway... 1st period. I'm going to get a foot long (hee hee, me and my sick mind) so I can eat half then, then half at lunch. My sandwich only consists of Lettuce, Pickles, Onions, and Mustard though. Heh Heh. Oh well. It will still be good. Maybe I'll slip some Tofurky in it.
Today in Geography this kid named Donovan brought a condom to class and was blowing it up and playing with it! HAHAHA! His friends were bouncing it back and forth to eachother and my teacher didn't even notice. Then my friend called me on my cell phone from the class nextdoor. Man, teachers are blind nowadays. Did I mention that afterward he spit in in and left it on the sidewalk outside of school...?
I want a digital camera, and I can't wait until this summer to buy one with my job money. (Plus, 99% of that money will go towards clothes anyways.) Maybe I'll make my parents buy me one. Right after they buy me an ipod. (Wishful thinking.)
Well, I'm off to make me something thing for me to eat...
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
I haven't been online if FOREVER! I swear, I haven't abandoned myotaku for myspace! I've just been SUPER busy! First, we had people visiting from Nashville, then I went to Boondocks with AmericanIdiot and that was kick ass!...We almost got kicked out, but still...Oh yeah, and I got to practice my driving on the go kart thingy. Man, I'm gonna kill people due to road rage when I get my permit...
I didn't have to go to school on Thurday or Friday because I was 'entertaining our guests'. Heh Heh. Damn you school! I think I did bad on my Math ISAT thing. I hate you math! It's not MY fault I didn't know that 150 minus 75 equaled 75! (Don't ask)
I've been house hunting lately. I'm moving in a month! It didn't really hit me until my mother told me to start packing. I hate packing. Oh well. Now Fuyumiko and I can be miserable movers together! Yay!...Ok not really...
Moving Sucks...
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Monday, April 18, 2005
I haven't updated in like SOOO LONG....
Well, I'm going to apologize for my lack of 'updatingness'. It's a school week and I have a shit load of homework that I'm avoiding, so yeah...It's taken up some time. And not that this is an excuse, but I was going to update two days ago, but the stupid OTAKU erased my entry somehow. Bastards...
I'm quite nervous about this other journal site called I made an account there just so I could see my friends accounts and then I was like "Oh, it doesn't look good, I'll just touch it up" and before I knew it, I was on for like 3 hours! NOOO! I think I'm becoming a myspace whore! I swear not to abandon my otaku though. I SWEAR!

Heh heh...That photo is totally random, but it made me giggle...
I went to the mall this weekend and bought an Irish belt and a pink and black checkered tie. Man-O-Man, I'm a sucker for ties. And I'm not sure why... Oh well. They're just pretty. Like Doujinshi or Figurines! I spent over $30 and that was all I got. Some may say it's crazy to pay almost 20 dollars for a tie, but fashion comes at a price! Heh Heh... I'm a loser...
I officially hate windows....I stayed with Joel at his Grandparents house to earn money and they had us clean EVERY damn window in the house! And a lot of them were tall! Now my thighs hurt from going up and down to wash them. It took us like 3 hours! And we had to re-wash the same window like 4 times cause his grandma wasn't 'satisfied'. Idiot. It was CLEAN I TELL YOU!...

Ellen Degeneres!
Listening to Dresden Dolls...Mmmm....
I'm eating Chinese Food. Chow Mein! Yay! Screw those of you who are ASIAN and get chinese food everyday! Uuugh..Lucky bastards..or should I say, lucky bitches? ^.~
My niece and nephew got Grilled Cheese from a Chinese Food Place...I don't trust ANY store that has to put 'American Food' on it's menu. Shouldn't it be just a given!? Oh well....
I'm really Sorry Fuyumiko, but I just have to put this banner on...

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Well it's Tuesday and I'm sad...
Uuugh. I think I have Mono. (I have a Headache, runny nose, and a stomach ache...The Works...) I wasn't going to go to school today, but my friend Elise was all 'You have to go or I'll be alone tomorrow!' So I said I'd go and that I'd see her tomorrow then the conversation ended...
Come today, I get to school and guess whoes absent!!! Yeah, that's right! Elise! I was pissed! I called her from my cell phone at lunch (twice!) and it just kept ringing, which means she was online! That dirty crack whore! The madness! Then I called her in Art and no one answered still. (Note- I go to a really rich, preppy school, *that I don't fit in at, for I am neither of the two*, so kids get away with a lot of stuff including talking on Cell Phones in class.)
The one upside of today was that I conned ( <-- spelled wrong I think?) my way out of P.E. I told my teacher I thought I was going to be sick and that I'd already been to the nurse (which I hadn't) and that I demanded to sit out. So she said I didn't have to do anything for the rest of the week! YES!

Ah, the old days of Pokemon...Damn, why was I so stupid?
My friend Anndra finally got ungrounded yesterday! I used to talk to her online like EVERYDAY then her mother wouldn't let her go on the computer or phone because of a bus sitation. Oh well. Now we can talk again! Speakin' of which, I'm talking to Kanashii Ramen and Leiko Yume right now, which is why it's taking forever to write this damn post! Heh Heh...
...Just called Elise...
Said she was sick today. Damn her. She probably has mono that was caught from me. Oops! Oh well...
Here are a few pictures on Anndra...

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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Damn it all...
Damn. It's Sunday, and I'm grouchy. (Wow, this is like the opposite of my last entry!)
I have homework for Health that I haven't done. Damn Communicable Diseases. Uuugh. I hate school. I can't wait till next year! Yay! (Charter) I'm thrilled. Everyone that I wanted to get in got in. There are a COUPLE people that I recall from 6th grade that got in as well. Although, I don't like those basta- I mean, people.
Joel stayed the night...Twice... We had fun and acted like we were high. All we did was play video games and watch movies. Oh yeah, we did ride bikes downtown too. That was fun...And cold. We rented 'Saw'. It was so freakin' awesome. Why is it that I'm so obsessed with horror flicks? Am I going to hell? Actually, I don't believe in 'Hell' but still. I'm nervous for my sanity. We also went online and watched videos on ''. There was a Japanese commercial for Zelda. It was awesome, although it looked like a music video.

Why am I always Hungry?
Well, I got a summer job. I'm babysitting my niece and nephew 3 days a week from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm and I'm getting payed $100 a week. *Squeals* Yes! Finally! I need money SOOOO bad! Maybe I'll have a friend help me for one of the weeks, and just pay them $50. That's pretty good money! Last summer I only got payed $75 a week. I have no clue what happened to any of the money though. All I know was that I bought a Gameboy SP and that's it! But those were only $100 bucks (at the time) and I babysat for like 2 months! Oh well. There's nothing I can do about it.
Well, my family booked ANOTHER vacation for us this summer. Before we go on our cruise, we're going to a theme park called 'Lagoon'. It's in Utah and I get to bring a friend. If SOMEONE would get their parents to bring them here, I'd take them, but Noooo... I'll end up takin' Joel. I know it. Oh well. We'll have fun anyways. I go there every summer. Last time wasn't very fun though 'cause I wore shoes that were 2 sizes to small for me, so my feet were dying after like 4 hours of walking around. I can't help it though. That was my favorite pair of Converse! (They had flames on them too! Ooooh...)
Anyways, I better go...

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