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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Hectic...Too Hectic...
It's Friday and I'm happy...
Well, not that happy.
I wanted to go to Boondocks, but due to lack of money, I can't. Uuugh. I'm sorry Catherine! On the Other hand, Joel wants me to come over. I don't know if I will though. It's getting kind of late. Hmm.. I think about it later.
Just to warn you, what you may call 'mindless rambling' is about to come up....
Well, today in English, two kids were passing notes and the teacher caught them and found out that the paper they were passing had a girl giving a guy 'head'. Needless to say, they are in major trouble. It was funny to watch though. Hehehehe. I'm so mean. That's why I'm going to hell. Besides that, the day was pretty boring. And if it wasn't, I was too busy reading my book by Ellen Degeneres to notice. Oh, my gosh, it's such a funny book! I was reading it in Advisory and I started laughing so loud. It didn't help that the room was quiet, so EVERYONE heard and was staring at me. Then like 10 minutes later, I was about to laugh, but I tried to control myself and started laughing anyways. Have any of you ever tried to not laugh and have it come out this horrible sound when it actually happened. It sounds like a person blowing their nose or something. Anyways, that's how it came out. I just gave up afterwards and would burst out laughing. Everyone wanted to read it, but I wouldn't let them. It's MY book and NO ONE shall touch it. Yes, I'm protective of my things. At the bottom I'll put a passage from her book. (One of the ones that made me laugh.)
I'm hungry...
I'm not sure if I wanna stay at Joel's. His house is fun and everything, but his family isn't exactly used to my way of living. *Cough* Vegan *Cough* Therefore, I starve.... They offer to cook me food, but I just feel weird. Then I thought about bringing my own food, but that made me feel weird too! It's just like saying, 'Oh well, I hate your cooking, so I brought my own food. Hope you don't mind'. I know I'll end up going anyways. Oh well.
Here is the passage that made me laugh....Actually, I'll put two parts...
'My Meeting With God' -Ellen Degeneres
...So, a couple of mutes later, god walked in the room carrying a tray with a fondue pot and a bottle of Chablis. I would say she was 45 or 46 years old. And she was a beautiful black woman. I saw her and we immediatly hugged. She smelled SO good. She said it was Calvin Klein's Obsession Perfume.
We sat down and started drinking and talking about the weather and what was going to happen to it. I asked her a bunch of questions I was curious about.
"What is the hardest thing about being God?"
"Trusting People" she said. "You never know if they really like ya or if it's just 'cause you're God.
"Nobody cares about miracles anymore," she announced. "They just go by unnoticed."
"What was the last miracle?" I asked.
"It was the toilet that flushes automatically!" she said, eyes welling up with tears. "And before that, it was the George Foreman Grill! The Fat just drips off!"
....(Ok, it's me again. Now anyone ever hear the saying 'When you are alone, you only have one set of footprints, because God is carrying you." Well, that's what made this next section so funny...And back to Ellen...)
God Said, "Do you remember that day you were walking on the beach?"
I said 'Yeah'.
'Well I was there.'
'But there was only one set of footprints.'
She said, 'I was on your back'.
'I THOUGHT I felt bloated that day. I thought it was water tension.'
'No' she said. 'Know that when you are bloated, I am there'.
..That comforts me...
Ok, that just made me crack up reading it. (Sorry if it wasn't funny to you.)
Anyways, here's the second part from her book...
Chapter: This is How we live. -Ellen Degeneres
..."How else does Technology torture us? Well, try opening up a brand new CD. What has happened to the packaging of CD's?! These are angry, angry people, these CD packagers. 'Open Here' it says. Is that sarcasm? Are they mocking me? The plastic they use is so thick, it's like government plastic-civilians can't buy this stuff. And you can't get through it without slashing it will a knife or scissors or something. In fact, I find you need scissors to get into anything these days. Have you tried opening a package of scissors lately? You need scissors to get into scissors! And what if you're buying scissors for the first time? I mean, how can you possibly get in there? Damn the government."
Words of wisdom, Ellen! I love you! Anyways, thanks to those who actually read this! By!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
My Otaku is pissing me off...
Well today has been interesting...
Yes, I went back to school today. It blew. I hate being absent. No, wait, I take that back- I hate the day AFTER being absent. I have a shitload of homework, that, of course, I'm neglecting. Good thing there aren't homework abuse laws....
We're having Chinese Food! ^.^
Ah, I'm home alone. Free Lance Computer! It would be more enjoyable if my ghetto dryer wasn't going. It sucks. We have to hold open our garage door with a plunger everytime we dry laundry because some 'belt' is broken in the dryer so it heats the laundry room...And the bonus.
I knew I shouldn't have worn my 'Ramones' Jacket Today. I would take it off, but I am disabled when it comes to zippers. It's really pretty though. It's black and green. Oooh Aaah....
I got accepted to Charter School Today. YAY! This means that I won't be going to MV though. I'm sorry Leiko and Kanashii!...Oh yes, and I won't be going to Eagle High either, so American Idiot's group of Super Friends will have to be without me.
(Ooh! Food is here!)
Joel also got into Charter. This means we will be going to the same school for the first time since 2nd Grade! We'll have classes together for sure. The school is SO tiny. (Hence, me having to apply for it.) It only has 200 kids in the whole school. That means there is 50 freshmen. It's a Technology Charter School so there are Computers in EVER Class Room. (Enough for each student.) And best of all- THERE IS NO P.E! Yay! There are 4 'fitness days' though. One in each quarter, but it's awesome. They drive us to wherever we want to go as long as it's physical activity. This means we can go swimming, bowling, snowboarding, and whatnot. It's gonna be awesome, yo! Heh Heh. Too Much Ghetto Lingo lately. So yes, it shall be a good time!
(There is some kid that got picked to go to my school named Seymore Skidmark. HAHAHAHA! I'm serious...)
I'm getting full on Chow Mein...
I want to go to Boondocks this weekend. Preferablly with my dear, dear, Ghetto Friend....You know who you are! And feel special damn it!
Well I better go before I stab someone....
(Fuyumiko- I TRIED calling you. Tell you parents to stop talking to that Septic Tank lady and hang the hell up!....I'
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
I'm Gansta Bitch!
Owww. I have a headache. And that's not normal, especially since I didn't go to school today. Hehehe. My sister needed a babysitter for like 30 mins today so my parents let me stay home and watch my neice and nephew. It was simple. Although, I almost fell asleep 'cause it was at like 9:30 am and that's early to me! (Unlike CERTAIN people that can get up every damn day at the buttcrack of dawn!)
I got my report card today, but I hid it. Good thing too! I had 2 F's! Damn Math and PE! Yes, it's possible to fail PE. Uuuugh. Oh well. I have all A's and a B besides those two classes.
Something smells like burned rubber, and it's not the Garlic Bread...
I helped my sister deliver phone books today. (Don't ask) It sucked. Phonebooks now go on the list of things I hate, right under Luxembourg and Excersise. To make matters worse, my 2 1/2 year old nephew fell out of the truck...while it was moving. He just got a bit-o-road rash though. Nothing a few beatings wouldn't fix. (Just kiddin'!)
I can't stop listening to this song called 'Girl Anachronism'. I had the music video on my site for a bit, but I was usually listening to the song anyways, so I took it off. I'm listening to it now...
Uh Oh...My mother is calling me.
I'm neglecting my homework. Especially my Geography. That class makes me hate people. Especially people in Luxembourg... Damn them... My teacher hates me too. He thinks I write on his desks, which I don't! I don't know where he ever got that impression! Maybe it was my initails on all the desks. *Glances Nervously*
Ok, I need to go shower, and make a Tofurky sandwich for lunch tomorrow....
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Do you hate Mondays?
Am I the only one who hates Mondays? Today was so tiring. The only thing that kept me up was my Sylvia Browne book, which I might add, was almost taken away twice. Stupid teachers.
Apparently, my parents scheduled a cruise that we're supposedly going on in a couple months. It's a Week-long cruise which means I will be stranded on a boat for 7 days with a 24 hour buffet...Mmmm... Buffet... This 'package' (as my parents called it.) also includes tickets to Disney World and Orlando Studios. I guess this means the Ship goes to Florida? Anyways, does anyone know if there is a China Town in Florida, because if there is, I'm going to take full advantage of this vacation.
My current least favorite class (discluding P.E, of course.) is Geography. It blows. I can never muster up enough energy to do my Homework, so as of this moment I think I have a C. Oh well. Better than my P.E grade. (F for fun!)
I hate too many people at school... |
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Today Blew...
I had such a lousy day! Gosh. First, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. It sucked! (Although I did eat yummy pancakes.) I've been tired ALL day! Then, my mother took my sister to the mall without me! The Nerve! Last, my friend that was supposed to come over's Dad is a total Jackass and wouldn't let him come over! So here I am...Sitting here in my HOT upstairs. (Which reminds me, my cat shouldn't be up here...)
I'm so bored. Ick. Today sucks. Although tomorrow promises to be joyful! I get to go to Barnes and Noble & The Mall on the same day! Yay! I also might try and get some Mongolian BBQ outta my mother too. Because of a certain SOMEONE whom I won't name...
I am now addicted to Ebay. (Hence, my Avatar, made by Me.) But I'm not interested in the little stuff...Nope. I just bid on a $600 guitar. Heh Heh. Do I have $600? Not here, but I DO have $4,000 in a trust fund. (Thank God for my car accident.... Ah...I love 'Pain and Suffering' Money. *___* )
My Father most likely thinks I'm gay, just for the sole reason that I was sticking up for Gays when he referred to them as...'What did he call them?'... Butt Plugers? Something rude like that. Anyways, I got offended and started yelling at him. He asked me if I was gay, and I told him...crap. I don't remember. Oh well. This situation was almost as bad as when my mother asked me if I wanted to have a 'life partner'. Uuuugh. Why do families have to be so misunderstanding?

Support Lesbians!
I find out if I get to go to Charter School on April 6th. *Fingers Crossed* Please Think Good Thoughts, Pray, Make Sacrifices for me, or whatever you do that ensures good luck! Thanks. Now I must go, but I'll leave you with a picture of my Dear, Dear friend, Elise...
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Dial Up Blows!
I hate my internet. It's soooo damn slow! Especially now. I'm downloading songs, virus scanning, and listening to music. Not a good combination if you want your internet to work properly. We're supposedly getting DSL soon (YAY FOR DSL!), but I'm not sure how long it will take my mother to get it. After all, it DID take *counts* 8 months for her to get us a new computer when ours broke last year. Damn, I have a lot of files on my computer. My virus scan is on like file 18,000.
I woke up to early today. 8:30 am! On a Saturday! I don't think I've EVER voluntarily woken up before 11:00 in my life! Oh well. At least I get to post early. I had pancakes for breakfast! They were great. They were 'Apple Cinnamon' ones. Mmmm...
Joel is supposed to be comin' over today. Not until like 6:00 though. Damn. I'm bored. I've done NOTHING all weekend. (And it was a 3 day weekend too!) Some friends wanted me to go see The Ring 2 with them, but I wasn't about to pay 8 bucks to go see a movie I saw a week ago, so I said I couldn't. I don't know what Joel and I will do? We will probably use The 'Lightswitch'. (Don't ask... And NO, I'm NOT talking about a Sex Toy!) Maybe we'll go to the YMCA 'cause I haven't been swimming forever, and the water park doesn't open until May!
Mmmm.... Pancakes....
I keep having to redownload this song 'Missed Me'. It's by 'The Dresden Dolls', and it's great! (The Music Video above is 'Girl Anachronism', and it's also by them.) Anyways, It keeps downloading to a file that I can't reach! Damn Temporary Internet Files! Anyways, I finally figured out the problem, so I fixed it, and it's downloading AGAIN. Oh well. The song is worth it.
I can't stop 'touching up' my site. I love it, though! Do you guys like it? I don't really have a 'theme' in mind, but I noticed there is a lot of Gravitation and Dark Blue. It works though. Oh yes, and if the Music Video doesn't work at first, let it 'buffer' like 4 times and then it should work. If not, get DSL. Heh Heh....
*Goes to See if Song is Done Downloading* |
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Friday, April 1, 2005
My Lazy Day...
Well, today was pretty boring. All I did was watch some TV ('Divorce Court', heh heh, I'm a loser...), go online, and talk on the phone. I'd rather be bored than be at school though. Bit Torrent died. It doesn't work. It stopped loading my file. It said that there was a problem connecting to the server. Well, what the hell does that mean?! Uuugh. I've given up. I'll just wait until we get DSL. Mmmmm. DSL.
I have no official plans this weekend. I might go to a movie or something with Kanashii Ramen, but that's about it. Oh yeah, I think I said I'd do something with my friend Joel on Saturday. He has yet to find out about my hair. Hehehehe....
I can't stop editing my site. It's so habit forming.... Like Ebay. Speakin' of which, I am in the process of making ANOTHER Ebay Avatar for a certain someone. I think they'll like it greatly.
I need to stop eating. I'm gaining back all the weight I lost from becoming Vegan. Ick! It's so gross. I keep playing with my 'flab'. Yuck.
Well, since today's been so uneventful, I really have nothing to right about. I apologize for boring you... |
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
My Hair... I Love It...
Well, I dyed my hair what I thought was black. But it ended up being blue... And I love it. It's Midnight Blue and I didn't notice at first 'cause I never really looked at my hair in the light, but it is! It rocks. I keep touching it. Everyone else liked it too, except for that one kid, Mitch Euclair. Stupid Short Bastard. He was all 'It looks ugly. Like someone crapped on your head'. All I had to do was point out that HIS hair was brown and indeed looked much more like shit that mine did which was dark blue. Later, I might add, I pointed out that it looked like his shaved his pubic hair and put it on his head, which made him leave me alone. No one likes him anyways. He was just jealous 'cause his parents wouldn't let him dye his hair.
I'm downloading 'Gravitation' Episodes and Both Movies, and it's taking FOREVER! It's been 2 days and it's only on 1.8%!! I hate Dial-Up internet! Oh well. I'm getting DSL soon enough. We're going with Quest though, not MSN.
We had to watch the worlds most boring movie in art. All it was was an 80 year old guy, makin' pottery and using language I've only heard in 'Sex-Ed.' I swear, this is an exact sentence from the movie.
"First you take the shaft and squeeze it. You don't have to worry because it's lubricated by the sponge." Everyone was cracking up, except for my teacher because he's Mormon and doesn't think of such 'lingo'. Later on in the movie, the guy was showing us how to roll clay, and talking about having his balls in his hands. It was SO funny.
Balls...Heh Heh...
I can't wait until school get's out. If it doesn't end soon, I'll die. I know it...
I'm moving at the end of May. I'm not sure where though, but 'here' is driving me crazy! Too many rich, preppy kids. Uuugh. Then, if I don't get into Charter, I'll go to M.V. That's where Kanashii Ramen and Leiko Yume will go! YAY!
...I need to stop typing before I have a spasm... |
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Sunny Delight Is The Elixir Of Life...
I'm tired... Not to mention, Hungry, even though I just ate Noodles... Today sucked. I didn't do my math homework and my math teacher stuck her butt in my face! I made gagging noises but she didn't notice and kept talking to the kid beside me. Everyone was laughing cause they new I was slowly suffocating inside this womans buttcrack. It was horrible!
My 'Friend' Donovan unzipped his pants and stuck a bananna in them and let it stick out and it looked...bad...Intentionally I'm sure. Then he got in BIG trouble. Heh Heh... I love watching people get in trouble. I guess I'm a little sadistic. Oh well.
Well, I dyed my hair....It's Black. I enjoy it. It adds a bit of 'zing' to me. Now I'm nervous, Kanashii Ramen will probably pet it MORE than usual. Oh well. It made my hair...softer than it used to be. I like it. Even I pet it now!
Well, I better go befor I keep rambling about stupid stuff like this... Ta Ta.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Well Today was just...Bleh. I didn't like it. I woke up late and I was still tired and I was even more tired when I arrived at school. Like I said, Bleh. I really don't care for school. I'm failing PE and Math. Uuugh. I hate them both! I think my PE teacher is a lesbian, but I'm not sure. She's just very... *Searches For Right Word* ...Gruff. I really hate this kid named Mitch Euclaire. He's this short little punk with hair that I just want Chop off! It's So Hideous! It's curly and greasy and it's like 2 feet tall! Gross! And to top the rest of my horrible day, I forgot my lunch at home, so I had half a bagel (shared so kindly by my Friend, Taylor.) and a carrot for lunch. Monday's and Tuesday's are my least favorite days of the week. I'm much more of a Saturday kind of guy. I don't think I've ever voluntarily woken up past noon on a weekend. (Unlike SOME people that can somehow wake up at the buttcrack of dawn EVERYDAY! *Cough* Fuyumiko *Cough*)
I really want Mogolian BBQ again. It's like an addiction. Like Arby's, or E-Bay. I always get it with Lots-O-Curry! MMMMMM! Gosh, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day besides my tiny lunch and a sandwhich when I got home.
I'm selling my Gamecube to one of my brother in law's friends. He only wants to pay $50, but I'm trying to wager and sell it for $70! Muahahaha! I need money SO bad. I'm running low, and to make it worse, I'm going to Wally World today, so I think I'll end up buyin' a CD or something. DAMN PRETTY CD's! No wait! I didn't say that! I LOVE CD's!
I made a really neat pot in Pottery class and it broke in the Kiln! I'm so dissapointed! It took my like 3 days to make and it was 2 feet tall! *Crys* It was... Soo.... Beautiful... Ok, enough grieving, I'll just make another, better, bigger one.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go blow the rest of my money at the store...

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