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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Well, It's Easter...
My family just got done eating dinner. They had Turkey, Ham, Potatoes, Corn, Rolls, and Stuffing...I, however, had Ramen and a Tofurky Sandwhich. Holiday's always seem to make it harder to be Vegan... Would it be considered rude to call someone on Easter? I'm just...soo...bored.
Did I mention my cousin's were over? (Yes, the smelly ones.) The smell they emit is undescribable. It's like B.O, Shit, and Piss and mixed together! It's awful! And ALL they ever want to do is play on my Gamecube! I guess it's not smart to talk about them seeing as how they're like 6 feet away...
I'm in Denial...Spring Break is not over damn it! Uuugh. I don't want to go to school tomorrow! I keep trying to remember if I have homework or not? I doubt it for it was the end of the quarter, but who knows? Teacher's are bred to be bastards. Except for my Irish and Vegan Teacher, Mr.Kersey. He dances and sings about flowers. Hehehe. I think we're somehow related, but I'm not sure.
I got a Bright Eyes CD for Easter. (Along with a DVD- 'Superstar', and some other stuff. I've been listening to it all day. Along with the specially burned one I made. I'm addicted to Connor Oberst. I even realized I did my hair like his. (We have similar hair anyways, but still...)
I wonder if I should call Fuyumiko...? I'm already running on a thin line with her mother, so I don't know if I should risk calling on a 'religious' holiday. Oh well. I won't.
I've been remodeling my site lately. It's like my version of Spring Cleaning, cause I obviously won't do any REAL cleaning, so this is as close as I can get. Do you guys like it?
...I keep sneezing. I think I'm allergic to the 'shit' smell...
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My First...Blog...
Well This is My First Time Using a blog as a post, so if it comes out weird, don't get mad...
Well, I didn't get to go to the freakin' anime Convention. (The voice actor for Roy Mustang was supposed to be there!) Oh well. I got to see 'The Ring 2'. It was good. I actually liked it MORE than the first one. Fuyumiko, don't swat me. I liked how it showed 'the girl' more. (I would use her name, but I know I would butcher it.) Although, it was kind of funny when they were getting attacked by Deer. I saw the movie with Kanashii and Leiko. Leiko got her hair chopped off to get it to look like a girl from Final Fantasy X. Yes, I can use Roman Numerals. Times like this just 'call for them'.
I'm in denial...I don't want Spring Break to be over!!! *Whines* Why does it have to be over already!? It went by to damn fast! (Sorry to those of you who actually HAD school and seemed like the longest week ever.)
Not only does Easter mark the end of my Break, my cousins are coming over. Uuugh. They're sweaty and they smell like Poo. And ALL they ever want to do is play my Gamecube!..Which reminds me, I need to hide that thing before they get here tomorrow. Last time they found it and I had to lie...More so than usual. They have a damn Gamecube, so will it frickin' kill them to bring the shitty thing over here?!...
Sorry you had to hear that....
I had 'Tofurky' today. It was good. I had it on a sandwhich with soycheese. Mmm...I knew I should've gotten some Veganaise (Vegan Mayonaise) at Fred Meyer today! Gosh! I wish I wasn't lazy, otherwise I'd go make myself another sandwhich right now....
Kanashii is commenting on my hair being soft...I'm flattered, but she said it was odd...Is she saying that men don't know how to properly wash and condition their hair? I think I'm a little bit of a Metrosexual. Oh well...There's nothin' wrong with wanting to be pampered...Is there? Now she's saying she likes petting my hair. Yet again, I'm flattered. Speaking of my hair, it's getting pretty long. (Which I like.) It's getting to the point where it's soon to poke me in the eyes.
Well, I'll leave you now and investigate this entry and hope it turned out well on my blog of Connor Oberst. (With, I might add, a blue tint....OOOH...AHHH...)
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
I'll Master That Beast.
I've almost mastered HTML Coding For Blogs! Yes! I even made one, but it looked all funky, and the picture came out weird, so I just need to touch it up a bit and then I shall show it off to you all. I WAS going to show Fuyumiko, but I was shunned because of a certain OTHER FRIEND whom I wasn't alowed to meet...
My mother is babysitting my niece and nephew overnight...Uuugh. They're driving me crazy. The got fake 'Bow and Arrows' from the Dollar Store, and if I get hit by one more of those freakin' plastic arrows that you lick the tip of to get it to stick to things, I'm going to snap! Plus it's gross getting hit by things that they licked.
It's actually only 10:35 pm on Friday, but I found out that if you post after Ten (Mountain Time), due to time differences, it says the post was for the following day. I'm so smart. Actually, I believe Fuyumiko told me. Oh well. I hereby take the credit since I'm a little stingy toward her at the moment. Yes, I said it! STINGY.
Hand Cramping...
I'm burning CD's! What? You didn't expect me to download all those Bright Eyes Songs and not Burn them did you?--Ah...They're done....
Now if you'll forgive me, I'm going to go listen to them.... Ta Ta.
The Lyrics on this Picture are from 'The Calendar Hung Itself'. It's a great song.

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Friday, March 25, 2005
How To Make a 'Me'....
How to make a Mr.Brightside |
5 parts Jealousy
3 parts Silliness
5 parts Revenge |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of Bastard and there ya go! |
Personality cocktailFrom
I hate to say it, but it's actually pretty damn right. Now don't go out and try and make me though! There's nothin' like the original and that's me baby.
.....Fuyumiko- Get home! I've been calling ALL DAY and I'm bored as hell!
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I've Been Too Nice To People Lately...It's Killing Me..
I've been doing too many favors for people lately. My eldest sister inparticular. I've babysat for her for the past four nights in a row! (And all I've got was some Mongolian BBQ, which I think made me sick after I ate some that sat out over night...Yes, Fuyumiko, I know. "HA!" is what you're thinking now. But it was sooo worth the pain...)
I'm going to Wally World in like 10 minutes. I'm going to bribe my mother into getting me one of the new Bright Eyes CD's. I think I'll get 'Digital Ash in a Digital Urn'. For once a CD I can get at the store instead of having to have my friend wire it from China Town or having to order it offline! Yes!
I have pretty photo paper, but I don't know what to use it on...Hmmm....I'll just print whatever comes to mind I suppose... I think I feel a headache coming on....Uh oh.
I don't what Easter to come! Forgive me Lord for saying this, but, DAMN YOU EASTER! YOU MARK THE END OF MY SPRING BREAK! WHY GOD, WHY!?!?
I was going to use this for an avi, but I decided not, so here it is...

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Mongolian BBQ....
Mmmm... I finally got some Mongolian BBQ...I ate SO MUCH. And now I'm paying the consequences. My stomach feels like it's about to fall off! UUGH! It was soooo worth it though.
I've joined a shit load of fanlistings, so it's only a matter of time until I put them up. Yes, Fuyumiko, I know how to do it.
Ok, I have to get this out, before I explode...To those of you whom I showed Photobucket to... You need to cut back on putting up pictures! You are going crazy with them and you site is too full! Sheesh! I know you love them, but it's just..too..much..Oh yes, F.Y.I, Kanashii Ramen- The picture of Miroku and Inuyasha you have on your site is from a YAOI Doujinshii...Thought you'd want to know.
On a final note...PLEASE DOWNLOAD 'PADRIAC MY PRINCE' BY BRIGHT EYES OR ELSE I'LL FLOG YOU!...Now, for a picture of Connor Oberst, Master of Lyrics...

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Downloading Like A Mad Man....

I just downloaded a shit load of even MORE Bright Eyes Songs. *Sigh* I'm in love. Some of my recently downloaded songs are 'Padriac My Prince', 'Touch', and 'Lover I Don't Have To Love'. I recommend them ALL. 'Padriac My Prince' is such a sad song. It's about Connor Oberst's (the main singer) baby brother drowning in a bath tub. If you want to listen to a truly depressing song, listen to it. It's
I'm remodeling my site soon...Hmm..A theme...I don't know. I'm to lazy to think of one now. I never really did a Sesshoumaru theme.

I'm sorry Sesshoumaru! I love you still!...But I think I'm moving on. Heh Heh...Forgive my craziness...It's the pudding.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Listening to Bright Eyes....As Always...

Heh Heh....SpiderMan Doing the Napolean Dynamite Dance...God, I love Technology.
Speaking of Technology, I find out if I get to go to Technology Charter School on April 16th. I hope I do..And I hope Joel does too. Him and I haven't gone to the same school since 2nd Grade! Wow! I just realized that..Gosh, I'm a little slow...Also on the subject of Technology, my free trial of Photoshop expires in 10 days!! Uuugh! You wouldn't think it would matter a whole lot to me, but without it I can't....
Turn This...

Into This...

Oh well. I'll force my parents to buy it...I also want an Ipod. They're so costly though. But they are so lovely! I'll get one of those somehow too... I want to go to Seattle this weekend, but I doubt it'll happen. I'm sorry Fuyumiko-sama!
...I'm eating OREO PUDDING...Yes, it deserves Capitals...
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Yes, well it's Spring Break! (For most of us...) And I'm thrilled! I went and saw 'Be Cool' yesterday with some friends from LCMS that I haven't seen in years. (Marcus Roberts, Shelby Dodd,...and some of her friends.) I also saw Amanda Khampha and her boyfriend, and some other people whom I didn't recognize. I told them all to stop bother Leiko and Kanashii and they said they would. My, My, I'm so influential. I am probably going to see 'The Ring' with Leiko and Kanashii today...Hopefully. I was also supposed to go to Washington sometime this week, but it's looking very improbable...Oh well.
I am avoiding homework still...And my Geography teacher was in the newspaper...And his head took up the whole page! He told us to keep the page and draw some hair on him (he's bald) and whoever did the best job, would get a "prize." Perhaps I'll do it if I'm bored....
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Coming Soon...

That's a background I made and submitted but It might not show up for a couple days. Don't ask WHY I made it, 'cause I'm not sure. Again I say, BACKGROUND OR AVATAR REQUESTS!?...Anyways, I've been soo lonely. Kanashii is at Leiko's all week and she's grounded from the computer, so none of them can update! Uugh! I also found this great site that lets me download all the music I want for free!
Report cards are being sent on Friday. Yes, I think this is another report card my parents will never see...I think I have an F in Math, and I KNOW I have an F in PE....Damn that class! What are they trying to do, make us physically fit!? Pah! Who needs that!?....
....I want a SOYmilkshake...
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