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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Bitches 'N Toast
Mmmm... I'm hungry. I think I have to retake the same math class next year. Oh well. Perhaps then I can pass it. I finished the picture Kanashii wanted me to make for her, but due to her lack of computer she can't see it for a while!...Still trying to figure out how to use and arrange layers on Photoshop! I need help!! I also need more avi and background requests for I am a loser! Uuugh. I can't stop downloading songs! 'Tis an addiction! I can't get off of freakin' Ebay either! Grr! Damn you Arashi!!! Oh well. I would've learned it's wonders sooner or later. I have SO MANY backgrounds to post, but I'm only doing them one a day. Myotaku keeps deleting one of my backgrounds and comments on it's image quality! Bastards! Anyways, I'm going now....
....Leaving to Call Fuyumiko. (Ah, you should feel special.)
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Monday, March 14, 2005
I apologize for my lack of updating. I've been busy. And Leiko and Kanashii came over! Yay! Although I must say, Ed is a twisted bastard whom I believe is going to Kill Fuyumiko's "Father". Heh Heh... You're welcome...I think... I'm sooo bored. I think I'm going to be held back in math this year! I'm only in Pre Alegebra! Yet if you get an F for more than one quarter, you have to take it over. WHAAA! I'm sad. Oh well. I'll get out of it somehow.
I hate WAY too many kids at my school. It's just not normal. I shouldn't want to stab 2/3 of the people I see in the Halls. Hmm. Oh well. I'll just do away with them...I mean....Uh..Yes, I shall go now before I get myself in MORE trouble...
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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Well, I'm really excited for today! Leiko and Kanashii are coming over! EEEEK! I'm so hyped up for it! I still need to clean though. And I should probably get off the blasted internet soon so they can call. I'm listening to Green Day on my computer. I LOVE them. I used to be SO obsessed. I've been makin' a butt load of Backgrounds lately. I just added a whole bunch today, but they might not actually be visible for a period of days. (Slow Otaku Workers!) I haven't seen my cat in awhile...I hope he's still living. I hope he's alright...Stupid Bastard, Getting me all worried... Eh, Anyways, I still need to learn how to animate bloody Icons! Uuugh....
Background Requests?...
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Damn complicated computer problems...
Well today was good only because I got to see old friends, and because it's Friday! I had leftover Chinese for lunch. Mmm.. It was sooo good! I haven't eaten anything since noon. I'm hungry. But I'm more lazy than I am hungry, so I'll end up waiting a bit longer. I really wanna do something this weekend, but I'm broke! I also have to start savin' money for the Anime Convention in 2 weeks! *Screams!* Anyways, I really need to figure out how to work my Jasc Photo Shop. If ANYONE knows how to animate icons, PLEASE POST HERE! Thanks!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Bright Eyes

Hello...I've got a current, slight obsession with a band called Bright Eyes. I bought a shirt that says "Bright Eyes" because it reminded me of "Brightside" but now I love them. The lead, (and I believe only) singer is named Connor Oberst. He's a Vegan. Yes. A Vegan. 'Tis a word that deserves a Capital. Once Fuyumiko teaches me the art of Song Editing, I shall put one of their songs on my site. Miko-San! I need Your help! I shall call you later. Uuugh. I need to go to Albertsons to buy some more Oriental Top Ramen. I just have to wait for my RealPlayer update to finish. (Yes, my parents agreed to buy the software!) I also updated my photoshop, but I have not the slightest Idea how to use it! I have the newest version of Jasc Paint Shop Pro Studio. If anyone knows where I can find a tuturial for it, please put a link in my comments. Speaking of comments, I noticed is big fat 0 on my previous entry! You lazy ass bastards!!! Whew...Anyways...Actually, that's all I can write now. I'll post after I get back from the store!
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Well, today has been fairly uneventful. I don't see a lot of point in writing about people that no one here knows, so I'll save myself the handcramp. School is slowly killing me. I HATE mornings, when I get the chance, I can sleep until late afternoon. I'm one of those people that can wake up 12 times, but still be able to go back to sleep. School is too damn early. I also hate math. I have like a 12% in that class. Screw it. I don't know what school I'm going to next year. Either Charter or Mountain View. Hmm...Oh well. I'll decide later. I'm talking to Kanashii Ramen and she is asking me if it is hard to become friends with Fuyumiko. I had to tell her how we met.....
Kanashii: is Fuyumiko the type that is really hard to become friends with??
Mr.Brightside: Yes'm
Mr.Brightside: The way we became friends was.....
Mr.Brightside: In 4th grade the week of Valentines, we were making those cheesy valentine mail boxes outta shoe boxes and I noticed FUYUMIKO had a tiny kleenex box, so I offered to give her my extra shoe box but she got all offended and stated that she liked her box and thought it was more original than mine. Then I got to meet her sand creature. (Don't ask.)
Mr.Brightside: Then somehow we became friends.
Mr.Brightside: It just takes time with her
Kanashii: I know.
Mr.Brightside: It's worth it though. She's help me stab someone if I asked.
Anyways....Apparently Iku-sama threatened to "Open a can of Whoop-Ass on the white kids" that were making fun of her. Ha. She's so funny...From a distance. Just Kidding. Well, I perhaps I should go before I get myself in MORE trouble....
My hand cramped anyways...
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Mongolian BBQ....

Yes, today has been splendid. I got a horrible nights rest, as always, and before then, I had to clean up cat puke! Gross! My cat went to the vet and they had to shave parts of him to see if he got bitten by other cats so now I've nicknamed him "Patches O'Hoolihan". For those who haven't seen *Dodgeball*, that name is the same or similar to that crazy guy in the wheelchair. I also got Mongolian BBQ for dinner! I wanted to finish it off, but I had to stop myself so I'd have some for lunch tomorrow! (Damn my school's lack of Vegan Food!) We got a shiny new black printer that matches our computer and it came with 3 pieces of Glossy Photo Paper. I've only got ONE left though! I think I shall print off some FMA pictures for Fuyumiko and send them to her. That outta save her some lamination... I want to stay home tomorrow. All my friends walked to Tyler's house after school today. For those of you who don't know, I loathe Tyler with every Fiber of my Being. Don't Ask. I thought only my OLD friends whom I don't speak to anymore liked him. I feel so abandoned. Oh well. Screw Them. Soon enough I will be living in China Town with Fuyumiko (NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP YOU SICK FUCKS.) and I'll have adopted myself a lil' Mongolian Baby. Heh Heh... I'm the kind of loser who plans stuff like this. Although Fuyumiko knows 'bout it too....Uuugh. I want summer damn it......
Post Script-
I spilled my cranberry juice...
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Sunday's suck.

Sunday's suck, blow, choke, and swallow.
I hate Sundays. They're almost as bad as Mondays. OH THE ANTICIPATION!...Anways, I'm sure I had homework of some kind although I'm deliberatly blocking it out so I won't feel bad about forgetting to do it. Heh Heh. I need some money. I only have one dollar! And flippin' Fuyumiko's gone and got me hooked on E-Bay. I had fun at Joel's. Although I realized how much he copies me. I'm actually beginning to like his brother a tad bit more. Gosh, I hope he doesn't read this. I think he has my otaku name. Oh well. Usually he only goes online to look up porn.
Geography is now the worst class ever. I finally get Luxembourg outta my mind and now I get bombshelled with freakin' Afghanistan. Urrrgh!
Oh yes...And Joel steals Lighters....Don't ask.
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
My Weekend

Well, my weekend has been fun so far. Joel is over and we played the hell outta his X-Box...LOL. Now in a bit I'm goin' to his Dad's House to mess around. No, not with him, you sick bastards. Anyways, I feel bad 'cause Fuyumiko got a C- on her Monologue. (<-- Is that how you spell it?!) See, if she'd move her ass over here, I could've helped her! We all know I'm a master of acting...Well, acting, lying, same thing. Just Kidding...
....Man I'm on a Sugar High....
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Friday, March 4, 2005
I'm in a

Well, it's Friday night and I'm waitin' for my friend, Joel, to get here...He's sooo gosh darn slow! (I'm trying to cut back on my fucking swear words!...Wait...Damn, I messed up already...) Anyways, I have to go to school on Saturday...No, not for Saturday School, I have to make up a lab that I missed...I'm takin' Joel with me. He just doesn't know yet. Oh well. I'm also brining some Top Ramen. My science teacher said he'd make some for me in the teacher's lounge! Whoo! I think he's here! Ok, he is...Now he's here...Perhaps I should go...Yes, I'll do that....
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