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Protecter Of The Universe.....From the span of my bedroom to my bonus room. The rest is taken care of by God and aliens and whatnot...
Real Name
Yukio Arasaki
Oh So Many, Question Please...
Anime Fan Since
I don't remember.
Favorite Anime
Gravitation, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Imadoki, Sailor Moon, MARS, Samari Deeper Kyo, Confidential Confessions, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Marmalade Boy , Digimon,
Pass School, Move to Seattle, and Live in China Town.
Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, Blinking, Writing, bitching, skanking, moshing, going to concerts, Oh, and I sing Proffesionally...Only in the shower though. Heh Heh. , Playing with my Coin Operated Boy, yelling, listening to music, speaking in Ghetto Lingo...
Pretty Much the same as my hobbies.
| Mr.Brightside
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
YET ANOTHER Reason Why you shouldn't drink Cow Milk...

It's a proven fact that Cow Farts pollute the Earth, but we should love them anyways....Or they'll blow you up....
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Cows Rock

Why One Shouldn't Drink Dairy...The Cows Will Revolt!
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I'm going to blow up my school....
AAAAAA! In my last entry I wrote about how my geography class was doing projects on Asia, and how I wanted Japan, well guess what!? Some bitch got it! I got landed with Afghanistan! I hate Geography! This is ALL Luxembourgs fault! I couldn't choose, or fight for Japan cause I didn't do my last project on that foul country! I hate it!!! Ok...Now that that's over with...Actually, that's pretty much it....
Post Script- Ah, Fuyumiko. Sorry 'bout not calling you yesterday, I didn't go to school, so I couldn't get on the phone! Ack! :-)
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
Ok, I DID have the Totoro song, but as you know, I change things a lot, so now it's a song from Kiki's Delivery Service...
My family went and saw "Hitch" without me...All the better. At least I got interuption free internet time! Yes! Uuurgh. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. We're choosing countries for our Asia Project in Geography, and I made the mistake of telling someone I was gonna try and get Japan, and now she is too! That Bitch! For our last country project I tried to get England and she got it instead, so I got landed with Luxembourg! We all know how that turned out!!! *Sigh* Oh well..I'll make sure I get it. Or I'll stab her in the throat...
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Whoo Hoo! I got Totoro to play on my site! YES! I love Totoro...Especially the cat bus. Anyways, today has been uneventful....And I'm hot..
You can tell summer is on the way. And boy I can't wait. Fuyumiko better get her ass down here to keep me company for I am a loser with nothing to do! I'm also going to modify my whole site soon...I want to give it a theme, but I'm not sure what...Probably Sesshomaru! EEEK! He's my secret lover- I mean..Eh...*COUGH* We're...Good Buddies. LOL...Whew, I'm high off Coke. Forgive me...
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Uuurgh...Saturday School was a bitch...And the stupid fat bastard Mr.Glover that was going it, was an asshole! I had to write a letter of apology to my parents and he made me redo it 3 times! He kept saying that I sounded sarcastic. Then on the last copy I wrote "To the man who claims to be my father." and he got really pissed and read it to everyone else in detention. They all laughed. I don't think that was the intent he meant for it to have...Oh well. He's a dumb dipshit. And SOMEONE is at the Bellingham Mall right now. (By the way, I DID call you back last night at like 8:30 your time and the line was busy!) I'm in a really pissy mood right now, if you can't tell. Oh yes, and Jessica (most of you won't know who I'm talking about.) is getting suspended on Monday and she doesn't even know! HAHAHA! She was supposed to be in Saturday School today and she wasn't for like the 3rd time so Mr.Boner, I mean, Mr.Glover said she was suspended. YES!
My cat is becoming a Fat Lard...
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Well today has been alright. I'm on the brink of stabbing someone though. LOL. I am talking to Fuyumiko via MSN Messanger. I also found out that Leiko cannot go to the mall tomorrow! My day has been shot. Maaaaan...That sucks, blows, chokes, and swallows....LOL...Whew....Anyways, I have Saturday School, as always. Just 'cause of like 12 little tardies. Oh well, that's where all my friends are on Saturday morning anyways...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Stupid Bastards...And more Ranting from Your's Truly...
Urgh. I hate school! I have a shitload of homework that needs-a-doing but I don't want to. I just found out that I have to get at least a D+ in Pre Al otherwise I don't get to go up to Algebra next year! I have an F right now. That's my only F though. The rest are A's and B's...Besides PE, but I don't even consider that a class. Heh Heh. I only got an F cause I refuse to dress down. There is no way in Hell that I am going to where Purple and Gold Spandex-like shorts. They just want to see me in tight shorts, but hey, I don't blame them. LOL. Just Kidding. My back hurts. I don't get the proper nutrients. And to top it off, it's hella hot up here...Great, now I'm rambling. I apologize if my incoherant blabbering has bored you. I just need to get it out before I stab someone...Again. Wait. I've said to much. Speaking of Idiots, there is a stupid kid in like two of my classes that keeps telling me to flex my muscles. I told him I don't need muscles to slit his throat and he told on me...Now I think I'm danger of suspension. Oh well. I'll do it when I get back. HEHEHE....
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Everyones changed soo much since 6th grade! It's ok though. We all have. I'm eating Oriental Top Ramen as always. I live off of it. I really wanna go to the mall. I think some friends and I are skipping school this week to go. I really gotta stop doing that. We did it to go see the Series of Unfortunate Events Movie too. I also want to meet up with some old friends.....Please no school tomorrow! I have soooo much Geography that's not done. Luxembourg is officially the worst country in the world. (Don't ask) When I rule the world, I'm going to blow it up!
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My First Post
Well, I really only wanted to use this account as to post in other journals, but as the oh wise one, Fuyumiko said, since I had an otaku, I felt a need to write in it. Thus, I am quitting Forgive me for my illiterate behavior around her for I am new to myotaku! Bye!
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