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myOtaku.com: Mr.Brightside

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Today Blew...
I had such a lousy day! Gosh. First, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. It sucked! (Although I did eat yummy pancakes.) I've been tired ALL day! Then, my mother took my sister to the mall without me! The Nerve! Last, my friend that was supposed to come over's Dad is a total Jackass and wouldn't let him come over! So here I am...Sitting here in my HOT upstairs. (Which reminds me, my cat shouldn't be up here...)

I'm so bored. Ick. Today sucks. Although tomorrow promises to be joyful! I get to go to Barnes and Noble & The Mall on the same day! Yay! I also might try and get some Mongolian BBQ outta my mother too. Because of a certain SOMEONE whom I won't name...


I am now addicted to Ebay. (Hence, my Avatar, made by Me.) But I'm not interested in the little stuff...Nope. I just bid on a $600 guitar. Heh Heh. Do I have $600? Not here, but I DO have $4,000 in a trust fund. (Thank God for my car accident.... Ah...I love 'Pain and Suffering' Money. *___* )

My Father most likely thinks I'm gay, just for the sole reason that I was sticking up for Gays when he referred to them as...'What did he call them?'... Butt Plugers? Something rude like that. Anyways, I got offended and started yelling at him. He asked me if I was gay, and I told him...crap. I don't remember. Oh well. This situation was almost as bad as when my mother asked me if I wanted to have a 'life partner'. Uuuugh. Why do families have to be so misunderstanding?

Support Lesbians!
Support Lesbians!

I find out if I get to go to Charter School on April 6th. *Fingers Crossed* Please Think Good Thoughts, Pray, Make Sacrifices for me, or whatever you do that ensures good luck! Thanks. Now I must go, but I'll leave you with a picture of my Dear, Dear friend, Elise...

My Sexy Elise <br />


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