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once i did something important... oh wait that wasn't me
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i enjoy doing stuff, yes
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Pictures? Yes i have them.
I feel like posting stuff so heres pictures of whatevers in my photobucket.

my 2k4 alias intimidator, my all around favorite paintball gun. I wouldn't trade anything for this, i love it. Mostly because of the work i had to do to get this, i paid for it and i worked hard for it. It was $1700 in total.

Dye ultralite barrel, with 14" blue tip. I had contract killer grips but i don't like grips so i don't have any, just some stickers.

yeah I love that gun. HK is Hostile Kids btw, and pbfashion is HK's gear website. So if you need some badass head bands check it out, www.
heres a photoshop i did a LONG time ago

I still like it though.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
if you've been wondering where i've been, well i've been playing in s5 css, my team's in the playoffs. Also in the begining of the summer I broke my arm. And I indeed still play paintball. Thats about it. I'll be around, hopefully.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
now thats perfect timing
Our next paintball tournament is this weekend and i don't think our third player can make, on account of a broken hand *sigh* this will be the third tournament our team will have missed. I just really want to play, i don't care about winning i just want to play. I bought i case of paint just in case we end up playing. Well at least our kittens aren't sick any more. I was hoping to go to otakon this year but that weekend my sister is moving into her dorm room. Oh well i guess i'll be able to go next year. I'll cya all around.
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
What a miserable day
normally i don't complain or talk about how such and such sucks but today wasn't a fun day. People on xbox live are just jerks, and the people at the paintball feild today were not fun to play with. Every game something would. The first game someone did a dead man's walk, which is where you pretend to be out and then turn around and mow everyone, it's legal but in my opinion it should be considered cheating. This didn't upset me greatly considering you can do that. But the next few games people upset because of over shooting, and in the last game i played someone accused me of overshooting and started cursing and threatening me. I only got upset when he stayed on the feild and told his team where i was, (this isn't legal and he should have been taken of the feild and would not be able to play the next game) and then they called the game and everyones cursing and yelling at me. I just left, i didn't get mad or anything. Its just too bad people are ruining our fine sport, i don't think i'll ever play woodsball again. Overshooting is an accident and it happens all the time in every game. I understand if people get upset but when they start cursing and threatening me i wonder why i even play. Today just wasn't a good day, but it could have been a hole lot worse
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
need sleep... and food... mmmm
yesterday we had an all night lan party, i just got back from it... argh... i got less than 4 hours of sleep, but it was worth it. Unfortunely when i got back to my house my sister wouldn't open the door and let me in. Partly because she was in her room listening to music and playing video games while i was running laps around the house trying to get her attention. *sigh* i need food, i slept through breakfast and played halo through lunch... i really have to stop skiping meals >.< well i'll cya around.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
halo & sick kittens
Ah yet another day, recently my friends and I have been holding a lot of lan parties, once or twice a week we all gather around the xbox and play halo, last time my friend and i where playing halo 1 on legendary (omg its so easy) and our plan was to stick plasma grenades to him and then he'd run headlong into the enemy, then i'd pick off whats left. Most of my friends give up playing against me, they just throw their controller down and go play worms. *sigh* quiting gives them no honor. In other news... i have no other news. haha oh well. Our new kittens have a cold, they look miserable >.< coco looks the worst. Hopefully they'll get better soon. Well thats it for now.

woot season three is out! redvsblue rocks!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
New look
I've updated my site... i believe it's changed for the better, it looks nice and stylish. Oh and thats me in the welcome sign. Well thats it for now. Cya all around.
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Monday, July 25, 2005
paintball is my anti-drug
last weekend i got a planet eclise Ego (paintball gun) and on sunday i went to pevs the try it out also my good friend came down from boston, i don't see him very often so it was awesome to play paintball with him again. He had just got a new 05' intimidator, unfortunely it wasn't working so he used my intimidator. As for the ego it's by far the best gun out there in my opinion. It's very light and once you get used to the trigger it rips, it's no gas hog either, i got at least a hopper and 8 or so pods. We played a couple of hyperball games with a few guys and had a blast, my friend jack shot me in the side of the head cuz i wasn't paying attention, my friend from boston (john) got out really early in most of the games. In case we had a good time.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
What a busy week
last weekend/week was very busy. i had a birthday party to go to on friday, saturday was relay for life and sunday was the tournament. Also i had sols the next day. ARgh i'm so glad thats done with. I only have one picture from the tourny i'll post it up later. We placed 7th, it was so freakin' messed up though 3 teams in our bracket (includeing us) had a tie, and the rules state you take the prelims score and add it to the semifinal score and the team with the most advances, in that case we would have moved on to the finals! but instead they made us play frickin' 1vs1s! What the crap! argh anyway we place 7th...
oh yea i managed to see Star wars epi.III on the day it came out Woot. I love star wars, considering star wars was my childhood.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Bungie Rules!
Bungie just releasted 4 new multiplayer maps for Halo2. So needless to say i'll mostly be on live (xbox internet thing)(look for SARGE72M). Later i'm off to PWN! \/\/007!
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