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The Black Void inside my mind.
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Serial Experiments: Lain, Fooly Cooly, Trigun
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LPadlock (03/12/05)
cool site, i like the colors, keep up the good work, and stop by mine sometime.
Basket Case (03/02/05)
random site I was bored awesome site! kitty? that ur backround I guess i will add u as a friend
FerretBoy (02/28/05)
This is the person who used to get on Flowers and butter alot of toast. :) Don't return this favor!!! (It's Beckey Wheeler here) ;P
NemesisMannequin (01/26/05)
Rawr! Thanks for signing my guestbook, and the posts. I love the theme, its so cute...yet so dark.
Sakura Ryuu (01/17/05)
Bonjour! J'ai a vu vouz avcec someone elses site, et j'ai ne sais pas le francais tres bien! heh, sorry... (I need to take french 3....)
Anyways, just like I said I saw you at someone else's site (not WITH someone else.. sorry) and decided to come here for a visit.
I like your site. The golden yellow looks good with the black. And your avi is so cute! ^^
Anyways, I'll let you go now. And hopefully I'll see you some other time (whether it be here or at my site...) ¡Adios!
Love Peace Eggrolls and Grease
~~ Sakura Ryuu
yuripriss (01/12/05)
hi!nice site u have here..i see ur an inuyasha too!
so i was thinking of joining TSPC..who should i ask?..i hope u could help me with that..
i added u in my friends list..i hope you'll do too..
gotta jet..
PEACE! ^_^
Beautiful Pain (01/12/05)
Hey Anna :P hehe cute fox ^^ (I love foxes...and wolves they are like the sexier versions of cats and dogs, as if they werent sexy enough)oh hehe forgot to mention its me LiLMaMa89, I made a new site but dont worry the old one isnt going anywhere! ^_^
fuzzymonkey (01/12/05)
yeah, I'm um signing the gb thingy cause I kinda used your Naota pic as an avatar without asking and um yeah, I hope you don't mind. If you do then I will change it, but it's just so cool. Sorry
Drugs are for winners
Steptoussai (01/10/05)
Haha, your BG is sooo kawaii!!!
Adding you as a friend, neh?
-Steptoussai the Manslayer
Sakuma-Ryuichi (01/10/05)
I think you're site, its wicked and there, and I can juggle, and uhm...ya.
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