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The Black Void inside my mind.
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Serial Experiments: Lain, Fooly Cooly, Trigun
Monday, August 15, 2005
I had to clean my room all yesterday. It was so boring and now today I have to go to the book store to get some books that I have to read for school.
For some strange reason my dad is taking this week off from work. He's supposed to spend time with me and my brother but I think it's really just so that he can work on the house.
We started painting the T.V. room today. Now the TV is in the middle of the floor and the sofa is in front of the sliding glass door. So now you have to climb over the sofa to get in to that room. Or you could go around to the other door, but the first way is fun.
A few days ago I got my hair cut. A few days before then I had got my hair cut again. But I didn't like the way it looked then so I got it cut again. Basically, my hair used to by past my shoulders, then it was at my shoulders(it made me look like I was from the 70's)that hair cut was my moms idea and I really hated it, then I went back and got it cut again, now it is really short but I really like.
My mom is so narrow minded. Like whenever we go by a person with one of those signs that say 'Will Work 4 Food' she'll look the doors. I asked her why and she said that it's because she doesn't wan them to kidnap me. Really. Like there going to kidnap ME. She thinks that all of them homeless people are scumbags of don't deserve another chance. and then when we went to go see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, we saw these two teenagers who were Goths and my mom leans over and says, "is that the way you want to dress?" and then when we past them my mom said again, "they were looking at you." so I think my mom thought they were considering me as 'One of Them' And then she tells me "I hate those kind of clothes" and I’m just sitting there mentally laughing. Thinking 'Well, now I know how to make you mad'
This clothing thing is so stupid see here’s the thing. I want to dress alternative or gothic or whatever. Because I like the clothes they sell at Hot Topic. But my mom hates them and won't let me wear them. She wants me to be like every other girl. And wear those girl clothes. But to tell you the truth, those clothes are an insult to girls. I mean look at them. The shirts barely cover you, they don't really even have sleeves, and wearing those pants is like wearing nothing at all. They are so tight. Now, look at the boys clothes. They are far from tight. Why is there such a difference? Why are girls given nothing else other then these skimpy clothes? It’s because that’s what boys like to see girls wear. But those clothes only really look good on those skinny little girls. What about girls who are over weight by a lot or little? That’s why girls feel so insecure about the way they look because if there fat, those girl clothes make it VERY obvious. See I’ve seen some of those shows with those women who design clothes, and they usually were models or also design clothing for models. So they don’t really ever consider the over weight population of girls, just those ones who love to were the tightest and brightest clothing there is to buy. All these stupid clothing and Mothers who don’t want their friends to think that there bad parents so they want their children to look like every other child. That’s why I think my Mom doesn’t want me dressing the way I dress. Because she’s afraid of what other people will think.
So, yeah. If you don't know who spooky is, he's an original character by Johan Vasquez a.k.a. The creator and artist of Invader ZIM, Johnny The homicidal Maniac (JTHM), Squee, I Feel Sick, and Fillerbunny. He is truly the greatest artist EVER. You want to know something funny? There is only ONE picture, that is 1 picture, of Johan Vasquez in person. Just that one. There might by one other but there is only one of his face.

“Not now son! I’m making…TOAST!” -Professer Membrane
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