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myOtaku.com: Mrs. Yamanaka

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Mrs. Yamanaka here! I know most of you think I’m married to Ino well, WRONG!! I’m Ino’s twin sister! In the pic at the end of my profile is a pic of me. Most ppl think it’s a pic of Ino, no it’s a pic of me. My name is Rea Yamanaka. I make my own weapons, I love making electronics (TV, laptop, game cube like things, games ect), I play the flute, and I love to fight. I’m a ninja and I don’t hang out with Ino very much. Just to say, my hair is longer then Ino’s. I have a crush, most ppl think I’m weird but my friends don’t tell anyone else without my permission. But, you seem to be my friend so I’ll tell you. Like everyone I have a crush on Sasuke but I also have a secret crush……Ninji!! I think there both really strong and I want a strong guy to protect me when I get hurt!! I also think Ninji likes me back b/c when I say “Hi” to him her blushes!! I’M SOO HAPPY!! I also like scrap booking!! Well, bye!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting That’s the pic of me!!

Yamanaka Rae

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Soo tired. Neji is moving next door! It sucks. I like him but I just dont want to seem to stupid around him! Hey I have to go. I'll type again latur
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Thursday, September 21, 2006

OMG!! I just got a letter in the mail from someone! It says who it's to but it doesn't say who it's from. I'ma open it. Hang on. Okay I opened it. I'm about to read it. Hang on. Mkay, it says.

You've won $10,000,000. Please except you're prize in the main hall in the academy.

And that's all it says. Well, gotta go eat, my mom won't leave me alone. Bye

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