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myOtaku.com: Mrs.Naraku190

Saturday, January 27, 2007

   hey all.
orry I know it's been awhile since I upsdated . I've been busy because of my bitchy aunt , and also because my little sister had her heart broken on tuesday the 23 . I've been trying to comfort her but it doesn't do to much ood but help her little , so I'm asking if others would help me comfort her he profile is Draculina1236 , her boyfriend and her had to brake up because he has anew job and it's best for them to just be friends instead of him making her wait endlessly for him to return . She understands that but yet she is still extremely heart broken and han't stopped crying ever since they broke up. I ask in a favor if you can help me comfort her so she doesn't feel such intense pain of heart brake. It is her first heart brake and it's so painful for her that she can't barely keep her self standing from crying so hard. Just knowing how much pain she is going through makes me cry a bit too. She's so upset and really needs more friends and comfort, so only if you choose to could you talk to her? remember her profile name is Draculina1236 . I know how painful the first true love heart brakes hurt , and it isn't pleasant at all , just thinking of the pain agan makes me all teary eyed from that pain I had experienced for the first time . but now I have my dearest sweet Naraku , and I don't have to worry of feeling that heart braking pain again. so can you all do me a helping favor and try comforting her if you ant to and if you are up to it. thank you and I will be here tomarrow I'm off to work now so bye everyone *hugs my little sister tight before letting her back on her account*
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