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| MrsTaraYuyMaxwell
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
About Me!
![Hide!]( You hide yourself! You are able to make you invisible in seconds. You hate it when you are confronted with troubles. So you prefer to disappear as long as the danger is over. It's a good way.Go you!
How do you react when you are afraid? ( ...with pics... ) brought to you by Quizilla
![Your weapons are Sais!]( Sais! The smalles and lethalest pitchforks on earth. Invented by farmers, the Sais are more a defensive weapon to protect yourself against swords. (This on the pics aren't Sais, but that was the only pics which mached a bit, sorry ^-^v)
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
![Moon Goddess]( Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Nine Things I Hate About Everyone!
1) People who point at their wrist while asking for the time...I know where my wrist is pal, where the heck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toliet is?
2) People who are willing to get off their bottom to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
3) When people say, "Oh! You want to have your cake and eat it too." Darn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it?
4) When people say, "It's always the last place you look." Of course it is! Why the heck would you keep looking if you already found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
5) When people say while watching a film, "Did you see that?!" No loser, I paid $12 to come to the Cinema and stare at the floor
6) People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?" ...Didn't really give me choice there, did ya Sunshine?
7) When something is 'New and Improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it is an improvement, then there must have been something before it.
8) When people say, "Life is short." What the heck?! Life is the longest thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer than that?
9) When you are waiting for the bus to come and someone asks, "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus had come, would I really be standing here?
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Oh No! School starts again!
I went to my first day of school this Monday! Augh! Can you believe it? That totally sucks! I even had homework on the first day of school! I had 26 math problems, and autobiography in Spanish!!, and I had two history assignments! Grrr!! That is so not cool. Oh, well. Have you started school again yet? It's not to bad though because I only had to go to school for three days, then I have the next five days off! Isn't that great? It's pretty stupid though. We go to school three days than have five off. Why couldn't they wait untill after labor day?
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Friday, August 27, 2004
I am most like...
You've been overdosed
so many times with chocolate and pocky, that hyperactiveness has become
second nature to you. You usually act without thinking, and you trust
people too easily, but everything always has a way of working out for
you in the end. You also adore blonde nicotine-enhanced writers who
think you've got zero talent - but who doesn't?
Gravitation Character Are You?
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X Sesshomaru X
Hey, everybody...Go check out X Sesshomaru X web-page! It's really cool! Oh, and please leave a comment...or two! ^.~ See ya! The website Url is:
Sank you!
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
My New Kitty Is Here At Last!!!!
My kitty is great (right now he is playing with a pary hat!o.O His head goes quite far inside)...but Boo, my other cat...well she won't stop hissing and GROWLING!!! My cat growls! She won't allow anyone to touch her! And all she does is stare at Ashes(male) and mope around the house. She almost attacked him today! I don't know what to do? Can somebody help me out?
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Guess what all! I just had my birthday a little bit ago! I got three anime series for my B-day...D.N.Angel; Weiss Kruez Gluhen (season one and two) and I got a Naruto wall scroll!
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A baby kitty!
Whooo-hooo! I'm soooo happy! Tomorrow I get to bring home a brand new baby kitty! It's blue-grey except it's white on it's stomach, paws, and neck! It's sooooo cute! KAWAII! I have another cat, she's 3 years old and she's EVIL! J/K But she really isn't a very nice cat.
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Check Out This Awesome Book!
The Woman in the Wall By Patrice Kindl
My name is Anna. I am fourteen years old and a very shy person.
I don’t know why I am telling you all this. You probably have tons of better things to do than sit around listening to me.
What else do you want to know? I’m Anna and I’m shy. And fourteen. That’s all there really is to tell.
Thank you.
Oh! You’re still there?
Oh, dear. Now I suppose I’ll have to—
All right, I’m sorry. It wasn’t really true, what I said. There is more to tell. If you’re absolutely positive it won’t bore you, I’ll tell you the story of my life. So far, anyway.
I have always been shy. The urge to hide came over me at a very early age. My mother says I was a good baby; I never fussed at all. Both of my sisters came out of the womb with mouths wide open, screaming their heads off, their hands outstretched to grasp at whatever life offered. I, on the other hand, never even whimpered as I entered the world. I just lay there quietly in my incubator and tried to fit in. I had no longings for power or domination. I didn’t want to intrude in any way; I simply wanted to blend into the scenery with as little fuss as possible. In this I succeeded.
“Where’s the baby gone?” my mother would say, poking around the crib blankets. She’s got to be right here; I put her there myself two seconds ago. Anna is a naughty girl hiding from Mommy.
“Anna!” my mother’s cry would echo from the cellar to cupola. “Where are you Anna?”
That’s what she wanted to know. Even today, all I have to do is close my eyes and say aloud, “Anna! Where are you, Anna?” and those long-ago days come to mind, perfectly clear with every detail. A tendency to disappear, you see, is and always has been my leading characteristic.
I don’t really disappear, not exactly. I’m just not very noticeable. I’m small and thin, with a face like a glass of water. And I like to hide.
Summery: Anna is more than shy. She is nearly invisible. Most of the time her mother and sisters don’t see, hear, or pay attention to her. At seven, terrified of the prospect of school, Anna retreats within their enormous Victorian house, and builds a house of her own: passageways, and hidden rooms become her world. As the years go by, her family forgets she ever existed. Then a mysterious note is thrust through a crack in the wall, and Anna must decide whether or not to come out of hiding. Her life may seem like a fantasy—but there is nothing more real.
So…from what you’ve heard so far…what do you think? Do you think the book sounds good? It is one of my favorite books!
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Brotherly Love - The Story Of Why Sesshoumaru Seems To Hate His Brother
[Sesshoumaru's Pov]
I was in my Chamber sitting idly, staring out the window. My expression held no emotion, as always, but I longed to shed my icy mask, I'd never tell anyone though. I love nature, the flowers, the birds, the bees, the sky; especially the sky at night when the stars are out. They fascinate me. Often I'd sit outside in a tree and study them, just as I was going to do now.
Getting up, I smoothly opened the window and gracefully plunged out onto the ground where I landed gently on my feet. My tail curled around me unconsciously as I tiptoed across the grass and over to my favorite tree. Jumping up onto it, I stretched and gazed up at the bright shining stars.
Another reason I loved them was because they made me forget all of my problems and I felt at peace with myself. I didn't have to think about my father and his human wife or their pup, Inuyasha. I didn't have to worry that someone might find out that I actually liked Inuyasha and always felt guilty for being so cruel to him. I didn't have to ponder why my little half-brother liked me regardless of how mean I was. I could forget and just know the stars.
I am only twelve and I live with my father, my mother, my stepmother, and her pup Inuyasha, who follows me around like a shadow. It annoys me to no end because I like the little hanyou (half demon) but could show him no affection.
Suddenly my body went rigid and I sat up straight and searched the area. I felt a presence around me. When I saw not a thing, I sniffed the air. I was right, there was something nearby. I heard a soft whimpering and pinpointed it instantly. It was Inuyasha. He had his arms up raised towards me, his lower lip jutting out and quivering a little. His eyes were teary as he whined, "Up! Up!" from the right side of the tree I was in.
Chuckling inside, but still expressionless outside, I sighed and sprung down from the tree. I hastily looked around before I bent down and plucked Inuyasha up. I leapt back into the tree and settled the giggling hanyou (half demon) into my lap. I don't really know why I did it, perhaps because I was interrupted and my good side went against my better judgment, but for the first time, I was nice to him.
"Why aren't you in bed?" I gently scolded.
Inuyasha gazed pleadingly into my eyes as he spoke, "I had a nwightmware (nightmare)! It scwared (scared) mwe (me)!"
"Why didn't you go to your mother or Father?" I gently implored, wiping tears from his cheeks.
"Becwause (because) Daddy would well (yell) at mwe (me)!" he sniffed.
"Then why come to me? How did you know where I was?" I asked, confused.
"Becwause (because) I wuve (love) wou (you)! Swides (sides) I swaw (saw) wou (you) out the winwow (window)." he squealed happily throwing his arms around my neck.
I softened, I couldn't help it! I couldn't even think about being rotten to him now, not after what he'd just said. Even though I kept my icy mask on I cuddled little Inuyasha in my arms, holding him tight against my chest. I stroked his soft silver-ish hair and wrapped my tail gently around him protectively as I rested my cheek on his head.
Inuyasha sighed then yawned as he rubbed his tired eyes with his tiny fists, "Nwighty (nighty) nwight (night) Niichan (Older Brother)!" he said softly. Then he laid his head upon my breast, relaxed, and fell asleep.
I absolutely adored him. It was so amazing that this little hanyou (half demon) could give so much love. I cradled him carefully in my arms and studied the four-year-old Inuyasha. He was the only one capable of making my heart melt.
In my arms he rested peacefully and seemed to fit there perfectly, comfortably. I knew that tomorrow I'd have to go back to being mean again. But maybe, when we are alone I could be nicer?
* * *
The next day, I woke up unusually happy, I was kind of disoriented so I shook my head to clear it. That was when I remembered what happened last night. I took a shower and quickly got dressed.
As soon as I set on foot in the dining room my Father immediately ordered, "Sesshoumaru! Today you will take Inuyasha to the fields after breakfast and watch after him."
I groaned aloud and grimaced as if the thought of taking care of a hanyou (half demon) disgusted me. Inwardly though, I gave a toothy grin. "Fine." I muttered.
I sat down then, and began to eat eagerly, till my mother growled quietly, "You're eating quite quickly, you must be excited."
"No!" I protested. "I.uh just want to get it over with as quickly as possible!" I snarled back as I listened to Inuyasha delighted chatter. But I ate slower after that.
When we finally got to the fields I glanced around excitedly, when I felt, saw, and smelled no presence I finally let my icy mask melt. Turning to Inuyasha, I watched him as he danced around the wild flowers chasing butterflies.
"Niichan (Older Brother)! Wou're (You're) swiling (smiling)!" he squealed, delighted. He scurried over to me and wrapped his hands around my legs and grinned up at me. "I wuv (love) wou (you), Niichan (Older Brother)!"
Almost uncontrollably, I bent down and picked him up, hugging him to me fiercely. "Niichan (Older Brother)?" he asked dazedly.
"I.I.I think I love you too.Inuyasha." I whispered to him.
Inuyasha gasped, his jaw dropping, "Weally (Really)?"
"I think so." I rasped somewhat awed.
Growling playfully, I gently tackled him till I managed to straddle his hips. The little hanyou struggled fruitlessly, while I leaned down and began to tickle him unmercifully. Inuyasha shrieked with laughter. I released him ten minutes later and we both gasped for breath, for I had been laughing just as hysterically along with him. Inuyasha's head was tucked under my chin and I exhaled against his puppy-dog ears making them twitch uncomfortably.
Chuckling, I glanced down at his angelic face, which was glowing with amazement and ecstatic pleasure. Suddenly I jumped up taking him with me, I gave him a soft little push and told him, "Run! Let's play tag!"
Immediately jumping into action, little Inuyasha began to run, his soft silver hair springing back behind his head. I chased after to him but first I gave him a two- minute head start.
Giggling, Inuyasha seemed to keep turning his head back around to peer at me, as if making sure I didn't disappear. "Can't gwet (get) mwe (me)!" he cried out.
But I ran as fast as I could after him and in no time I'd caught up to him. I grabbed him from behind and we collapsed, tumbling into the golden, honey scented flowers.
Panting, I wrapped my tail around the little hanyou (half demon) who cuddled into it, till he was most comfortable, "Fwuffy (fluffy)!" he told me.
Smirking, I nodded and noted to myself that I'd never let anyone touch my tail before much less play or cuddle it. 'What are these strange feelings?' I inwardly asked myself. Inuyasha closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving me to fend for him if need be. 'I should hate him!' I screamed in my mind. 'His mother took my mother's place! Father likes him much better then me!'
Sighing I held him in my tail gently as I stood and slowly began walking back towards home. The little hanyou (half demon) shifted slightly and stuck his thumb in his mouth sucking softly, but I paid no heed and continued walking, my face, once again, frozen, devoid of any emotion.
When I finally reached the castle, the guards moved aside to let me hastily to allow me entrée. I steadied my pace and crossed my arms over my chest. As soon as I stepped inside the main hallway Father rushed up and demanded, "Where's Inuyasha?!" I could tell he had no trust in me, and that hurt, hurt real bad.
But I only lifted my tail high enough so it held Inuyasha in front of father's face, "He fell asleep," I said as icily as I could at the look of raw panic on his face. He visibly relaxed and snatched up Inuyasha out of my tail's grasp and scolded me fiercely, "What's the matter with you?! If you'd been shot at, Inuyasha would have been hit. He could have been killed! Go to you room, now!" My eyes narrowed venomously and I glared at him with all my will, it must have been pretty outraged because he looked startled. Yeah, you care if Inuyasha would have shot! What about me, huh?! What about me! I wanted to scream at him but I didn't. Instead, I just walked down the hallway in the direction of my room fist clenched cutting half moons in my skin, which began to bleed. I didn't come out of my room at all that night, not even for dinner. I just laid on my bed and feel asleep.
* * *
I awoke from my sleep only to feel something soft and warm nuzzling me. I opened my eyes to see Inuyasha pressing his head against my chest, snuggling.
"Inuyasha?" I murmured groggily
He whimpered and looked up at me with tear filled eyes, "I had anoder (another) nwightmware (nightmare). Can I sweep (sleep) wif (with) wou (you)?"
Nodding, I lifted up the covers allowing him to crawl in beside me. I put my arm around his waist and asked, "What was it about?"
"Wou (you) dwied (died)! I kwilled (killed) wou (you)!" he said tearfully.
"Alright, well it's over now, don't worry," I soothed.
"Vank (thank) wou (you)," he whispered.
"Welcome. Now go to sleep." I stroked his some hair out of his face and soon after his body went limp and his breathing relaxed. Then I laid my tail over him protectively and cuddled him close. Then, I too, fell asleep.
* * *
[Sesshoumaru's Father's POV]
It's not that I don't love my son it's just that ever since he closed up I had a difficult time trying to show it. Recently I've given up. I'm frightened that he might do something to harm Inuyasha. I could never let him take my little Inuyasha from me. Never. I'd never have ordered him to take Inuyasha to the fields either if the little hanyou (half demon) hadn't begged, pleaded then finally cried.
When I saw Sesshoumaru come in from the hall this afternoon I almost had a heart attack because I didn't see Inuyasha trailing after him. When he did show me the way he was carelessly holding him, I flipped. I know I overreacted, but I wasn't able to control myself at the time. I was startled and a little frightened at hatred I could see burning in his eyes as he glared at me. I feel guilty now because I realize that I'd earned the glare only because he'd misinterpreted what I meant. As soon as he'd walked off I shook Inuyasha gently awake and demanded to know what had happened.
Inuyasha told me happily in a bubbly voice. I was shocked completely when he told me that Sesshoumaru had told him he loved him. Then he went on talking about what a great time he had. He said he'd chased the butterflies, been tickled intensely (I checked his belly for marks, there were none), played tag, and then he'd fallen asleep, after much cuddling on the Youkai's (demon's) "fwuffy tail."
After he'd finally finished I felt faint and was surprised when I didn't pass out in shock. It was terribly hard to believe, that Sesshoumaru had at least been a little nice but to say he loved Inuyasha, to play with him tenderly, to cuddle him, it was unbelievable.
I walked over to my bed and numbly sat down on it. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.
* * *
I awoke bleary, my senses alert I sat up quickly and sniffed the air, it smelled like.Inuyasha?
I got out of bed quickly and opened the door wide enough to look down the hallway. There was Inuyasha, stumbling in the dark. Frowning, I stepped out of my room and silently followed him. I almost cried out aloud when I realized he was heading towards Sesshoumaru's room. Inuyasha sniffled when he finally got to his chamber door before pulling it open.
Inside the room was Sesshoumaru, on his bed supposedly asleep. I wondered if he called Inuyasha through his dream here to kill him. Spying all that was going on from the darkest corner in the room, I stood ready, poised to attack if need be. I watched as Inuyasha nuzzled his head against Sesshoumaru's chest a few times before he opened his eyes and murmured, "Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha whimpered and looked up at him before asking, "I had anoder (another) nwightmware (nightmare). Can I sweep (sleep) wif (with) wou (you)?" I watched the scene puzzled, where was the cold Sesshoumaru I saw everyday? His face held emotion now, he was looking at Inuyasha tenderly. Maybe Inuyasha was right and he did love him.
I was even more shocked when he not only allowed him to crawl into bed with him, not only wrapped his arms around his waist, but even asked, "What was it about?"
With tears in his voice Inuyasha replied, "Wou (you) dwied (died)! I kwilled (killed) wou (you)!"
"Alright, well it's over now, don't worry," he said warmly.
"Vank (thank) wou (you)," Inuyasha whispered.
"Welcome. Now go to sleep." Then he stroked my Inuyasha's silky strands out of his face. Sesshoumaru laid his tail over Inuyasha lightly, cuddled him, and fell back to sleep.
Stunned, I walked over and looked into my two pup's faces. I think I understood then that something was forcing Sesshoumaru away from the charming he decided he love him secretly. For the first time in years, I bent down and gave both of my pups a kiss on the forehead. As I turned to walk away, I was more determined then ever to find out what was forcing my first-born pup to act this way. And now I knew he still had emotions, I felt all the love and pain come flooding back. I was going to have to keep an eye on him. I was going to have a chat with him. I was going to figure out what is going on.
[Sesshoumaru's POV]
When I woke up the next morning Inuyasha was still asleep in my arms. I quickly stood up cradling him in my arms. I pattered slowly towards his chamber and tenderly laid him down upon his bed. "Niichan?" he mumbled.
"Shh, go back to sleep," soothed I. Bending over I placed a feather- light kiss atop his forehead. Not wanting to go but knowing I had too, I took one last glance at him savoring each detail of his face. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling this was going to be the last time I was able too. I began to chuckle huskily when I saw Inuyasha had one of his many pillows locked between his legs, his arms wrapped around it as he snuggled against it. I took a mental snapshot to save for later.
Walking out of his room, my emotions replaced by the 'mask', I sighed and trudged over to the balcony with a heavy heart. The sun was just beginning to arise it was glorious. The bright majestic crimson began to interweave with a velvet violet, a lush soft pink and a rich tangy yellow- orange. Unconsciously I let the mask slip, which was replaced with awe. I started when I felt a gentle pressure upon my left shoulder blade. I gasped in pure amazement when, I was engulfed in a loving bear hug, by none other then Father. "O.Otou-sama (Father)?"
His father looked at him softly and replied, "Yes, Fluffy." It was an old nickname his father had given me, and I couldn't help it, I flushed deeply. What had gotten into him? Why was he being so nice all of a sudden?
"Now, Fluffy. We must have a little chat, man to man. Alright?" I knew it! There was a catch!
Nodding sharply I turned and angrily walked to my chamber, graciously I allowed him to enter. I knew he'd follow so I walked over and sat upon my favorite chair. "Hia, Otou-sama. What is it you want to 'chat' about?" I growled indifferently.
"Well," he said nervously. " witnessed something yesterday that made me aware of something." Glancing at me he continued when he saw he'd caught my attention. "Last night, I awoke and smelled Inuyasha. Curious, I looked out my door and saw him walking towards yours. I let my curiosity get the better of me and followed him. For the first time in my life I got to witness you being nice to him. It absolutely made my heart melt."
I felt as though my heart had sunken into the pit of my stomach and alarm bells in my ears began to ring. I could smell trouble. But for now, I ignored it and listened to him continue.
"Now that I know you do love-" I paled dangerously white, "Inuyasha, there must be a reason you only do it in private." I opened my mouth to protest, "Don't start, I know you love him, and I know there is a important reason you don't give a public display of affection. What I want to know is what is it, or shall I say, who is it?"
Hardening my face I glared at him and declared, "What do you care?! Why should I tell you? If I did they'd most likely kill me-" I clapped a hand over my mouth and felt my eyes widen. Uh-oh! I thought.
Father's eyes flared with anger "Tell me! Who is it?!" he roared.
"No! I.I can't!" With this said I jumped to my feet and swiftly jumped out the window running away as fast as I could. If Father found out most likely Mother did too. Just then I heard, 'Sesshoumaru!' being called sickly sweet in my head. I stopped straight and listened. 'Sesshoumaru,' it taunted, 'Come to me. I am in my chamber. Come!' The last part of it was ordered sharply and I could tell, she knew.
I ran faster then I ever have before, faster faster was all I could think. By the time I got to her door the door swung open violently. She dragged me inside by the tail and I howled in pain. I whimpered as she laughed. Her hand snapped back and slapped me harshly in the face slamming me back against the wall. It wasn't any use trying to hold my feelings back now, she knew, she knew I knew.
"I saw Inu-your father talking to you." She grabbed the cloth that covered my body, "You didn't tell him, did you?!" I shook my head violently eyes wide with horror. "Good," she purred. She leaned over and licked my cheek I flinched. Grinning like a cat she threw me across the room. Pain ran up my body, racking sobs from me. "Now you stay away from that.that half-breed! I don't ever want to see you being 'nice' to him ever again. You got that?!" she barked.
"But.but I want to be around him! I lov-" I blurted but managed to cut myself off and prayed she'd wouldn't kill me.
Screeching, she punched me in the gut, "I forbade you!" she screamed shrilly. "And if I ever catch you being nice to him again I kill him. Then you!" I felt fear run up my spine, she could do whatever she wanted to me but not to Inuyasha. She couldn't! I wouldn't let her! "Okay," I sobbed, "Okay. But please.don't hurt him.not Inuyasha!"
She threw back her head and cackled evilly, she had won, and she knew it too! She gave me one last kick and left me there, sobbing hysterically. I decided then, then and there, I would never ever be nice to Inuyasha.
[Sesshoumaru's Dad's POV]
I growled frustratingly, why had he run off? I questioned myself in my head, but I knew why. For the first time, in a long time, my Sesshoumaru was frightened. I guess he panicked and ran off. I realize I should have been more patient with him. I understand now, I should have been nicer to him and I shouldn't have showed favoritism. One thing I know is no matter how long I live I will never that act of tenderness I witnesses last night between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.
Sighing, I recall the rage that had boiled up in me when I heard him slip and tell me he'd been threatened. I decided right after he left that I'd give him and half-an-hour to compose him self before I'd seek a confrontation again. And so I sit here waiting, I have only ten more minutes left to give him.
I stand up quickly as I realize that I have unconsciously given him a few extra minutes. Anxiously, I hurry over to the chamber door, pull it open, and step out. I suck in a cool crispy breath of fresh air.
I begin walking around the manor as I sniff at the air. I freeze when a certain sickening scent reaches my nose. It is of Sesshoumaru's blood.
I begin to run, faster than I have in years, I even have a rush of adrenaline that courses' through my body to give me an extra boost of speed to get to wherever my feet take me. I feel a panic such as I have never known.
When I am at the spot where the smell is strongest and freshest I begin to look around, searching for my first-born son, and finally, I see him.
Sesshoumaru comes limping around the corner, holding onto the wall for support. He has bruises everywhere that I can see. His back is hunched and his shirt soaked with bright crimson blood. When he glances around suddenly sensing a presence I wait for him to spot me, when he does, he freezes.
I see he has a split lip, two black eyes, and even some blood trickling out of his mouth. On his cheeks I see the evidence of tears, for they are pink and swollen. I feel the rush of a certain emotion I haven't felt for Sesshoumaru in a long time. I felt the need to protect. I reached out towards him, to take his arm, to help.
Sesshoumaru flinches, and jerks away from me, as though he wasn't seeing me, but instead, somebody else. "Sesshoumaru?" I ask, not liking how my voice trembled with fear for my misunderstood son.
There was no reaction from him this time besides the fact that he pulled away from the wall and stood straight. He just stood there, not moving, not blinking, but staring.
After a few minutes, he started to sway and his eyes rolled back in his head. I caught him before he hit the ground.
With Sesshoumaru in my arms, I ran back to the castle and had the servants hurry and fetch a doctor. Then I began questioning people on my son's whereabouts. *** [Sesshoumaru's POV]
I awoke aching everywhere, bleary, and disoriented. I slowly opened my eyes, but immediately snapped them shut again because of the bright light. I saw a bright orange light beneath my eyelids only momentarily because somebody must have blocked the sunlight.
"You can open your eyes now," said a soft feminine voice.
My eyes snapped open in fear and scanned the room for my mother, but she wasn't to be found. Instead, Inuyasha's mother was there. She was looking at me sadly with knowing eyes.
I opened my mouth to say something, but instantly began coughing. My eyes were teary by the time I managed to stop and gasp for breath. I cleared my throat and rasped, "What.what happened?"
"That's what we'd like to ask you. You father found you stumbling towards the direction of your room. You were all beaten up. He told me.that someone is forcing you to stay away from Inuyasha so you are kind in private. Will you tell me who this person is? Please?" she gently implored. I could tell she was worried about me and I wasn't even her real son. Why can't Mother be like that? I asked myself mentally.
Then it all came flooding back to me. Everything that had happened since the last time I came in contact with Mother. I felt a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and something clogging my throat. Again I began to gasp for breath and I felt tears prick my eyes. "No!" I croaked, "I'm sorry. I can't."
Her eyes softened and she walked over to me and took me into her gently embrace. I tensed instinctively, but she stroked soothing circles on my back and murmured soft words. I relaxed and turned my head so it was lying against her shoulder and she allowed me to cry everything I'd held back. It felt good to cry, and the tears weren't tears forced into my eyes by that of pain.
When I could sob no more, I pulled back and looked at her. I looked around quickly afterwards and I made up my mind. I would tell her something I shouldn't but felt compelled to do.
I sniffled and looked up at her. I began to whisper heartbrokenly, "I can't be nice to Inuyasha anymore, at all. I have to stay distant and away from him, and I have to be cruel and severe. I don't want to. I'm sorry."
Inuyasha's mother's eyes widened. "But, why?"
"Because I've been warned."
She said she forbids me to be around him. She said that if she sees, hears, or finds out that I'm doing it she'll kill Inuyasha," I said flatly, "and then she'll kill me."
Her head swung towards me, her silky black hair whipping around. She stared at me for several moments then she took me into a bone-crushing hug, "Oh Sesshoumaru!" she cried, "Oh, I can see how much you love your little brother. You are sacrificing you happiness for his and his life." I looked up at her in astonishment at how easily she'd read my thoughts and put it into such simple words. As I studied her I suddenly knew why my father had chosen her for a wife. She was kind, loving, fun, and most of all she understood things so well. As I look up at her face I can see small orbs of wetness roll down her cheeks. "Thank you," she whispered.
[Sesshoumaru's Dad's POV]
I was in my chamber pacing angrily. I wanted to know who would do such a thing to my son! When I found out who it was.oh! I'd chain them up and torture them, and then finally at long last I'd kill them.
I looked up at the knock on the door. "Who is it?" I snarled viciously.
"Tis Melinda, my lord, and yer wife is behind me." I stalked over to the door, held my breath and counted to ten to calm myself. When I felt I was capable of refraining from taking my rage out on them I opened the door.
I held out my arms to my ebony haired wife and she gracefully slipped into my embrace. Melinda too, came in and set down the tray with the tea. She poured some into the delicate cups and left hastily.
I sighed and gave my love a reassuring squeeze, although it was more for my self then her. I tilted her chin up to me revealing her tear-stained face. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked eagerly, hoping that if Sesshoumaru had awoken she had squeezed some information out of him.
"It isn't good news. He wouldn't tell me who it was, but instead he blurted out something else. He's doing us a great favor." she started.
I looked at her quizzically, "What are you talking about?"
She sighed, "He said that from now on, he can no longer be nice to Inuyasha, at all, no more private moments or anything. He has to stay away from Inuyasha or else-"
"Or else what?!" I growled fiercely, from the grim look upon her face I could see it was not good, oh no, not good at all.
"Or else, they'd kill Inuyasha and then Sesshoumaru. I don't know who it is yet, but this must have been going on for years, ever since Sesshoumaru became withdrawn. I also know that whoever it is must be around here often and is a female."
I began gasping furiously in an attempt to hold back my enraged and deadly emotions. Oh, this person would get it alright when I found out who they are. Threatening my son's lives like that is intolerable! I will not accept this!
"Honey let us lay down now and try to rest it will be a long day tomorrow and maybe we can get who it is out of him then. Calm down, we'll get them, oh yes, we will. And when I do get my fingers around that neck of hers."
I looked down to see (to my horror and delighted amusement) a look of intense rage on her delicate face. She was quite beautiful when she smiled evilly as she thought about revenge. I managed a weak chuckle and I led her over to out bed. Later, when she had gone to sleep, I knew I wouldn't be getting very much sleep tonight and I thought about tomorrow and what it would bring. I began to ponder up some ways I could try and get information out of my eldest son. But mostly I thought of the many ways I could torture the woman responsible for doing this to my children. I promised myself that, somebody's going to pay.
[Third Person POV]
Sesshoumaru, after that, was true to his word and kept himself at a distance from little Inuyasha, much to Inuyasha's remorse, and he was not kind to him again. As the years went by Inuyasha forgot that Sesshoumaru was ever nice to him in the first place. The memories he'd shared with Sesshoumaru were locked up, deep in his mind.
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were always getting into fights which delighted Sesshoumaru's Mother. Inuyasha's Mother and Father were very sad that Sesshoumaru was not able to be nice to Inuyasha and never found out the identity of who threatened Sesshoumaru.
But one night, twelve years later, Sesshoumaru's Mother disappeared and never came back. Even as reassured that he was that his mother was gone for good, he had doubt. He was terrified that if he was nice to Inuyasha she'd come back, so he continued being cruel to him.
[Third Person POV]
Sesshoumaru shifted uncomfortably in the ropes he was bound with. Oh, he knew if he wanted to he could brake free but he thought Inuyasha deserved to know the truth after so many years. Inuyasha had snuck up behind him as he'd been remembering and caught him off guard. He'd then demanded to know why Sesshoumaru hated him so much and he couldn't help but tell him the tragic story.
He glanced around anxiously to make sure his Mother really didn't come and pop out of nowhere to kill him and Inuyasha. Then he looked back to Inuyasha's face.
" see.I was afraid," he gave a bitter laugh, "yes, me, the great Sesshoumaru afraid of his own mother."
Inuyasha gazed at him thoughtfully, " this really true? You're not making it up?" he questioned softly.
"No, I'm not making it up. Don' remember? That day in the Valley?" he closed his eyes remembering it, "It was amazing."
Inuyasha's face scrunched up thoughtfully and he tried to remember. Then suddenly it came swimming back, "Yeah.I do remember it." He turned wet eyes on his brother, "Nii-chan?"
Sesshoumaru was unable to hold his posture any longer and his face cracked. The next thing he knew Inuyasha had released him from the rope and held him against his chest as Sesshoumaru began sobbing.
"Oh! Oh! Don't cry!" Inuyasha gasped.
But Sesshoumaru couldn't seem to stop and about an hour later when they'd both cried until they could no longer cry (Yes! Inuyasha broke down and cried too!).
Finally, they smiled hesitantly at each other and agreed to try and be close brothers again. In the end, they still fought with each other, but hey! That's what brothers do.
The End.
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