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EVERYWHERE!Even in da roof!
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Professional Student
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Wendy (enjoys sweating)
drawing for 9 years
Anime Fan Since
like whan i was 7..I got hooked on Hamtaro
Favorite Anime
lets see...Ouran High School Host Club, Jing king of bandits, FMA, Dnangel, Suikoden, loveless, FLCL, Di gi charat, Card Captors, xxxholic, Death Note, MAR, Guru Guru Pon chan, Vampire Knight, Absolute Boyfriend, Inuyasha, Paranora Agent, Kanpi!, Tsubasa,
make a comic ( I aint no manga-ka), become a RPG game artist.
drawing, singing..ya know the usual stuff..
uhh..drawing(THATS ALL I CAN DO!!)
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Ha ha..pathetic little girl
Guess what?At school me and meh friends were runing around and tis a bitch was all "quit doing that bitch!" and all I said was "no" then she said "Wanna go?" I didnt exacly understand so I said "Go where?" She looked very ticked after I said that and called me a dike and a tweeker in which I do not know what the hell it means....God, she has a bad communication level..then some little guy said "shes gonna kick yer ass!" People who do that are so annouying....I mean hes not even IN the situation. Then Giant squid called her a whore, not ho..XD!!!!She cant even pronounce word right!!!Whats even more hilarious, her "friends" pulled her back then she was cursing at me XD!!!What a beast!!!HA HA!!!Then she came back and was all "Yall better not deal with me" then I said "but you are so entertaining!" Then the teacher said to stop cuz the bell rang...ha ha..fool.I bet she and her "friends" are gonna give me trouble, but hey, its somethin to do!!XD
yeah well that was easy ^-^
Man Im tired I wole up at like five then I started playing Zelda there was snow outside, but only fer a little while.
WEll ;later ^-^
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
do you even care?
...pants...white pants...............some guy gave me white pants that goes up to my ankles.....I should be gratfull..yet Im just confused and dumb struck.....
Ja okay thats out....hey!My mom tells me that we might move to lie, folks.My HIspanic uncle lives in Cananda, thats why mo mom chose..there....I mean, they have a good education over there..good climate...I can start anew...BUT I MUST NOT GOOO!!!!I have friends and a purpose here in ********!!!!!!!Even though its schortching hot and has a bad education, it makes no difference!!!!!
Ja hokay.Theres a covention comin up in may...I want to go and cosplay...yet...Its so..FAR AWAY FROM NOW!!!!
Now that my morals are over, today is okay I guess, I mean the girl whom I was friends with is talking to me again...but I have to write a LONG paper and do some dumb social studies project..meh..I cant take it --....My neck inside hurts thogh...I can barly speak...
Later, I gotta do my daily brain training!^-^
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
"Evolution is a strange way of fitting into society....and pants."
ms random
Yo peoples, go to Giants Squids site!Shes nice and trying to fit in her pants!!!!
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Im even coolers
hay guys..guess what?Im in choir and I found out that in April the choir has to go to Flag staff and compete...then we have to stay in a crappy hotel then go home.its gonna last like two days er somethin.....shweet..but the only thing bad is I hate everyone IN the choir...all man..Im gonna be lonly ;-;..WEll at least THATS done ^-^
Guess what?(that never gets old)I have to write a paper about LOBSTERS!!!WHEEE!!!!!...but its like 10 pages!!!..booo...ah well, ill just have ta do it!!!^-^
Me and Giant Squid went to the library and lookede up our animals..yup yup. It didnt lad=st that long..and the information was very limited...oh well!I always have the computer!!!^-^
DEont you hate it when yer talkin on the phone to an adult and they say jerky things and hang up??I HATE THAT!!man..I just wanna shove their phone right up their.. OKay thats all the time I have BUY!! BY!!!!!^o^ DONT FORGET TO BRUSH YOUR SQUID!!!...i MEAN TEETH!!!!^-^
Okay, really later.
I said go away!!!!!
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Im even more cools
Hey guys..guess what?Im goin to LT14s to dinner with her!!!^-^Im so happy!I have yer piccy of Shin up, LT14.I submitted the wrong file thats why it didint come up..BUT its there now!!^-^
To the rest of yall:HI!!!Im gonna ask some questions!!!For only this time!!!
1.DO YOU HATE ME??????*sniff*
2.What are your facial features??
3.What is your favorite thing to do??
When life gives ya lemons, MAKE LEMON PIE!!!!!!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Im still coools
hey!Guess what?I went to a knowledge bowl competition (we lost) and after that, we went to MCdonalds and our bus BROKE DOWN!!!!It was so fun!!Me and meh friends just played in ze playplace all night bein stupid. Then the bus got 'fixed" and it broke down..AGAIN!!!After two hours a miget bus came and we all cramed together fer 1 and a half hours.WE finally got home at it was RXCITING!!^_^
weLL LATERS!HEY YOU!LT14!!!I have yer Shin drawin up!!Sorry it was so late!WEll bye..I gotta kick meh sister put of my room so she wont look at my drawings...HEY!!!!!!
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Monday, January 8, 2007
Im so cools
 Belt Head | Hosted By
Gad damn!!!No one likes me anymore!!If you comment I will give you COOKIES!!!
No one likes my art *sniff* they look at it and say "Bleh forget it." I am never gonna get a good art rate!..i shall still try!!!
GAH!!I have this horrible gnash in my stomacke!!!It hurts LIKE HELL!!!!!..I am so gonna inards are so screwed I can barly breath!..
WEll I gotta go...must crawl to bed!!!..
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
blehh...Meh insides hurt..its as if there is a squid in meh belly....Im gonna die!!!..~wog~
Do you like the new site?I just got from my random mind yeah well whatever..I love this song.
Hey guess what?Im CRAZY!!!nooo..wu ll yes but I went to Giant Squids place and all night we talked about Yaoi...ME LOVES YAOI!!!But Deh Squid was all "nooo!Not agian!!" Ha ha!....Did ya guys know my Father is 67?He has no teeth, but hes gettin some!!--'.....
Guess what?My mom took away all my Manga!!!!It was all because she thought they were too violent and stuffs..well for two months..but I can handle, she didnt get ALL of them..he he
I want to make this as long as possible.....
I have three doggies and they are so CUTE!!!..and told me to "Eat jo FACE!!!" the other day..ha was funny...shes 47...thats why its so hilarios...
Damn..I have nothing to say..well laters..Im going to bed and TRY to go to sleep, the damn squid!!!
laters man.
Well laugh as we die and celebrate the end of things with cheap Champian
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
Now this is FUNNY!!!!!HA HA!!!!Man, these quizzes are so fun to take because they are totally NOT TRUE!!!!XD XD XD XDXXDXDXDXDX!!!!!!And the characters dont exist!!!!!HA HA!!!!..whew..I got that out of my system..he he..
WEll hi guys!....ya know...I stole a fork from the Hotel i was staying at during the convention..and I still have
WEll I passed the Zelda game..its a bit to easy
My sister left me a crap load of hand-me-downs from California that are new...she gave my mom a nude picture (hey its art) and now its hanging in the TV room.
My other sister came back and..welll nothing..interesting.
WEll ,I shall be going, this post is getting toooooooooo long...m u s t s t o p t y p i n g! ! ! laters!^-^ENJOY!!!!!
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
I have to start school man, well I least I wont be that bored anymore..*sigh* So hows your break been treating ya?well I have to go hokay? Laters!!
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