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EVERYWHERE!Even in da roof!
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Professional Student
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Wendy (enjoys sweating)
drawing for 9 years
Anime Fan Since
like whan i was 7..I got hooked on Hamtaro
Favorite Anime
lets see...Ouran High School Host Club, Jing king of bandits, FMA, Dnangel, Suikoden, loveless, FLCL, Di gi charat, Card Captors, xxxholic, Death Note, MAR, Guru Guru Pon chan, Vampire Knight, Absolute Boyfriend, Inuyasha, Paranora Agent, Kanpi!, Tsubasa,
make a comic ( I aint no manga-ka), become a RPG game artist.
drawing, singing..ya know the usual stuff..
uhh..drawing(THATS ALL I CAN DO!!)
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Monday, January 1, 2007
HAPPY JANUARY 1ST 2007!!!!!!!^-^this year sure went by fast!!!^-^
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
poor pico..I just found out that hes blind in one eye...I have a real hamster named pico yeah...
I GOT THE LEGEND OF ZELDA TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!!!!!!Im so happy!!Im going to go play it right now!wheeeee...
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
move teh goat!!
*bangs head on table*I am so TIRED...*bangs head on table more* If I get a concushion, then I wont be tired anymore*bangs head on table repeatably* IT DOESNT WORK!!!
Whatever...well I have been playing Windwaker though out my whole week and I have passed it twice already...
Yesterday my brother thew his new boommerang at my foot and now it hurts to walk..or move my foot...but it was an accident. He wouldnt try to break his new boomerang to break meh bones.
In other news..the eldest sister of this family is trying to come visit us..not including my father.she is going to have to sleep with me in my bed..and make a mess of my room with her cloths all over the floor..those are the unfortionate parts of her visit.trhen my father is goin to be telling me how horrible she is and all his crap.enough of this
Ya know, this year went by fast for me. it was just school, break, school, break, all year..yeah..
"Hey mom," "What?" "I was born on my birthday!!!"
I heard that on AFV..ha ha.(randomnesss)
Okay this is getting to long of a post.
See ya later my fellow otakus!!!!!
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You know...every time I take the "Whitch Character are you?" quiz, I always get the one that has less respondes..But whatever...
I feel like Im gonna die...*sigh*.....but in a good way!--'
I feel like watching sad, romantic, movies like a 30 year unmarried women...I feel like that sometimes..
I just noticed I type
Well later, i have to justify
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
hello!hey guess what?Guess!!!...ok Ill tell you!........IM CROSS DRESSING!!!No im serios!..well not know, but when i turn 14, yup, cant wait!Im gonna be a EMO guy cause thats another one of my I want succed it!^-^Im so happy!
Ok, well I have a new pic Ill show it to ya!^-^ Snow Fall | Hosted By SNOW!!!!^-^%
laters ^-^ Ill chek out all your sites right now!
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Oh god..
If anyone saw that last post, forget it!!I already did!!!!okay...two days ago it snowed and was so AWESOME!!!!!I love the snow!!!
Im starting a new book!Its called Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury.I only read one chapter and its great!!!I love Bradbury books!^-^Like Martian Cronicles, yeah I had to read that for school..I loved it..
On other notice...uh..well my brother is annoying..yeah..I was trying to listen to my music and he went on the piano and started to play load and horribley ON PURPOSE!!!I didnt do anything to him and he just did thast for freaking reason!!!!I told him to stop but he just said no like a smug little jack ass smart aleck!@!!!!!I was screaming nervously at him asa if I was going to cry because when to things collid i start getting crazy!He doesnt even care..just like my Dad, all he cres about is sean" oh dont hurt his feelings!Dont be so mean!Lightin up!!!" I hate it..espieccallly when my brother says "Wendys being mean!!!" When I didnt do a FREAKING THING!!!!! I hate him because he has taught me to hate him...And Sean always thinks he right. when we argue, he says the same thing that I did, when im not evenm trying to argue!I say, "hey sean, why dont you clean up your room its messy." and he either says, why dont youy clean up your room?!" or "bhal blah blah blah" whitch is so..childish, annoying, AND idiotic.and this happens every freaking moment i talk to him.
Ok, Im glad I got that out of my system.......well I have a so please chek it out?oh yeah, my sis is in texas right now seeing her boyfreind James.Its kinda boring with out her..ah well shell come back in a few days...NEW PIC UP
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I have the picture I want, but it wont show up!!!
D:; I dont know what to do!!!Helpme...
No fair...only two people go and comment on my pics....Thank you breakfastsquid and LT14 for commenting on my picture
YAY!!!!Today is the last day of school!!!^0^Now...FOR THE WINTER SOLSTISE!!!!^0^WOOT!yeah..its gonna be great..its almost Cristmas too and im gnna get all my freinds a manga of thier choice!^-^..well Giant Squid wants a picture of a squid..not very suprising, but OK!^-^
aww man... last night I forgot to turn on my heater and it was FREEZING!!!!!I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt move because it was so cold!!!!!!!!
Well, me and my ex-friend are on good terms now...I just wish she knew how I feel about her...
WEll laters!^-^  Coffee | Hosted By My latest picture!
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Im gonna leave my site blank fer a tierd of the other gb so i have to figure what to put next -_-; so yeah later..I have a new pic up...
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
hey pepole!I just wan to say that to go to giant squids site...she reallly nice and cool please??????????bye....I may a pic up so please chek it out...
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
I like Frappuccino*sip*
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