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EVERYWHERE!Even in da roof!
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Professional Student
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Wendy (enjoys sweating)
drawing for 9 years
Anime Fan Since
like whan i was 7..I got hooked on Hamtaro
Favorite Anime
lets see...Ouran High School Host Club, Jing king of bandits, FMA, Dnangel, Suikoden, loveless, FLCL, Di gi charat, Card Captors, xxxholic, Death Note, MAR, Guru Guru Pon chan, Vampire Knight, Absolute Boyfriend, Inuyasha, Paranora Agent, Kanpi!, Tsubasa,
make a comic ( I aint no manga-ka), become a RPG game artist.
drawing, singing..ya know the usual stuff..
uhh..drawing(THATS ALL I CAN DO!!)
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
yup yup
I wont be on, I am currantly working on a drawing, so i wont get to any sites!
Have a nice day!!!^-^
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hash Browns
Hi peoples.....
You know wut?LT14 is here!!!!!!!^-^ Say hi!!
You know wuts weird? My teacher waz sitten next to me and then she started leaning on me like her head was on meh shoulder and she starteed saying how horrible her voice sounds cause shes losin her voice. Ainty aint that right LT14?
Yesterday, we went to the most boring babay shower, and we doodled and doodled doodled and...well you get the most that we were VERY bored.
DEn LT14 came over to meh house and we had a sleep over!^-^wheeeeee..
I woke up at 10 and Lt14 woke up at 7...-_-...
Den we had breakfast...eggs and bacon and hash browns!!!I LOVE hash brown...*drool* well anyway..I gots to go....Laters!^-^
LT14-Have a nice days ^-^
Oh yeah, punk can go to hell! Winterness Hosted By
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Monday, April 16, 2007
OKay, I wont recite skaspere anymore...I promise -_-...
But soft!What light though yonder window breaks!It is the east!And Juliet is th-"*slap* T-T
There nothing to report really...My mom wants us top move to Cananda.....NOOOOOOOO!!!I dont want to!!!!!!*sob sob sob*
My stuuuuuuuuuped sister sugested it..damn her damn her to hell....
Aug!!!I have a huge migran!!!! much gaming...T-T
*sigh*.......I have to go to my dads house..I dont wanna!!!T-T
Yeah I have to go like right now....damn
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
You know whats funny? Someone hacked into Giant Squids site and put a picture of Edwad Elric SHIRTLESS. XD!!!!!!!Its so funny!!I lauyghed my face off!!!I told her though.....dfamn i shouldnt have.....well that how Im such a great friend lol
I ate eggs andc Tortillas fer breakfast.
I gonna say it the A-mer-ican way.Tor-tilla...Just like say tor, then tilla with a Gorge Bush accent XD!!
...^-^ LT14s house today, it was so fun!!I ate chinese food den we went on the computer and looked at pictures of pocky, den we went outside and played around then I started running around in crclles LT14 said CENTAPEID...I hate centapeids.....whaaaa
well all of those events are out of order..but I dont ant to fix it XP...
just think of it backwards ya know.....\
.......Tor-tilla XD
I put up 2 new are de links  Girl From Xxxholic Hosted By
 Yoji For Lt14 Hosted By
well yup........I know all de lines to Hamlets famous soliliquey!!!
I say it right now!!
To be or not to be that it the question
whether tis nolbier in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outragous fottune
or to take arms agianst a sea of troubls and opposing end them, to die to sleep
to sleep perchance to dream, ay theres the rub
when we have suffled off this mortel coil, must give us pause, theres the respect that makes calamity of so long life
For who would bear the whips and srorns of, the oppresers wrongs, the proud mans contumeliy
thje pangz of diprized love and the spurns that patiet merit of the unworthy takes
when he himself might his quetis make with a bare bodin? who would fardels bear
to grunt and sweat undera weary life, but the dread of something after death th undicoverd country
no travveler ereturns puzzlels th will
and makes us rather bear those ills to have than fly to other that we know not of?
Yet conciese does make cowards of us all
and thus the native hue of resoltion
is sicled or with the pale cast of thought
and enerprises of great pirtch and moment
and this regard there currents trun arwy and lose the name of action
soft you now, the fair ohelia
may all my sins rememberd!!!!!!!!!!!"
:D see, i know my linesz!!!
And yes I do know wut hes talking about mother...erm...yeah hands hurt.....Ill stop now
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
OMG!!!You would never guess what happend at lunch!!!!! Theres this kid who triped and hit his head on the table then on the bench of the tasble and he started bleeding from his heaqd!!!!!!!!HOLY SHIT!!!!
I feel bad for the kid though..but im the one who cursed him!!!First, I called him a bastard!!
then i said something horrible was going to happen...THEN IT DID!!!!Im not joking...ask LT14 or Giant Squid they will say I did say it!!!
IM A BAD OMEN!!!!!!!(or whatever that means)
sob sob...I hope hes okay..-_-
Then yesterday, all my papers with my drawing got flown away by the wind!!!I WAS SO SCARED!!!!T-T
But we managed to get them all thank god...
jeez...aims week is hell.......holy crap...tomarrow is friday 13!!!!!!I bat the school is going to blow up!!!!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!T_T ;-;
sob sob....oh I colerd a daisuke pic i drew!!here it is!^-^ Dai-kun Hosted By
^-^ well thats all!
Dont be surprised if i die tomarrow...wahhh
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Ive been sitten here for at least 5 hours.....
GOBBLE GOBBLE!!! I just ate de bunnys head..ha a rapid pengiun -_-
well its 10:16 right om and sister are watching an old movie I just colerd a picture wheeeee...that took me like 30 min to coler:D
what is it? Youll have to find out!!^-^
THen thers this other one that I finished hours ago and I submitted it and here it is..
 Kitty Girl Hosted By
Jeez..on the otaku it says its already April 11! Its only 10:20 here..Im mean WTS.....what the squid...
.....I just rememberd myself when I first got on the otaku.....I was putting a comment on somebodys picture and I was making sure I dont sound like an idiot.....I remember the firat picture I commented on...well I rememberd what it looked like but defenatly not the name....ahhhh...those were the days....
wut? oh...
Well I went to LT14s house today....we hung out a little and yeah it was fun!^-^ WE ate chiken soup, and dat was some pretty damn good soup ^-^
yay.....its 10:24 pm...sigh.....I dont have alife -_-\
Oh Arizona we are statin de AIMs
Arizona sumthin er other....hell I dont know what it stands fer...Tell me LT14...;-;
.... bbggggggggggggggggffffffffffffffffffffffhty
huh? wut? oh.....I fell asleep for a moment there.....
well Im gonna to sleep..its 10:30.....thank god i dont have homeworkk....good nighty night my edo plushie.....*walks across hall then falls down and sleeps there*
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
Chewd meat???
YAY!!!!^-^Today Im gonna get FMA 12 and whole bunch of other stuff cause I have 40 bucks@!!!!!!!!YEAH!!!! But I have to clean my moms car and trust me, IT WONT BE EASY...--
THats car is so full of crap that you fill a whole garbage truck...with the stufff.....
na its rteally not that bad...but i LOATH cleaning.....but its for a good cause wendy...good cause....
:D the return of de smiley!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well my twin brother is playing Majoras Mask...FINNALLY starts passing that game!!!!
Well dats all I got to say
ewww..who left chewed meat on the kitchen table??? -- EWWWWWWW!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im gonna take a shower!
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Friday, April 6, 2007
:D..I just woke up...and I almost squished my kitty....then I wanted to watch Law and Order :D
Im hungry.....Ill have cake for breakfast...then Ill watch Death Note on Youtube :D
My favorite song has to be...I dont know but I like it..:D...I like this smiley :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D...I like it alot....
One time I brought my hamster to school. I put him in my pocket...and he bit my flesh so many times my leg turned red :D Then he bit through my pocket and fell right in the middle of the play rug and i put him in my backpake and gave him my pretzal snake :D Then I let some people see him :D I never got caught either!
And I regret every single one of those moments :D
Then he died a few months ago cause he some plastic and cut his stomack D:...His name was stan cause he looked like the hamster stan from Hamatro :D
then I had a hamster named Suger cause she was pure white :D THen she died cause she got out side and the sun killed her D:
Now i have a hamster named Pico :D hes fat and has been living for three years now....thats more than a hamsters life spam....I mean Span :D
My kittys afraid of him :D?
My brother cleaned the floor...and wall....and ceiling with a toothbrush...:D No Im serios...:D Now I can say that I did it and get money :D
Ill stop now :D
Bye!HAve a great day!!!^-^
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Guys the creepiest things just happend....theres this person on the O who knows Giant Squid and alll her friends but we dont know her...
Her user name is "Mushroom Princess"
Its really creepy......If you know something about her please tell Giant Squid or me....
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Im gonna sit here and post so I wont have to do my homework
Hokay, you know what ticks me off? Poeple that when you say one thing about them they get all hurt and hold a grudge against you. I will not say sorry either cause i meant what i said cuase i can. Go aheasd say Im heartless, I didnt exacly do anything. mer mer mer emrmemremrmermerm
In other news I gotsa get off cause My mother has to do taxes mer!
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