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EVERYWHERE!Even in da roof!
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Professional Student
Real Name
Wendy (enjoys sweating)
drawing for 9 years
Anime Fan Since
like whan i was 7..I got hooked on Hamtaro
Favorite Anime
lets see...Ouran High School Host Club, Jing king of bandits, FMA, Dnangel, Suikoden, loveless, FLCL, Di gi charat, Card Captors, xxxholic, Death Note, MAR, Guru Guru Pon chan, Vampire Knight, Absolute Boyfriend, Inuyasha, Paranora Agent, Kanpi!, Tsubasa,
make a comic ( I aint no manga-ka), become a RPG game artist.
drawing, singing..ya know the usual stuff..
uhh..drawing(THATS ALL I CAN DO!!)
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
thats it, Im never going to draw agian. i threw away all my pictures and deleted them from the computer................APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!HA HA!!!^-^
happy april fools day!I hope you guys rememberd today!tee hee!
WEll not much for me today, Im just REAL hungry that I can eat my cat!.......hmmmm.......JUst kidden!^-^
Im in a good mood today!wheeeeeeeee!Only 26 days till my big preformance AND my birthday!!!!!^-^
Well cao, I gotta get my sister outa the drain pipe! APRIL FOOLS!!!(that one was preetty obvious...-_-)
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Im a pirate ninja vampire lol
Hi guys!:) Wut up!!!...
Well Im going to L:t14s house right now!Wheee!!!I have so much fun with her!whee!oh j Kira Hosted By a,
I will go now!^-^
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
okay, just a little word of advice:DO NOT PUT A WAD OF GUM THE SIZE OF YOU HAND FILLED WITH A BUNCH OF COLERS IN YOUR MOUTH. I did that a few moments ago and it was horrrible!*snifff*....cause I wanted to!!
waz up my super pals!me ? my sister got an ipod and she waves it in my face all day.T-T I want a ipod....oh, I found this awesome song eh called...Must be Dreamin by.....I dont know but ive been listening to it fer a really long time...oh!I found me my old Manga generations book wheeee, that things been lost fer like a year ando half!
I know ive been sayin im gonna draw Itachi but...I cant find a good picture of him!(I know, pathetic excuse -___________-;)Ill darw him soon I promise! shutup giant squid, I know wut you are thinkin!"oh you never drew e a geisha so youll never draw him!!whaaa!!!!" (ha got yo there)
Im gonna try to write alot.......
I drew a new picture, of my char Kira whheeee
I wanna draw Kira and L from D-d-d-d-d-d-death Note!!! wha....wait I can!Wut the hell am I talkin about!7 years practice for me and i never ever drew a single anime charicterPopy-cosh!!!!
yeah -___- eat that public servises...
oooo look at dis....
Ingrediants: Sugar, Dextrose, Gum Base, Corn Syrup (Glucose, Corn Starch, Natural & Artificial Flavours, Confectioners Glaze, Resinous Glaze, Glycerin, Tapioca Dextrin, Carnauba Wax, Artficial Colers (Including Yellow #5, Yellow #6, Red #40, Red #40 Lake, Blue #1, Blue #1 Lake, Yellow #6 Lake, Titanium Dioxide), BHT (to maintain freshness)Product of Cananda.
whee......I dont know what de hell dat is but that crap is in my Gum!!!!!^-^
Okay i better hands hurt -.0
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
 Erm...?>> Hosted By
How are yall?Yesterday LT14 came over then when she went home I played some smash...geez thats the greatest game EVER!!
nOw Im gonna sing a little not...
Art trades anyone??? Art trades?
Cookies anyone???Cookies?
sides, I dont have cookies
"Every one ages differently. Does you skincare know that??"
"No they dont"
"then buy Aveeno active naturals!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!"
"WTF mate?"
Should Iput a picture of mmmyself? naw.
Last night, I had a dream that ZI was in a p[lay, I was the prettyful fairy, anf giant swuid was wearing her pajamies and I didnt know my lines, so I flew off and droped dead.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Man..I need a hair hair is everywhere!!!
ow...theres water in my eyes...owie.
So LT14 is coming today..YAY!^-^
theres nothing else speicail to report. layers
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
WARNING: Constant Blab
Hey guys!^-^
I cant wait for next week! Its an arts thing and we get to....NOT LEARN!!!!wHEE!^-^All you get to do is paint on walls and sing whheeee...I like singing..thats why im in choir!^-^
Oh ya!Im Hamlet!!YAHA!Im gonna wear geta sandels it really cool!and wear a kimono!Its a project in my languege class and all we do Is goof around on stage and memeorize our lines..and Im HAMLET!ya de Ham.
And the play is on my birthday!^-^
You just not Hamlet, we do reinacte some o shakespars plays and Im doing the speaicail part with the Kabuki theater type whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!^-^
dats all!^-^
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
I feel better now!wheeeeeeeee.
hokay..I wanted to say something
I love vegitables and hate hard candy
what about you??am i weird??
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oh man..I didnt get any sleep last night..Im so dizy..I cant think staight..i bumped into a lot a walls.oww..Im going to bed..
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
hey you!
(psst!!hey go here! Sloth Hosted By
Its by a great friend ^-^)
WAZZZUP!!!!!!Im so happpy!Ya know, today I watched like three cheerleader movies for some godforsaken reason......but I also played Tales of Symphonia....I passed it then I got the speacial stuff and went through it agian...just wanted to say...
Lets see....I have 69 manga...dang..not quite to 100 like me great friend LT14..but almost there ^-^...
Ive noticed that a lot of people got hooked on anime on Salior Moon....but me..I started lookin at the stuff cause my sister got these how to draw manga books..then I got Digi charat..but before ALL that..there was HAMTARO. I LOVE hamtaro ^-^ they are so cute!!! Ritsuko Kawai....(notice the word kawai if you know what Im talking about *wink*)
Well anyway..i still need to draw Itachi..i neeed a good picture of him to draw....grr....
but one thing..
Howd you get hooked on anime????
^-^ hokay now LATERS!!^-^
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Dang it...I tried to get a different picture but it didnt work so I tried to get the same picture as before but coudnt find it..sob.
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