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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


You are an Angel of Light!!! Congrats!!! You tend to have a rather sunny disposition about life and everything in general. You are the one people usually turn to when they need advise or help.

quizilla Title: Which angel are you: A Fallen Angel or An Angel of Light?(anime pics)
Author: made by RebelAngel86



your a angel

quizilla Title: are you a angel ,demon,half angel, or human? (anime pics girlz only!!!)



You are a good angel!

Congrats you are so sweet you care about everyone and everything around you!And everyone and everything care about you too!Your soul is full of good and generousity!But take this warning don't let other things take avantage of you...You might have to get a little mean every once and a while....You and your type of anime angel you have feelings to feel if a living creature is feeling happy or sad,When It's happy you feel teriffic inside,But if your sad a extream depression comes over you....So you always try to them feel better...Your so nice!Well keep that up and every one and everything will love you!

Quizilla Title: What anime Angel type are you?(Girls or boys great anime pics)

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Monday, March 6, 2006

i love this poem
How Great This Thing Called Love Must Be
by Michael Douglas Hoss

How great this thing called "hope" must be

Which to our hearts envisions

And titillates beyond our dreams

To unimagined heights.

How great this thing called "trust" must be

Which makes our spirits one

And nestles comfort in our beings

Away from emptiness.

How great this thing called "joy" must be

Which wraps itself around our souls

And warms our sentience in its hearth

With ecstasy's delight.

How great this thing called "love" must be

Which bades between us one soft kiss

And makes the lights of wits extinguish

To passion's perfect night.

Find Me by Katrina Suzanne Van Matre

Looking for the answers,

trying to find the reasons

But, only more questions I find.

Like the stars in the sky

my soul... lost in thousands

Can you help me find mine.

I don't know the distant

or are there any limitations,

How long will I survive.

Someone, please, find me

bring me back to life

Capture my soul...

then search for my heart

Fingerprints On My Soul
by Jen L. Babcock

My soul is lying in your hands, Small, fragile, and beautifully still. Each moment, Each turn, Each shift, Leaves a mark upon my innermost being. Your kindness and your charm, The gentle way you touch me, Each changes the essence of myself And leaves your fingerprints On My Soul.

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   i wake up 7:03 in the morning and i eat rice and i drink pink leamon neaid and i chat on msn and yahoo and doing myspace.com and i did not go to o.s.u Medical center praject plus hospital program because i am still sick my dad say to sleep because i am still coughing and sick and i sleep agian i wake up 10:57 pm
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Sunday, March 5, 2006

   i wake up 2:32 pm i eat chicken beans with Sucuranbo egg i take cough Capsule and white pile cut in half this is very powerful med for my chest when i am coughing if i take that pile i feel wield.
i am doing chat on msn and yahoo and i am doing internet

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Friday, March 3, 2006

   today is friday i eat chicken nudle soup with crackler bitz and i drink water
my cold is getting better but i am still coughing
i am done with all my green stone azithromycin tablets and i just need to take the Cough Capsule ic pse udovent 400 and maybe Tailanol to?

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Thursday, March 2, 2006

   i wake up 7:40 am i take Cough Capsule ic pse udovent 400 and green stone azithromycin tables. i eat Tometo cheese Galieku spice yellow peaper soup and i drink ice mountain water. my dad made the soup yeastuday night its good.
still my tummy and chest hurts when i cough my head is ok its lower now

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Wednesday, March 1, 2006

   my dad say wow internet and tv will be gone
because of hes job
i am still sick my tummy and chest hurts when i cough
i cant talk sometimes
but my head feel better

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   me and my brother went to Dr. today form 8:40 me and my brother is both sick there check my Temputuer it was 98 and there check my presure and Masagei in my tummy and i say every where hurts because i was coughing dr. give me Capsule 400 for my Cough i drink with water and tea with it
will there is something new today i been talkin Capsule and thats new o.o

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

   i wake up 11:08 am i eat chicken nudle soup i drink apple juice
oh boy...... i feel lots better but my thraot and ears and my nose is snezing and my eyes are buring to i was a sleep all day will... because i take green stone med powerful and yeastuday for 2 pink pil a day and other day for 5 days for 1 pink pil so... i got 4 left now
i am waching Cartoon Network and Toon Disney
dang my brother get my cold hes getting worth he got 101 fiber not good hmm?

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Monday, February 27, 2006

   Classic Beauty
Classic Beauty! You are into doing everything

traditional and original!YOu go by your

beliefs and have strong opions! Most classic

beauties are Very Confident and Pround of

themselves! But you never let anyone get in

the way of your accoplishments! You GO GIRL!

What is your Beauty?
brought to you by Quizilla

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