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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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Monday, February 27, 2006
will... i sleep all day i wake up like 7:00 i went to Dr. today she say i have Banka Aeidesu.......
she give me Green stone pack of 2 pink piles in 1 day and for 5 days in a pack she say its very powerful!
when i go home my eye was like burning as hell!
my Thraot was hurting and big Snezing and tummy pain
i been Taeikin Cheery Cough Drop form CVS also i drink some Arizona Tea and my dad buy me Canedian dry my favorite drink
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my dad crean my room today he move my bed and move my desk and computer and fix the internet
he even crean the dust out with towel and he use a Vacuim Creaner. my dad say the ghost and poltergeist is gone he say he use the vacuim creaner is that funny?
will.. i am going to sleep in my room now and the tv is near my bed
i been got 101 fiber and 96 and 99 it went high and lower agian i take some Tailnoer and sudafied
i drink Arizona Tea i sleep all day
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
i be got 101.8 fiber yeastuday and it went to 98 and 96 and its getting lower and higher.... my dad was sick
my chest and my eye and i have a head aic i been take Med to its pils
i been drinking apple juice and Arizona Tea
i did sleep all day and waching Toonami but still hurts
i been sick 3 times...
today my dad told me i got infection in my tummy and some kind of Virius
i drink 7 up and Arizona tea and i sleep
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
i be got 101.8 fiber help me
my dad was sick he say might be Pnunomia
my chest and my eye and i have a head aic i been take Med to its pils
i been drinking apple juice and Arizona Tea
i did sleep all day and waching Toonami but still hurts
i been sick 3 times..... plz someone help me i cant sleep any more...
i just check my fiber it was 98.... i hop it doesnt go up agian
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Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz.
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i sleep at 3:00 at night and i wake up 1:20 pm i eat Maru-Chiyan Nudles and Stroberry and Grap i drink apple juice i am chating and waching Faster's Imageneri friends and Camp Lazlo oh my Throat hurts and my chest my friend got sick yeastuday she was Dizie and her throat hurts to i give her ice cream sandwich and apple juice and warm towel and i let her lay down on my bed also
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ok i find the video Goto Maki - Afurechiyau Be in Love
here is me on the next link singing Afurechiyu be in love
at my High school Talent show when i was 11th grader
my video view by 300 ppl or more! lol..
here is ai no Bakayarou song by maki goto
i sing this song on 12th grader but i am not done with video
this video is really maki goto so you guys will like it
oh when i was 12th grader at the talent show there cheat me there make my song short thats not very nice but i was almost at the top i was almost American ideal top 3 -_- but i was in the High school tv the best one
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Friday, February 24, 2006
 you are a calm anime girl. you know whats right and
intend to do it. you are very polite and kind
to others but often drift out of
conversations and tone others out.
What kind of anime girl would you be? (similar quiz, i know)(girls only, duh)(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 This is you-saving people.
Which Anime Girl Are You? With Anime Pics. Lots of Diff. Results (mainly for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 anime name - Myun
color - jade
found - with tears falling down cheeks, constantly
over rulled.
love life - meets a guy who understands you a
little too well
Always fed up of being told what to do, your
vunrablility makes you underestimate
yourself. quiet, shy and innocent, you try
and do what others want, but not yourself.
Speak up and youll realise your worth a lot
more these people make you think you are...
if you were an anime girl who wud u b? onli 1 question ! gorgeous anime picz! brought to you by Quizilla
 You play the Preppy girl.
If you were an anime girl. What role would you be playing? (Girls only) .::Awsome Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
 you are a cat creature your very sweet you always
think of others feelings before you act on a
two or more persons disition, you listen to
your heart and at sometimes try to think or
do whats right. the bad guys think your a
push over but soon as they say it they find
out they are dead wrong, you are silent most
times but that is just something about you
that your friends come to love and know. you
like to sing but dont like other people to
hear you. you sometimes like to get involved
in certan BATTLE ARRINA EVENTS as long as its
for a certan purpose and as long as its
something you can do! you are chearful most
of the time, on a scale of 1 to 10, you are
a 8!! YOUR POWER IS A lightning fast energy
(girls only)- WHAT ANIME GIRL-(creature, warior,power human,witch) ARE YOU?(cool anime pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Neko Warrior! you light to fight and prove
to others that your strong in body and mind.
if you have something on your mind. nobody
can stop you from making your goal. you rock
~What kind of Anime Neko Girl are you?{With cool anime pics!!}~ brought to you by Quizilla
 if you were an anime girl you would look like
what anime girl looks like you??? (lots of rezults and Beautiful anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 nymth:did i sp right:anyways u protect woods
what winged anime girl r u!(cute anime pics 4 girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Anime Girl is Sweet Anime!!!! You are slightly
shy in meeting new people but you warm up to
them quickly! You,girl,are very helpful and
if you see anybody in need of help you run to
their aid. Shyness sometimes can get in the
way....and sometimes in the way of the crush
on a hot guy! Your dream guy would have to be
bashful,mysterious,slightly evil,listens to
you and basicly the oposite of you!!!!
(except for the bashfulness!!)
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? (with beautiful anime pictures! Oh and for GIRLS ONLY!!!!!! NOT DONE!!!!!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are a Compassionate Vampiress. You try to make
your victims as comfortable as possible. You
hate that you were trapped in such a dark
world. You are genuinely caring and tender.
You are the vampiress that everyone trusts.
You are not evil; you are a victim.
What Kind of Vampiress Are You? (females) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Fire! You like to be the leader of things
and don't like being left out. I bet you like
to brun things too. Well, back to the leader
thing, You can be a good and strong leader
but you've got to keep in mind the some peole
don't have as much enegry as you do. Also you
can be hotheaded at times.
What is your Element! (For girls only!) brought to you by Quizilla
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