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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i sleep at 6:30 at night and i wake up 1:00 pm i did not go to O.S.U Medical Center prajcet plus today because my Low back and chest hurts i throw like 5 times form 6:00 in the morning and my brother come form 1:00 pm today at the house i like he live in the Apatoument and i like hes Job Style cloth will he was looking for job and he say there is no Laundry
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Monday, January 23, 2006

   i sleep at 10:33 at night form 9:00 am i did not go to O.S.U praject plus program medical center today because i have a pain in my back and chest almost every where this is all form totally gym 1700 and Dambells and walking Yup form 10:30 i am going to Dr. Apoinetment
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Sunday, January 22, 2006

   i sleep at 3:10 i wake up 12:58 pm i eat Chicken and Letasu and chicken and onion soup my dad make it form the Crack pot and next i feed my dog i give him big milk bone and next i go to my room i am chating on the computer and doing home page about my yami he was sick cold but he give it to my friend maria she told me "throat hurts and everything and she pats his cheak and say why thank u for given me the cold yami boy...he came over today and lefted to go out to town for a job he helps kids find homes" thats so sweet and i was trying to get Cucke E. Cheese's Character job and pizza maker and there did not call me and maybe i can get it later i hop so i really like that kind of work! ^-^
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   Friday 21, 2006

today i make a Taco with my dad there was Sosegei and painapo and Yellow peaper and 2 Cheese and Tomato Umm.... this is my dad's Secret Recipe

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

   i sleep at 11:00 at night and i wake up 2:05 pm i eat rice and Granola Cereal and Mott's Apple Juice and i feed my dog i give him big milk bone and chicken Strips and i am waching Faster's Magenerie friends and Camp Lazuro and i am chating on the computer and doing internet
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Friday, January 20, 2006

   i went to O.S.U Medical Center praject plus hospital program form 8:00 to 3:00 i did sheet work and all my class went outside and learn how to closs to the street light 3 times and go back to class and do sheet work agian and next i eat 3 papa johns pizza and next i drow in the Shoping bug its really cool i drow cool art on the shoping bug and next i write a Valentines day poem and i went to break and come back to class room and next i did Evaluation work sheet for CSS lol
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   i sleep at 10:33 at night and i wake up 5:55 am i eat Grap and Salad and Greinora Cereal and i drink apple juice! yay! today is papa Johns pizza day and fun day at the O.s.u Medical Center praject plus program at the haspital! lol shoping bug drowing and cell phone making and all kinds of things i do today
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Thursday, January 19, 2006

   i go to O.S.U Medical Center praject plus haspital program form 8:00 to 3:00 i did sheet work and wach job video about dont get in traboul or Fired and next i went to Falacites free lunch with all the haspital Job Workers and program form the haspital i eat Lazania and Italian bread and pop of moutin dew and go back to class and do sheet work agian and break and go back to sheet work and i walk around the haspital to Laundory room and office and vending machine and go back to class room Tomorrow is a other good day! yay! i make phone book and drow a art in the Shopping Bag and next walk down to papa johns Cheese pizza! i can wear anything Tomorrow so thats a good thing
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   i sleep at 10:33 at night and i wake up 6:54 am i am waching Transformers Cybertron and yeastuday i did not go to special olympics basketball game because i was tired so i am going to cheer next time on the 25th if i can! ^-^
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

   i go to O.S.U Medical Center praject plus program form 8:00 to 3:00 in class room i did sheet work application and money and next i went to job site CSS with risa ^_~ i me and Ruth and Risa walk around and push Sugeri carts thats 4 carts and next 2 breaks and i learn how to page the phone form pager and next i fold lots of towels next when i am done i go back to class room and done lol! on friday its pizza day form papa johns ^_^
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