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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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i was born in Japan! ^_^ but i moved to some where
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
 Yugi Moto! Awww... how cute! You two are perfect for eachother! You are both very loved by friends and family, and you love them back! You'd do anything to help eachother or to help a friend. Go you! I wish my friends were like that... anyways,
You both share a passion for Dueling and will one day join forces to save the world!!!
Although you may fancy Yami Yugi more, (I mean, he is taller. Not that there's anything wrong with being short. I'm 14 and am only 150cm tall!) you will always have an eternal love with Yugi that you will never find anywhere else.
You will hardly ever argue, which is a bit un-natural, but hey! As long as you're happy!
Good luck with your marriage to Yugi Moto!
which Yu-gi-oh character would you marry? For girls... brought to you by Quizilla
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i sleep at 1:30 and i wok up 2:25 pm and now i am waching tv and chating xd
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What Samurai Champloo Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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 I'm a Wind Spiriti
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
My DDR Extreme 2 points
39 combo ( A*) La Copa De la vida (patrick victorid)
49 Combo ( A*) wonderful night
27 Combo ( B ) Get Busy (sean paul)
86 Combo ( AA* ) Happy Wedding ( ASKA)
( A ) Pump Up the volume (m.a.r.r.s)
50 Combo ( A*) i will Survive (AKIRA feat. Daline)
45 Combo ( A ) look at us
( E ) air (dj simon)
( D ) play the funky music
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i wok up 7:30 in the morning and threre is still a pagan in my bed some where in my room
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Friday, October 14, 2005
i wok up 10:30 and there is a pagan in my room! I Am Buda and i am wearing Ankh and cross ^^;;
What is a Pagan?
The following definition is for the purposes of the Pagan Pride Project. Others may define themselves or their group in different ways, and that's OK. Some groups that fit the categories we list may not call themselves Pagan, and that's ok too - that's why we say that first and foremost the definition of a Pagan is someone who self-identifies as a Pagan. But the following was created in order to have a functional definition to help educate the public about the spiritual paths we cover:
A Pagan or NeoPagan is someone who self-identifies as a Pagan, and whose spiritual or religious practice or belief fits into one or more of the following categories:
o Honoring, revering, or worshipping a Deity or Deities found in pre-Christian, classical, aboriginal, or tribal mythology; and/or
o Practicing religion or spirituality based upon shamanism, shamanic, or magickal practices; and/or
o Creating new religion based on past Pagan religions and/or futuristic views of society, community, and/or ecology; and/or
Focusing religious or spiritual attention primarily on the Divine Feminine.
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 Your Familiar is a Deer. You are a free spirited person, and love to be with small groups of close friends. Trust in yourself, and open up to others a little more.
What is your Pagan Familiar brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
i work at bed bath and beyond form 1:00 to 5:00 and today is the last day for that job because i got some towel bits O.o i know its like bug bits
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i sleep at 2:00 and i wok up 8:30 am i eat rice pirafu and i have to work at bed and bath and beyond form 1:00 to 5:00 and now i am waching tv and doing interenet..
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