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Thursday, September 29, 2005
i sleep at 1:30 and i wok up 7:00 am and i eat sushie rice,fish!!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What Type of Villain are You?
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i sleep at 3:00 and i wok up 7:00 am today i eat Sasegie with rice and egg and sweet Caneroup! <.<
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
i sleep at 4:00 and i wop up 1:02 pm i am chating and on the net and waching tv and more but i get bored <.<;;
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Monday, September 26, 2005
i held the mummy today i am sirius! read this then its True i have the power! its form the ankh read and put a comment here! plz
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 You're inner duelist is Seto. You're skillful and like to use power to win. You're reputation also seems to help you in your duels. People are intimidated by you and you love it. You're an awesome duelist!
Who Is Your Inner Duelist? (Yu-Gi-Oh) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're inner duelist is Joey. Lets face it people don't give you enough credit. They think you're a novice and that you'll never amount to anything. Pssht! You'll show them you may be a goofball but what it comes down to it. You know what you're doing and you're going to win!
Who Is Your Inner Duelist? (Yu-Gi-Oh) brought to you by Quizilla
 congrats, your a duelist of skill... mark my word.. you know your yu gi oh facts.. you rox... maybe if you try harder, you would even be capable of defeatin yugi.o^_^o.src="" loop=100>
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what type of duelist are you?(yu gi oh) brought to you by Quizilla
img src="" border="0" alt="Little Yugi "Uhhhh""> You are Yugi; the short guy. You are very friendly and caring and would do anything for your friends. Usualy you have to be the one to play "The Hero" and you don't always like it. But it's nice to know people can depend on you eh?
What Duelist From Yu-Gi-Oh! Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Yami-Yugi; yugi when the Pharoahs spirit is helping him along. Technicly, you are the ancient Pharoah who saved the world from desrtuction. But I have some bad news; you're dead. Hey, who cares though? You're one of the best duelists around and are always there for your friends so who cares if you're a spirit?
What Duelist From Yu-Gi-Oh! Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You use fake ESP to win your duels and intimidate your foes into think you really can read their minds, your act is good until some catches on and then you tend to panic. Even without your brothers help you still have skill and you dont hesitate to make the fact you know it made. Despite that your loyal and caring to your brothers and duel for them all in all youre a good guy.
Which YGO Minor Duelist Are You? [with pics] brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Yami Yugi. Yugis counterpart. You are a mysterious man, an ancient pharoah from Ancient Egypt sealed into a puzzle.
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Duelist in you brought to you by Quizilla
_~_ Which 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' Boy matches with you? _~_ ( Has NEW pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Bo! The chinese Wood Stick! The Bo looks not very dangerous but ask the Shaolin monks, they would be able to kill you in less than two hits. And it's the best protection weapon ever, because there is no blade and you can choose how much you want to hurt your opponent.
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Light. Your heart is pure and shining with love. You believe in the goodness of those around you and give almost everyone a smile. You are not the kind to hide your happiness and tend to smile all day long, both in and out. But when sadness hits you, you become very devastated and may be upset for quite some time. What you need in your life is friends, friends who will love you unconditionally, like you love them. But you have a naive nature and don't always notice when someone is trying to hurt you. Some would say you are oblivious to mean people, which makes you an easy target. However, your true friends will probably be there for you and save you. In school you are either the popular one or the little weird one. It all depends if "the higher people" find your caring side irritating or not. Nevertheless, you have a bubbly personality and are social. Big partys may not be your thing since you want bonding time with your friends, so slumber-partys fit you more. You like the happy things in life and like everyone else to be as happy as you are. Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres] brought to you by Quizilla
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 Marse Hughes
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Winry Rockbell
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Good Morning everyone i sleep at 3:00 and i wok up 7:00 am and will i eat Canelop and Chicken and brown rice and now i am waching tv and chating!
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
guess what!? lol yestuday i held lady she say "its all right" and now the zombie he say "ahh!" next the shelter shooting sound form my ankh that means for the week form heaven and i held chain noise everyday now i am thinking about Being the FMA!! (Full Metal Alchemist) all isis form my Ankh she is doing all of this!
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