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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Anime obsessed like most of my friends, ya! You started it with Sailor Moon and you're ending it with Sailor Moon! (as you have told me! XD) I still don't know too too much about you because we haven't talked to each other in two years and only got to talking this year! You and Steve got me into Dance Dance Revolution and now i'm obsessed! I <3 you!
Which one of Catie's friends are you? ...Well...WHO ARE YOU!? brought to you by Quizilla
your washu the know-it-all!
Who is your favorite Tenchi Muyo Character?? brought to you by Quizilla
 Tenchi Masaki- Tenchi is a shy and dedicated boy, and also very sweet and kind, in Tenchi Muyo, two girls (Ryoko and Ayeka) fight for be with him, in the end, he doesn't stay with any of them.
Which Tenchi Muyo Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Which Tenchi Muyo Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Little Sasami
Which Tenchi Muyo Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Ryo-Oh-Ki the cute Cabbit (half cat, half rabbit)! Her best friend is Sasami and her master is Ryoko. She has many different forms including a spaceship, a robot, and a girl. I forgot to mention Ryo-Oh-Ki LOVES Carrots!!!! She will do anything for one!
Are you a Tenchi Muyo girl?!? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Washu =)
What Female Tenchi Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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 you are Princess Moonstar! you are very kind to the people you rule over
Which angel are YOU??? brought to you by Quizilla
 Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
What Anime Should You Be In? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
I am the top sailor moon fun!!
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What Anime Legend Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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will hello i am chating on yahoo and msn and i am still bored nathing to do O.O;; my dad is waching ohio state foot ball game... my dad is a Science lab computer maneger
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Friday, September 23, 2005
i wach Familly guy and Futer lama and Robut chicken and space couste i sleep at 12:00 and i wok up 7:00 am and my dad did not take the Internet out but he say to go to bed! <.<;;
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hey help here my dad going to take out the internet agian form 12:00 Evil!!!!!! Because of the Gas price!! bush sucks destroy him!!
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 You are Bastet (also known as Bast), the Tearer.
As a sun goddess she represents the warm, life giving power of the sun. Her cult appears as early as the Second Dynasty. Like a cat, she was admired for her agility and strength. Bast defended Ra against the serpent Apep
Which Ancient Egyptian (Female) Deity Are You brought to you by Quizilla
Welp, Phillip is cute as ever, huh? You can spend forever loving him... yay!
Would a vampire, werewolf, elf, or ancient god love you (girls) Part 14 brought to you by Quizilla
 Wesir (Osiris) A Name of obscure origin Who, like Aset, rose to prominence over antiquity to become one of the most lasting Names of all time, Wesir is first noted in the Pyramid Texts as a shadowy figure to which the deceased ruler is promised not to be abandoned (a rather undesired state is given to "Wesir and His spirits" in a dark and airless underworld). In later times, Wesir absorbed the forms and functions of nearly all other Names associated with death and the afterlife including Wepwawet, Yinepu, Sokar and Sebek to become Foremost of Westerners, Judge of the Dead and overseer of the blessed spirits (those who had died and been judged favorably in the Hall of Double Truth). Eventually Wesir would embody the "popular religion" of the people as final arbiter of destiny after death; the story of Wesir's death, from which life came nonetheless (note that it was not his OWN life or resurrection, as Wesir is the Lord of the Dead - he is NOT the lord of resurrection, a "green man" or a "Christ" figure in this sense) was borrowed and retold in both the Greek mysteries and other mystery cults abroad in the ancient world.
What Kemetic Netjer Are You? (Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess) [images!] brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Amen, Amun-Ra, King of the Gods in Egypt, and the Triad of Thebes Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were Amun and his consort Amunt, and their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem. It is evident that even in the remote period of the Vth Dynasty Amun and Amunt were numbered among the primeval gods, if not as gods in chief certainly as subsidiary forms of some of them, and from the fact that they are mentioned immediately after the deities of primeval matter, Nau and Nen, who we may consider to be the equivalents of the watery abyss from which all things sprang, and immediately before Temt and Shu and Tefnut. Of the attributes ascribed to his in the Ancient Egyptian Empire nothing is known, but "hidden" is usually given to his name, the personification of the hidden and unknown creative power which was associated with the primeval abyss, gods in the creation of the world, and all that is in it. The word or root Amun, certainly means "what is hidden, mean nothing more than the disappearance of the god from the sight of men at the close of day. Now, not only is the god himself said to be "hidden," but his name also is "hidden," and his form, or similitude, is said to be "unknown;" these statements show that "hidden," when applied to the great god, has reference to something more than the "sun which has disappeared below the horizon," and that it indicates the god who cannot be seen with the mortal eyes, and who is invisible, as well as inscrutable, to gods as well as men. In the times approaching the Ptolemaic period the name Amun appears to have been connected with the root men, "to abide, to be permanent;" and one of the attributes which were applied to him was that of eternal, he is represented in five forms in Egypt:
What Kemetic Netjer Are You? (Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess) [images!] brought to you by Quizilla
 You are ISIS: The "QUEEN OF THE G0DS" and G0DDESS of WOMEN, M0THERS, CHILDREN, MAGIC, MEDICINE, and the RITUAL OF LIFE. She was revered as the GREAT PR0TECTOR, prayed to for GUIDENCE, and beseeched for PEACE in the world
??WHICH EGYPTIAN GOD 0R GODDESS R U?? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Shu. The god of air. You are very shy and don't like talking to people much. You are a bit of a loner and dont have many friends.
Which Ancient Egyptian God are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 .:: Pharaoh ::.
.:: In Ancient Egypt You Were... ::. .:: Whit Yu-Gi-Oh! Pics (Anime) ::. brought to you by Quizilla
 You got Kurama from YUYU HAKUSHO; Kurama is my favorite Bishie and mine! But I think we can have our own fantasies right, anyways, Kurama is a fox demon, or a KITSUNE, he has an alter ego YOUKO, who I wouldve put in this quiz, if I didnt already have 15 possible answers. So if youre not pleased with Kurama, leave me alone and talk to R about it.
WHICH BISHONEN IS JUST FOR YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
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i sleep at 1:25 and wok up 8:14 am and 3:00 in the morning my dad and my brother was fighting my dad was pushing my brtothers neck and my dad get angury because he do games all day and he take the Internet cable will hes evil and he went outside will in the morning i went to my dad's car and found it ha ha! dad i know where it is! thanks to the gods and Osirius and isis and Aten and others i worship for it!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
hey guess what i got the new job at bed bath and Beyond!! Thanks to Isis and Osirius and Aten and gods!!
ya! i will see my meijer maneger he got fired to! i will see him agian! ^-^ i will start the job oct,3
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