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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Winx Club
 Your Bloom the fairy of Magic and Dream.Your the leader of the group and the most powerful one even though you don't know of the power that lies within you.You are an awesome fighter and loyal to your friends.
which winX club member are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Icy.
Which Winx Club Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You belong in the magical world of thw Winx Club!
Fan of Winx Club or Teen Titans? brought to you by Quizilla
You're Flora: You love plants and life on Earth. You're sweet, lovable, mature and responsible, but your understanding makes you shy and unconfident sometimes.
What Winx Club character are you?(for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your the fairy of Nature and Love Flora.Your the most mature of the group and your weakness is your selfconfidence.You are a very kind person and you love nature
What Winx Club member are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 your a Bloom so you brave and you never giveup so you from earth and have fire power.
winx club brought to you by Quizilla
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Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:
Keen sight
Illumination of Spirit
Knowledge of magick
Ability to see hidden spiritual truths
Rising above the material to see the spiritual
Ability to see the overall pattern
Connection to spirit guides and teachers
Great power and balance
Dignity with grace
If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do some more!
Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your soul is bound to the Second Totem, Luna: The Wolf.
Luna appears as a pair of coral colored wolves. She embodies empathy, nurturing, insight, and warmth. She is associated with the color coral, the season of spring, and the element of wind. Her downfall is pathos.
You are most compatible with Doves and Ravens.
Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Which Dyre Spirit Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
 you're an ice spirit! an ice spirit is rarely seen, so that means you're a rare kind of spirit! they are not often seen because they mostly stay alone and they isolate them selves from the rest of the world!
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what type of spirit are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are the Spirit of Love. You think around romance and are extremely compassionate. Whenever you want something you can get it due to your fiery passion. You can make friends quite easily, because peopole are attracted to your obvious good nature. You will have no trouble in finding a life partner and will be very happy.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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will yestuday i sleep 3:00 and i wok up 7:20 am i eat fish and rice and green greap <.<;; Hmm
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Your Birthdate: October 1

Your birthday suggests that are executive ability and leadership qualities in your makeup.
A birthday on day 1 of any month gives a measure of will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach.
This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.
You may be sensitive, but your feelings stay rather repressed.
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good morning everyone i sleep at 3:00 and i wok up 7:23 <.<;; will Umm... i just each 1 peach its my favorite! <.<
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Monday, September 19, 2005
will my dad take off the Internet cable agian! i help him do pull out weeds and my dad did moling and i did put them away last... after that net come back
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i sleep at 12:00 at night and wok up 6:43 am today i am going to my dad's computer lab and after that i am going to Dr. Apoint Ment and going home <.<;;
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
thank you Kagome_Mokuba fro wallpaper and aviter its so great *hugs*
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i sleep at 5:00 and wok up 12:49 and i eat Beef Pie and jello and yestuday i wach Familly Guy,Futurama,Inuyashiya,Samulai Champ,Fullmetal Achimist,Sukulaid thats all funny!
will i am waching pool now on ESPN Allison Fisher Vs. Monica Webb i like the player Monica webb <.<;;
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