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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
guess what guys today i quit meijer store today... my dad told me! >>;; yestuday i did not go to work but i call by phone! today i did not call by phone so i am Frield!?
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my dad did not take me to the DR hes a fool! hes just reading news Paper and he went hes room and sleep on hes bed! thats it! my stamic hurts and i feel sick!!! my stamic is tight to! now what i am going to do!? its been 5 days now!
T_T owwwwww my stamic hurts and my lump hurts to..... i feel week sometimes and tight stamic....
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Hello i wok up 11:45 am today and i think my dad going to take me to DR... Hmm My Stamic is Tight and i feel sick inside and Throw up.... if you want to know read this link
plz help me why my stomach hurts for 5 days now?
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Friday, August 26, 2005
i made this new wallpaper yestuday and today i just put the red background form photo shop i use inner shadow and outer glow and Bevel and Emboss and Cloro overlay and pattem overlay form Layer Effect ^^ its cool huh?
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will i sleep at 3:00 and i wok up 1:41 pm today and maybe i will work at meijer form 5:30PM to 10:00PM but i dont know i will go to meijer today because my Stamic hurts so tight.. when i sleep i feel sick inside my stamic... and you dont want to know where it hurts on the other thing Vegi***** something my stamic hurts for 3 days... and now its 4 days... i am getting little bit week...
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
hey guess what i work at meijer store form 5:30PM to 10:00PM and i push 214 carts! i help #1 Indian Cart Guy Debeans! ^^ will at break i buy some 2 new pack of cards of Cybernetic Revolution! ^-^ Dragon's Mirror,Pot of generosity,Tyranno Infinty,Giant Kozaky,Gyroid,Mechanical Hound,System Down,Ebon Magician Curran,Jerry Beans Man and D.D.M. - Differnt Dimension Master,T.A.D.P.O.L.E.,Prepare To Strike Back,Patroid,Cyber Archfien!
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i sleep at 1:00 and i wok up 10:13 am will i eat apple and lettasu with Surimp soup and rice and samon fish! >> today i have to work at meijer form 5:30PM to 10:00PM ^^ yeah
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
 You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are always happy even through the toughest times you manage to stay happy and you always think happy thoughts.You are very popular and are cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are probably always hyper and jumping off of the walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^ bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Etcetera. You are one of the older kittens. You seem like an endless bundle of enthusiasm, but you seem at times to have some secret issues...
!*:.:*:. Which Jellicle cat are you? .:*:.:*! brought to you by Quizilla
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 half cat. You are a half cat which means you are pretty indesisive and confused. You just can't seem to decide on anything! You have a good heart though even if you can't decide to wear the blue or the green shirt!
What type of cat demon are you? (great anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Naive cat. You are the naive cat which means you are very trustind and innocent! You think everyone in the world is kind and that is stupid! You are to innocent to realize that there are bad ppl out there so wise up! But i guess it is good to be so nice and kind to everyone.
What type of cat demon are you? (great anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Garfield! You love to relax and take it easy. You watch TV and love food. Even though you may not smile as often as most cats, you are happy but in a calm way. Not much bothers you except for pesky dog slobber once in a while, and MONDAY. When's dinner Jon?
Which cartoon CAT are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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