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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
 Red: "Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love."
What is your anime theme color (pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful, energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the center of attention and you love every minute of it.
What breed of cat are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Aaaw, you're so sweet! You're the most cuddable kitty by far, and love everyone, even Baby! You have such a pure, loving soul, and want to be friends with everyone! Unfortunately, you're a little dopey, and will come running even if I'm calling for someone else, and you have a nasty habit of peeing on me. You get confused and cry when I freak out at you for that, because you see it as a genuine expression of affection. WEIRDO! But aaaw, you were my pick of the litter!
Which CAT Are YOU?! brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
i sleep at 3:00 and i wok up 1:19 pm today and i eat penut butter,Kechiyapu,cheese,ham sand wich! also i have the Fruit Peach Jalo
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Monday, August 22, 2005
i work at meijer from 5:30PM to 10:00PM and i push carts all day i push 208 carts! ^-^ i help Debans #1 indian cart and shadia help push the carts! at break i buy Yugioh Dark Beginning 2 pack with 3 bonus cards i got Giant Trunade,Magic Jammer,Heavy Storm and opticlops,Serpentine princess,Needle worm,Saggi the dark clown,Two-headed king rex,yamata dragon,Bottomless trap hole,Curse of royal,Destrction punch,spring of rebirth,Heat of clear water,a legendary ocean!
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i sleep at 1:00 and i wok up 9:23 am today and i have to work at meijer store form 5:30PM to 10:00PM! if i go today i can get 2 day off! ^-^
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
hey guess what sujie call me today and she make a new time for work and i work form 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm cool huh? i sweep the womens rest room and sweep the labies and register returns also i push carts on CD i push 130 also A,D i push 93 carts! Total of 223 carts! at break i buy king size Hershey's milk chocolate and Yugioh Dark Beginning 2 card with bonus 3 cards! i got Creature Swap,Despair Form the dark ,Mystical space of typhoon and Aqua Spirit,Yata-Garasu,The rock spirit,Lesser fiend,Shining friendship,kuribo,Dragon's Rage,Bark of dark ruler,Bottomless trap hole,Smoke grenade the thief,Cyclon Laser,The A. Forces!
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will i got to meijer store form 11:30 pm and i go to leader and he call Sujie with a pager phone and he late me talk to sujie and she say come back at 4:30 pm! will meijer is messing with me! after i go home my dad is really Angury he say "dont use the net or i will take out the net!" he is meaan!
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will today i sould have to work at meijer form 9:00AM to 4:30PM and i got the wrong Schedule and my mom say Sujie called and she say sujie is very nice she do my hair and give me a towel and she call me today! >>;;
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
i herd thander right now 10:19 pm sound like a Canyon ball! O.o looks like a Fireworks but its not fire crackers! O.o wield
will my dad think its not thander i think it sound like a fire works but how?! i dont see nathing!!
NVM my dad found out its form my brothers old high school or near my house there are crazy!! maybe its fire works or fire crackers!
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hey guess what i work at meijer form 9:00AM to 4:30PM today i push carts all day long with Shadia and Tayruu >.< it was 98 hot agian will sujie give me Geatuer aid drink lemon aid and Tayruu got red Punch >> after like 4:00 pm it rain and thander and just me and Tayruu was outside we run in with a cart and we say "Run for your lives!" O.o guess what how meny carts i push!? 295 carts! ho ho ho after i went in sujie give me a Towel and she do my hair! ^-^ will at break i buy sneakers bar and Yugioh Dark Beginning 2 pack with Bonus 3 cards! i got Compulsory Evacuation Device,Spirit Reaper,Creature Swap and Lesser Fiend,Shining Friendship,Dragon Seeker,Maharaghi,Luminous Solider,Dragon Piper,Royal Command,Curse of royal,Destrction punch,Heat of clear water,a legendary ocean,A wing of giant dragon! >>;; dang it after when i come home i have a head aic and my eye hurts! my friend Shadia have Azuma and Head aic!
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