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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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i was born in Japan! ^_^ but i moved to some where
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Monday, May 21, 2007
hehehe... what do you think of my new background i made? pink puple XD lol
what YuGiOh Yami are you?
 Atemu, the almighty pharaoh!you're righteous and brave. when you first imerged from the puzzle, you were a sadistic midget (with no nose) who had nothing against murdering your enimies. you inhabit the Puzzle, and Yugi is your host. Take this quiz!

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What Do The Yugioh Characters Think Of You?
 Yugi: Likes you a lot, and looks up to you and admires you. He kind of sees you as an older sibling, and loves your dueling abilities too.Yami Yugi: Has a huge crush on you. He thinks you are an amazing person, really wants to ask you out. Too bad he'll leave this life very soon.Joey: Wishes you would be more outgoing, but still likes you. He often goes to you for advise, and likes that you duel so well.Tea: Doesn't really know what to think of you. You seem really dark and quiet, but you still seem cool. Let's just hope she doesn't find out about Yami's crush....Tristan: Wishes you weren't so serious, but is in love with your dueling abilities. He's also a bit intimitaded by you....Mai: Thinks you're really cool, and consiters you a friend. She wishes you could be more outgoing, but still likes your dueling skills.Kaiba: HATES you but he wishes h ehad your dueling skills. But ever since you beat him, he's been obsessed with defeating you. Ugh....Mokuba: Thinks you're pretty cool inside but is going with Seto, since he's Mokubas idol, remember?Serenity: Admires you and thinks you're really cool. She always dreams she could be like you someday.Rebecca: Thinks you're cool, and loves dueling you. She hasn't beaten you yet, but it gives her a challenge for once in her life.Pegasus: Sees you as a big dueling rival and thinks it's annoying that you're so solumn (But remember, this was the guy who wanted to give Kaiba a hug).Odeon: Thinks you are a strange person (excuse me tattoed wonder)but an amazing duelist.Ishizu: Thinks you are very wize and an amazing person, and likes you a lot.Ryo Bakura: Wishes he could have your skills, but is a little afraid of you.Marik: Doesn't like you as a person all that much, but loves how you duel. If only it'd be you and not Bakura he used....Yami Bakura: HATES YOU. His dream is to wipe you off the face of the earth.BFF: RebeccaCrush/BF: Yami YugiDuel: YesDueling Rival: KaibaElement: EarthAnimal: WolfIf it doesn't work out with the first....: Yugi Moto (Wow would that be a hard switch....)Watch out for: Tea (If she ever finds out...) Take this quiz!

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Which Yu-Gi-Oh Expression Are You?
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Couple Are You?
 You are Kaiba and Shizuka! Your relationship with your significant other proves to be challenging, as there are family issues that threaten your being with one another. On top of that, one of you is an icicle, while the other is a batch of cookies (err...bad metaphors...I know...). However, the melting of the cold heart will prove to benefit both of you, as one naive nature will be enlightened about truth, while the callous nature will learn to trust again. The two of you compliment one another and your polar natures will only prove to heighten your love for one another. Take this quiz!

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