Birthday 1986-10-01 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-09-18 Real Name TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
Anime Fan Since i was born in Japan! ^_^ but i moved to some where Favorite Anime Yugioh,Yugioh GX,sailor moon,pokemon,kindaichi,Ranma 1/2,slayers,seint tail,tokyo mew mew,yuyuhakushiyo,DBZ,kaito jiyaune,fist of the north star ,Final Fantasy,kim possible,Lupin III,G Gandam,FMA,inuyashya,Zach Bell,Naruto,Winx club,puffy ami yumi,Boondoc Goals go to ancient egypt Be With Him And I Am Very Happy Hobbies dueling on yahoo and msn and proboards,homepage,singing and dancing,leastnin to music,chat with friends online Talents sing,dance,games,cheerleading,party,chat with friends,dueling,DDR,homepage,egpyt,moon msyugioh123
Monday, October 4, 2004
LOL Your Yugi. You care about your friends and are a very trusting person. But you have the power to back up your trusting and kind manner. You get into tight spots a lot but you always get yourself out.
Your yugi mutuo! wow your a pansy! not only are you weak, kind, and gentle but you dont like to be mean in any way! i dont know what Yami
He loves you so much, your so lucky, hm...things are so perfect, you two are married, and now you are having kids, *cute*. But I wonder why are you parents here? Is it because of the news of you giving birth to an heir, find out!
Ancient Egypt: Date with Pharaoh Yami (Part 25) brought to you by Quizilla He loves you so much, your so lucky, hm...things are so perfect, you two are married, and now you are having kids, *cute*. But I wonder why are you parents here? Is it because of the news of you giving birth to an heir, find out! He loves you so much, your so lucky, hm...things are so perfect, you two are married, and now
you are having kids, *cute*. But I wonder why are you parents here? Is it because of the news of you giving birth to an heir, find out!
Wat's marik ad bakura planning next ur wondering, well, find out in the nex quiz! Right now,jus enjoy the ride!RATE PLZ!heres a hot pic of bakura
What do ya know, you are Yugi your sweet and don't have many enemies, you are also a good friend and you want to save the world not take it over. oh well your off my list of evil people...
you want it to be!)Well, what can ya do? Guess it'll be awhile before you can go back home...Wonder what's gonna happen to you and Yugi next. Hmmm, shall we ponder? Find out on the next quiz.
Wow, you're definetly obsessed with Yugioh! Good for you! You're even more obsessed than I am, and that's pretty obsessed! Just make sure not to confuse the show with reality; if you get any more obsessed that's not healthy! How many friends have you lost by talking about Yugioh 24/7?
You have Duo Maxwell! Honerable, funny and sweet, a total ladies man. He's one person that's fun to hang around, when he's not saving the world, the two of you would most likely head out rock climbing, swimming, dancing, anything that envolves energy. He's one exciting guy, good job.
Early Yami is all about playing games. See that psychotic look in his eyes? Yeah, well he was so violent in avenging misdeeds that they had to can the real first season in America. But that's okay because you're hot and creative. Tone it down a bit when you ask people if they want to play with you and you might actually get a few responses!
You are Yugi's soulmate! Your tough and loyal nature fit well with him. Though your anger may make you prone to violence he is just what you need to soothe your firey temper. His kindness and generousity will make you into a better person. And your more easy approach to protectiveness will give him room to grow into the truely brave Yugi we all know is in him!
you are turning into/obsessed with yami no yuugi (who uses the 'heart of the cards' to win duels)
you are wicked cool. (wahey i didn't make fun of him in da results 1 gold star for me *_*)
Your Yugi, and his Yami, you are sweet and sensitive, but you have a darker side that is cool, calm, mysterious, and all the ladies love him. So give yourself a pat on the back, you not only got the coolest character, but he has a funky neclace! ALRIGHT!!!!!!YAY!!!!!Go gold jewlery!
You're Bakura, the silver-haired little vessel of a psychotic tomb raider. You're known for stating the obvious but not actually knowing what's going on. Your dub voice has a terrible english accent. Your nickname is Fluffy.