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Saturday, September 17, 2005
 The Ankh, with its looped top, is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic representing the womb, and translated means life. It is a symbol found widely in Egyptian art, where gods and goddesses are shown clutching the ankh, the key to the afterlife and immortality. This symbol was also known as the Key of the Nile, which provided water for Egypt to survive, thus further reinforcing the image of fertility and reproduction. It symbolises the ability for life to evolve and be successful, and reminds us that life on earth is simply one aspect of creation, and that we are all eternal beings.
Are You The Ankh(Egyptian symbol of Life)? brought to you by Quizilla
My Comment: yes i have a Ankh i held the loop noise like about little zap noise!
 You are the pharaoh!! You can do anything you damn well please & always get your way. Your people think you're god & don't you know it!! You are also the most powerful person in all the ancient world. Oorah for you my friend, you are one cool Egyptian.
What kind of Ancient Egyptian are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the loyal Isis
What Egyptian god R U? brought to you by Quizilla
My Comment: Ankh is held by the Gods. It is associated with Isis and Osiris in the Early Dynastic Period.
 You are the Queen of Nature- As the "Lady of the Wood," so to speak, you watch over the animals and trees that share our world. Peaceful, natural, and somewhat mysterious, you dance lightly through the treetops and produce the invisible force humans know as wind. All life on the planet is in some way connected to you, whether it be through people, animals, or even the very pulsing of the earth.
What Are You The Queen Of? (Lovely pictures!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Which Legendary Queen Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Dragon Queen! Feisty, determined, bold and ambitious you are indeed a mighty Queen to behold. You are agressive, courageos, and loyal. People know that they can put their trust in you.
What Queen are you? (Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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