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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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i was born in Japan! ^_^ but i moved to some where
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
i am sailor moon!
 Moon Prism Power, Make Up!
You're Sailor Moon!
Serena/Usagi does not have many qualities that make for a super heroine. Being Sailor Moon is more of a growing experience for her (after all, its the only thing that she gets better at in the series). She's earned a nickname which she dislikes (ie. Meatballhead or "odango atama/dumpling head"), which comes from her distinctive hair style.
Sailor Moon: What Inner Scout Are You??? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
^-^ sweet! Romeo and
 From the "Romeo and Juliet" love theme, to the "1812 Overture" to "The Nutcracker", his works are widely known and appreciated today but were considered "average" in their own time. Tchaikovsky had a depressing love life: when it was discovered that he was gay, he committed suicide as a result of his shame. Better luck this lifetime, mate.
Which Composer Were You in a Past Life? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Lovely, scheming, allegedly innocent, pure, and angelic but with trouble brewing in your soul...that's who you used to be. The Greek Goddess of Love! Proud? Happy? Ecstatic? You should be, it must've been fun being her, lusted over by mortal and immortal hotties and prancing around Mt.Olympus looking prettier than anything that draws breath...but nothing lasts forever, does it? So, if ya ever feel badly about the way you look, think about your past...
In Your Past Life, You Were... brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
You are from ancient Egypt, but only just. You were born at the end of Egypt victorious reign. To bad you missed me and my father. Oh well.
You are interested in your past and you're a pretty cool person.
Were you in ancient Egypt(like me)? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
^_^ this is look like me
 You are a merchant's wife. Simple, yet beautiful. You love your family dearly & do everything you can to help them. You never forget to live life to the fullest & will someday be rewarded in the Afterlife.
What kind of Ancient Egyptian are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/09/04:
=^-^= meow
 Often called a gossip or a girly girl, you are Bast, the beautiful cat goddess. You love being female, and all that comes with it. Perfume, pretty clothes, nice shoes. You make the boys realize what they're missing! You are kind and loving with those in your favour, but I feel sorry for those on your bad side. Your temper is as lengendary as your love of cats. Meow!
Which Ancient Egyptian Diety are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
 You got Yugi Moto! Lucky you! He's kind, innocent, and a little childish. He doesn't like taking things too fast, and will do little things to make you feel special. You two will be so happy together! Not that it matters that there is an ancient spirit sharing his body...
Which Yugioh Hottie Would Be Your Boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
 You're Yami Yugi! After the Millennium Puzzle is activated, Yugi becomes filled with its magical energies and transforms into Yami Yugi, his extremely powerful alter ego. His confidence and courage coincide with his master dueler skills!
MOST ACCURATE: What Yu-Gi-Oh character are you!? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 12/05/04:
AWW!! my sister!!
 You're Mana, student of Mahado, past life of Dark Magician Girl... You're a good student and wish to become a strong magician like your teacher. You learned all your magic from Mahado(past life of Dark Magician), you have the kaa(DM spirit) of Dark Magician Girl and you want to revenge on your teacher's death, which is to find Bakura the tomb rober who killed Mahado...
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Past Life Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
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