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TOTALLY HOT #1Ms.Atem Strong Beauty egypt queen karin miller
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
 You are Masae. You are so closely related to Dena you even have a full name like her: Masae Setsuko. You are hardly at all related to Setsuko, she's the complete opposite of you! You are a overly kind, modest, and a shy individual. You are closely related to Dena b/c you are the image Dena gives at school. All you want is to be productive at school and honor your family. Don't forget time for yourself...
Which one of my alter egos are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
You're Yami Malik!!
You are the most conniving and most successful antagonist in the entire show! Youve succeeded in sending both your weaker half and Yami Bakura to the shadow realm (though they secretly survived), you murdered your hikaris father, and you sent Mai to the shadow realm. Now, I didnt say these were good things, I said that you were a successful antagonistwhich means you are a grade A nutcase. You will do anything and will destroy anyone that stands between you and obtaining ultimate power, which means nearly the entire cast of Yu-Gi-Oh, you are never virtuous to your word and are a complete control freak. Theres a few reasons why you dont have many fans, and how could you? Anyone that gets in your way is as good as dead. You were created out of all of your hikaris hate and anger, unlike the other yamis, whos origins lie in ancient Egypt. There is no hope for you turning over to the side of the good, your as good as evil, so enjoy it until some hero comes and stops you!!
The Best Which Yu-Gi-Oh Character are You? personality quiz, resemble, trait, (yugioh Yugi-oh YGO )WITH GOOD PICS!! brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Sweet!! i am joey
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Sweet!! i know i am the
anime maniac
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
sweet! shipo is so cute
 Kool your like shippo the fox demon. your kind, caring, brave, and soo dam cute! You love to play and be as brave as possible. To bad Inuyasha has to give you such a hard time.
What kind of demon are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
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